May mummies and rainbows to be :)

Snowbee how exciting telling your parents. Yay for 17 weeks too I feel like it's going so quick now! Ery you must be knackered I worked in retail for 7 years and these times of year were always the most exhausting you're a trooper (;)) yourself for doing that especially with sickness!
Same as the others I'd buy a second hand pram but not car seat. We need a new one this time so think we'll wait until April to order the icandy we want as that's when we will of refreshed the savings a bit from doing the kitchen lol.
So after asking about the movements etc I just looked at my notes as I hadn't looked at my placenta position and it turns out I have an anterior placenta. Don't know why I hadn't looked earlier and I'm a little bit gutted as I know it'll take longer for me and hubby to feel movements but it does explain why when MIL is listening in for me baby always sounds so far away whereas my little girl always sounded so clear. Hopefully it won't be too long til I start feeling them :)
Has anyone got anything nice planned for today? We've got hubbys cousin for the day who is only 9 months older than our little girl so think we'll take them to the zoo and then back to ours for film/food x
I'm...... working lol. I haven't looked at my notes either. No one at work believes I'm just carrying one I'm like ive got the pictures lol just one! The zoo sounds lovely.
Yeah it must be a bit of a blur lol! Haha I love how involved other people get with pregnancies! I've told everyone at work to place their gender bets this week as I'll take pink or blue cupcakes to work with me Monday so they have to guess the right sex to get a cake haha!
Lol that's a great idea. I may do something like that too lol!!
You should! Everyone loves a cake incentive! Haha. We're driving up to my dads after the scan for my sisters birthday so I'm going to wrap up pink/blue balloons in a box for her and my little girl (because she has to open all birthday presents ��) to open together to film for the rest of our family/friends xx
Ery, you really are a trooper. I couldn't imagine having to work retail. I worked retail and waitressed for quite a few year and loved it for the most part, but I just could never imagine doing it pregnant, especially with sickness. I always had so much respect for my colleagues who were pregnant.

We were suppose to finally go shopping yesterday an play around with some prams, but it was a no go. I had my mw appointment, and because of my bleeding, she sent me to the main hospital to get the anti-d injection. Damn that one is a bitch. My arm is still sore from it. I can't remember the last time I've been poked and prodded so much. Other than needing that, all is well. The baby's heartbeat was 156. The little bugger is moving around a lot, not that I can feel it. But when I get out the doppler it's like playing hide and seek. I find a strong heartbeat for it to disappear. The mw had the same problem yesterday, but she eventually got it right in the centre. I so can't wait to feel the little bean moving.

We should be heading out next weekend- birthday is on Friday, so hopefully we'll get some shopping in. I want to check out the Silvercross and Oyster prams. Someone recommended Quinny and we'll also look at some others. My mum said she's buying the cot, so that's sorted! She's bought them for all my siblings' first. I think if we go with Silvercross that we may buy from their outlet as they are all under £600. I like the surf, but the basket is soooooo tiny.

I don't know why I was so tired yesterday, but I really struggled. I knew I couldn't deal with people, so we opted for the cinema and saw Fantastic Beats- it was brilliant. Much better than the Cursed Child, which was rather disappointing. Other than the cinema, I sat on the couch reading with xmas music playing. We have booked tickets to Rogue One. Not the opening day, as I can't deal with a midnight showing, but that first weekend! I can't wait.
You are amazing Ery. I keep having to come back to our hotel every couple of hours and get a break from the shops. They're all so hot and crowded!! Frozen in ice last night was brilliant and today we are off to watch a carnival thing going through the city so hopefully that will be fun. Then I'm going to aim to get the early train home tomorrow as then DH can look after the kids while I get a rest before he's back at work as I am just knackered!!x
I keep worrying yesterday and today I keep getting really wet like a small gush it's not discharge and I keep worrying that I'm losing the waters either that or I'm wetting myself without even realising lol its worrying me!
Thanks girls. It's not that bad I actually quite like my job. But I've got another 10hr shift 2moro. (45min break all day). But need the extra cash. Stat sick pay ducks gonna have like less than £300 for the month for each month I've been off :(
That's ridiculous. I would have thought a company like John Lewis would pay full sick pay!!
Nikki, I am sure it's fine, I am getting loads of discharge. I have had to buy pantyliners xx
Those of you who already have children, how much did you actually use your prams and when do you swap to pushchair mode?

I'm just wondering when and how much I would use a pram.
I used my actual pram bit till my children were about 5-6 months then I used the stroller part as I had a travel system. my old graco lasted me through both my children till they were 2 and then I swapped to a lighter stroller as they were walking more so didn't really need it as much
My daughter I only used the carrycot for about 6 weeks as she had reflux so needed propped up a bit. My son was in a lie flat pushchair from the start because it was a double and couldn't afford the carrycot but it's something I really wish I had. A carrycot was a must for me this time. I have a lot of friends who have just used car seats clipped on when babies are small but I cant stand that!x
I never had a carrycot with sons pushchair as they didn't have all the changeable options back then but i it was essential for me this time, if out with baby for a long time then its best for them to be flat, I know they are not supposed to be in the car seat for long periods of time. My cousin used hers for about 4 months and still uses it if staying overnight somewhere as its suitable for that xx
I only used to use the car seat clipped on if we had been in the car and they were asleep but I have heard your not supposed to leave them in there for a long time
Yeah I think its 2 hours max. I would leave baby in carseat if was just popping somewhere quickly, esp if asleep xx
yeah it's easier if they fall asleep you can just clip it on without waking them but wouldn't use it all the time the carrycots are so much nicer. I've found a second hand cosatto with carrycot etc for 175 which I might get and then just buy a car seat it does come with one but as I don't know them I'll buy it from toys r us
it's this one I love the bright colours they do :)


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