May mummies and rainbows to be :)

still can't decide on a buggy! oh wasn't interested at all so might go with my mum sometime and have a proper look. found a lovely sleigh cotbed tho even tho oh wants to save 200 pound and let the baby sleep in a travel cot everynight!
I'm back from telling my parents. Seemed to go well, my dad is pretty excited and loves his grandpa mug. Once we got back we also told my FIL so that is pretty much out there now eek. Still doesn't feel real.

We stopped off at a big mothercare on our way so we could look at prams. Didn't really help as I'm still clueless as to what we need and what I like! They didn't have the one I'd seen on the website in store. I liked the Silvercross Wayfarer and the Oyster 2, although both are a bit more that I was wanting to spend I will look out for them on offer. I'm not really sure how much we would use a pram either.

Lisey are you thinking of getting a dad to be present? My husband gave me a locket while we were away so I could have a picture of little one put in it. He said he doesn't want anything and I don't really know what I could get him anyway...

17 weeks today!
happy 17 weeks snowbee!

the only pushchair I've seen that it in our budget is the graco or hauck really I wanted a parent facing one when it's a stroller but they are all so expensive and I know oh won't want to pay it
I've seen the Hauck online but have been unable to find anywhere that stocks them for me to actually see. It looks good online but I really want to see it in person.
I found some in toys r us today if you have one near you? they are a good price
I'll have to try there. They do seem to be a really good price.

I've chosen a moses basket too, not bought it yet though. I'm also debating cloth nappies and buying a few different ones to try.
yeah they had a few different ones in toys r us they seem nice to push as well :)

think oh already has a few bits from his daughter like moses basket, bath, sterliser etc so once we have the cot and pushchair we just need all the little bits lol not buying anything till after Xmas though as we've spent 600 pound on Xmas and birthday presents for the kids!
Has anyone noticed if leigh has been on since her scan, it was yesterday wasn't it? Xx
I'm back from telling my parents. Seemed to go well, my dad is pretty excited and loves his grandpa mug. Once we got back we also told my FIL so that is pretty much out there now eek. Still doesn't feel real.

We stopped off at a big mothercare on our way so we could look at prams. Didn't really help as I'm still clueless as to what we need and what I like! They didn't have the one I'd seen on the website in store. I liked the Silvercross Wayfarer and the Oyster 2, although both are a bit more that I was wanting to spend I will look out for them on offer. I'm not really sure how much we would use a pram either.

Lisey are you thinking of getting a dad to be present? My husband gave me a locket while we were away so I could have a picture of little one put in it. He said he doesn't want anything and I don't really know what I could get him anyway...

17 weeks today!

That's great :) happy 17 weeks! Xx
We literally have everything from Harrison but once we know if pink or blue I will buy some extra new bits so that not everything we had for Harrison is used and this baby has things meant just for them! I still haven't unpacked his hospital bag that was already to go! :( my ring is ready :) hopefully should get it next week! Can't wait! Hoping that and if all good at the scan it will be a good week! Xx
Has anyone noticed if leigh has been on since her scan, it was yesterday wasn't it? Xx

just checked her posts and she put on another thread that she is due 2nd June so hopefully everything went OK!
good luck for your scan lou can you find out if it's pink or blue on Thursday?
Happy 17 weeks snowbee, glad it all went well with revealing your news xx Yes, I do want to get him something but not sure what?
It will be lovely to receive your ring Lou xx
yay how exciting! is it OK to buy a second hand buggy? I really want a cosatto but we can't afford one brand new
Yea 10 hr shifts are long the sickness is about 2 - 3/10so not bad only sick about 3/7 mornings now.

The hauck pram is my current fave too just need to actually see it in person hoping Tuesday or wed but not 100%

Well done and fantastic about the baby announcement snowbee. And happy 17 weeks.

The pram I think can be 2nd hand but I wouldn't buy a 2nd hand car seat.

I've been getting a few movements feels like loosing your belly going over a hill or like a mini washing machine. But I know mine likes to turn round and round I'm half worried it might tie it's self up in the cord!!

My feet are Killin me! Yes I'm on my feet 90% of the time. Sold 40 Dyson's today on my own. Between us we did 87 yesterday as the final results. So over the next 4 days I need to do 59 to get bonus.

Oh and we had storm troopers in store today lol


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Hi, just popping on, felt a little despondent so didn't want to bring the mood down, but am still pregnant and almost 15 weeks! Still no blood results from the dating scan they said about 2 so should be next week but they also said sooner if there was a problem and I fully expected to get a call sooner as automatically going to be at high risk down to age. Not sure what to think as also wanted to get on and organize a harmony test but am a bit in limbo now. Great to see everyone else progressing so well, just wish I could get over all this anxiety!
I forgot to look at Dysons on black Friday! I would love a new one, might have to have a browse and see if any good deals still available! x
Wow Lou. Can't wait to hear if you have a pink or blue bundle xx
Nikki, I think it's fine to get second hand buggy, I just wouldn't have used car seat as you can't know if it's been in an accident xx
Lots of Dyson still on offer until 29th. Just stock is becoming an issue lol

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