May mummies and rainbows to be :)

I don't actually work for jl I work for Dyson :(

I can't remember how much I used mine but I really like the idea for this time so I really want the carry cot I don't know why I think this baby will be more awake than my son lol
"In case of incapacity to work, you will be provided with statutory sick pay for the statutory period required."

This is what it says in my contract. Does that mean I'd only get statutory if I had more than 4 days in a row off sick? And what do I get for the first 4 days?
First 3 days nothing. Then per full week £88.45 I think per 40hr week.
That's ridiculous. I am still on full pay. Not sure when/if it changes over to stat pay but 88 for what would be a 40hr week is painful really xx
Yea I'm basically going down to 1weeks pay per month off but I couldn't help it!

Just got to hope I hit bonus every month for the next 3 months lol

So 21 products tomorrow and Tuesday. It's..... doable. Did 17 today but 40 on sat and 87 on Fri lol. 21 is doable.
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Of course you couldn't. At least you're able to be back now. Sounds like you're doing really well. I would be rubbish at that job, I don't really like people that much lol, now if dogs came to visit me then I could do it but still wouldn't sell anything!! Xx
Lol I'm scared of dogs there's this guide dog that comes in and I just can't go near it lol. It's only black dogs I'm scared of though. (I was trapped in a car by two very aggressive dobermans when I was little. I used to be scared of all dogs but after some friends have had some it's just black ones now lol.
I'm miles better than I was looks like it died down once the placenta took over thankfully. I hope your feeling better soon.
three consecutive mornings of no vomiting for me! Am guessing the weight might start to increase now, also nearly out of aspirin and high strength folic acid, am sure I was told I shouldn't require them now but am not 100%
You would either love or hate my job, working in the veterinary industry I deal with/handle dogs of all shapes and colours all day ;)
I am a little weary of massive dogs. Rottweilers etc and get a little scared of some staffies but it's all about the owner. I used to be a cat person but once I got a dog there was no going back. Bad experiences do stay with you though so I understand why you're scared of them xx
I got told to stop taking high dose folic acid after 14 weeks but make sure I'm taking vit d. I need to take my baby aspirin throughout I think
I'm kinda scared about blood loss in labour but I'll raise that question closer to the time lol.
I'm most definitely a cat person lol. Me and cats have an affinity lol. Even "nasty" cats seems to love me. The ones that are familiar with Mr I can take on walks like dogs I'd I could be arsed lol. It's weird it's like I speak their language lol. I guess if I'd grown up liking dogs I would be similar maybe started an obedience school or something but I dunno lol. When I walk past a dog ANY dog it always stops and sniffs me I'm starting to get paranoid lol. I will watch one ignore a load of people walking towards me then it will stop at me I'm starting to think ive got cancer or something lol :rofl:

I walk so slow now it's embarrassing lol what used to be a 15min journey now takes 30min lol wonder what I'll be like at 37 weeks lol.
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I was also told to continue with the asprin. I assumed they would tell me to stop later on at some point. I'm still taking my high dose folic acid too, I was told to take it until at least week 16 then I could stop if I wanted, I'm planning on finishing the packet, which I think will last me just over another week.
I don't mind working dogs but I'm not keen on a lot of pet dogs, most don't seem trained very well. I hate being jumped on, paws on the floor! We have working cats too, one we nicknamed the dog cat, as he will follow you about like a dog!
16 weeks today :)

I love dogs although I did get bitten when I was little but bigger the better lol
good Morning - Just popped online to update you all, scan went well on friday although felt it was a bit rushed, everything looked fine, baby was laid facing the scan so had to do some movements to move it. im due 2nd June, but going to stay with you girls throughout the whole journey!

thank you for everything xx
good to hear from you leigh we were wondering how it went :) glad everything went well at your scan. when is your next one? x
i have to see the consultant on the 14ths december and ive booked a private gender scan for the 21st december :) as a christmas treat.

felt very rushed at the scan barely saw the baby she just took the measurements and pushed us out quite disappointing really.

how many scans do you get through a normal pregnancy? xx
So glad it went well leigh. Just 2 scans normally, doesn't seem enough does it xx
aw sorry it was rushed hun your private scan will be nicer tho they take more time showing you everything normally I've booked one for Saturday :) generally 2 unless you have any problems or need growth scans etc it's defiantly not enough! glad all was good with baby though :)
Not many Leigh- usually just 2 - the dating/NT scan and the anomaly scan. Those are the two main scans the NHS guarantee with every pregnancy.

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