May mummies and rainbows to be :)

heard about my exchange today got the maintenance people coming round in the next 7 days and then hopefully should be able to move :)
That's exciting nikki :) is it the the area you wanted? Xx
Great news kabuk. Just found out I'm working tomorrow as well /cry. Got my first sickness payslip for the month a whopping £120 the deducted more hours pay than my basic I very neatly owed them money!
yeah it is lisey. nice and close to the boys school and my friends and a good spot to set up my childminding once baby is here :)
Heya ladies! Been quiet this last few days. I've had the worst migraine since Thursday and no paracetamol or Vicks is shifting it :( beento docs today and turns out that I have a bad water infection. She's sent of my sample for further testing. Bp and everything else normal thank goodness. I've been have pains in my lower abdomen for a while now and just assumed they were stretching pains :/ hopefully when results come back it won't be too serious. Certainly an explanation as to why I've been feeling run down! Antibiotics course starts tonight. Any of you ladies taken antibiotics while pregnant? Was a bit apprehensive at first but got to start feeling normal again.

Everybody is so busy with work! So glad I don't work in retail ery! Was too afraid to venture out on Friday, hate the busyness of it all! Make sure you're not over doing it Hun. Especially with Christmas around the corner!

Hope you feel better soon Lisey. I hate not being capable of doing my usual things lately!

Congrats on the mortgage approval kabuk!

three consecutive mornings of no vomiting for me! Am guessing the weight might start to increase now, also nearly out of aspirin and high strength folic acid, am sure I was told I shouldn't require them now but am not 100%
You would either love or hate my job, working in the veterinary industry I deal with/handle dogs of all shapes and colours all day ;)

I am a vet nurse so I deal with all sorts of dogs, cats etc too :) we had a giant tortoise in work today! Was amazing! It had a CT scan under GA!
good Morning - Just popped online to update you all, scan went well on friday although felt it was a bit rushed, everything looked fine, baby was laid facing the scan so had to do some movements to move it. im due 2nd June, but going to stay with you girls throughout the whole journey!

thank you for everything xx

Fab news :) xx
Just got the news- our mortgage has been approved! This means we should be able to complete and exchange by early Feb, *fingers crossed*. Hopefully we'll be completely moved in by the end of this trimester and I can find a new GP and switch hospitals for the 28 week appointment. Love my hospital and mw team- not keen on the switch, but the sooner the better I guess.

Fab news congrats :) exciting :)
three consecutive mornings of no vomiting for me! Am guessing the weight might start to increase now, also nearly out of aspirin and high strength folic acid, am sure I was told I shouldn't require them now but am not 100%
You would either love or hate my job, working in the veterinary industry I deal with/handle dogs of all shapes and colours all day ;)

I am a vet nurse so I deal with all sorts of dogs, cats etc too :) we had a giant tortoise in work today! Was amazing! It had a CT scan under GA!

Ooh lots of animaly folk in here! I've worked in a rescue centre for the last twelve years. I'm mostly on the dog side but also do cats and small furries.

I am so jealous of all your jobs. I thought of being a veterinary nurse but I wouldn't cope with seeing animals so sick and when they die. I am too emotional. Plus I wouldn't be able to cope with pet rats!! Xx
I can do rats lol. And snakes and any reptile. Lol. Just not a fan of dog's. For all you animaly people I know it wasn't you directly but huge thanks for healing my cat recently. He had a hernia where all in his tummy cavity bar colon kidney and stomach went through his diaphragm and were up around his lungs. Vet said she's not seen anything that bad before with a positive outcome. Weird thing was he had zero signs of an impact no cuts no bruises not even a scuffed claw lol. But he's back to himself now... and back to ignoring his diet :rolleyes: /eyeroll lol
.... I wonder why I bother weighing out carefully calorie controlled meals... when I then see him tucking into a pigeon first time he escapes. He's really partial to a good pigeon.... he can't catch them though.... that's his brothers job lol
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three consecutive mornings of no vomiting for me! Am guessing the weight might start to increase now, also nearly out of aspirin and high strength folic acid, am sure I was told I shouldn't require them now but am not 100%
You would either love or hate my job, working in the veterinary industry I deal with/handle dogs of all shapes and colours all day ;)

I am a vet nurse so I deal with all sorts of dogs, cats etc too :) we had a giant tortoise in work today! Was amazing! It had a CT scan under GA!

Ooh lots of animaly folk in here! I've worked in a rescue centre for the last twelve years. I'm mostly on the dog side but also do cats and small furries.


Also a fellow vn! working in referral ophthalmology now so mainly dogs, cats and horses. I get very jealous of a job that starts at 9 and finishes at 5 lol.
Im jealous if jobs that don't involve working every Saturday and every Sunday for the past 11 years..... lol
three consecutive mornings of no vomiting for me! Am guessing the weight might start to increase now, also nearly out of aspirin and high strength folic acid, am sure I was told I shouldn't require them now but am not 100%
You would either love or hate my job, working in the veterinary industry I deal with/handle dogs of all shapes and colours all day ;)

I am a vet nurse so I deal with all sorts of dogs, cats etc too :) we had a giant tortoise in work today! Was amazing! It had a CT scan under GA!

Ooh lots of animaly folk in here! I've worked in a rescue centre for the last twelve years. I'm mostly on the dog side but also do cats and small furries.


Also a fellow vn! working in referral ophthalmology now so mainly dogs, cats and horses. I get very jealous of a job that starts at 9 and finishes at 5 lol.

Hello fellow VN :) I work in referral too but not ophthalmology :)
I've just discovered the worst feeling ever. Walking to work i had a erm... gush of cm lol but it's so cold I think it's half frozen lol
It is freezing today isn't it? I am indoors with the fire on and I am still cold xx

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