May mummies and rainbows to be :)

My word that was knackering. A long 10hr shift. Between the 2 of us we sold 70+ Dyson products so tired now I have chippy chips and pie
ery can you add my gender scan to the front page please :) will update you next week on a colour lol sounds like you've had a busy day! I don't envy you having to work on black Friday!

Rachel glad midwife went well did you hear the heartbeat?
No not really. Maybe you are getting a bug. I had terrible pains the other night, even woke me up. Felt like would he get diarrhoea but didn't happen. Did have lots of trapped wind/gas. If it's high up then it's digestive xx

I think it's a bit of both. I've had diarrhoea pains but also pains in my uterus, especially when I bend forward. Hopefully they'll be better tomorrow.
ery can you add my gender scan to the front page please :) will update you next week on a colour lol sounds like you've had a busy day! I don't envy you having to work on black Friday!

Rachel glad midwife went well did you hear the heartbeat?

Yes, heard the heartbeat but I have a doppler which I've been using about once a week since 10 weeks. I can't wait for the 20 wk scan. Only 4 weeks to go!
No not really. Maybe you are getting a bug. I had terrible pains the other night, even woke me up. Felt like would he get diarrhoea but didn't happen. Did have lots of trapped wind/gas. If it's high up then it's digestive xx

I think it's a bit of both. I've had diarrhoea pains but also pains in my uterus, especially when I bend forward. Hopefully they'll be better tomorrow.

Hope you are better tomorrow xx
my appointment is on Wednesday looking forward to meeting the midwife lol
Quick question, ladies who have had baby's...can you remember when your OH could feel movement from the outside? Xx
think I was about 22 weeks it was quite a while till they could feel it even though it felt really strong from the inside
Thanks nikki. I can't remember with son as was so long ago. My OH is desperate to feel baby but have told him it may be a while xx
Just thread crashing sorry..was 22 weeks here too lisey :) I could feel her tapping away for ages before it could be felt from outside xx

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I've updated the front I think lol if I've missed anything or got anything wrong let me know! I'm about to start another 10hr shift in an hour.... I'm still in bed right now though lol. I should probably get out soon. Bet the car needs de-icing too :(

There is nothing worse than dw-icing a car :(
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I've updated the front I think lol if I've missed anything or got anything wrong let me know! I'm about to start another 10hr shift in an hour.... I'm still in bed right now though lol. I should probably get out soon. Bet the car needs de-icing too :(

There is nothing worse than dw-icing a car :(

10 hours is a long one. Are you on your feet most of that time? Yeah, having to leave early to de-ice is highly annoying!
10 hours is long. How is your sickness now ery? Xx
don't know if I would make a 10 hour shift! I've got my boys school Xmas fayre today then going to pick up Xmas pressies from toy's r us and then looking at baby stuff and trying out prams :D
I am now the proud owner of an icandy. DH got it last night online with a free carrycot so he did well!

I'm currently in bed in a hotel... Was at build a bear and nearly passed out. Was horrible and I'm still feeling a bit funny. Luckily DD is feeling a bit tired and quite happy sitting here on her tablet atm but bot sure how long that will last. Was soooo busy in town as everywhere seems to have black Friday deals across the whole weekend. I need to go back and get her a new outfit too as she was car sick on the way down so had to be changed! :( x
Hi :) sorry I've been quiet it's been manic here we've decided to finally redo our kitchen and I feel like we've spent every evening organising/planning/buying I can't wait for it to be fitted now. Trying to sort the logistics out is stressing me it but at least it'll be done in plenty of time before baby comes as I think I'd lose my mind if it wasn't redone before they arrived lol. Tried catching up but I've missed loads has anyone out found out the gender? We have our private gender scan next Sunday I literally can't wait! How is everyone feeling? I'm 15+1 and my sickness has finally fully gone I don't even really get rough feeling days anymore which is lovely. Starting to get some energy back too, still feel knackered but can stay up past 7.30 now haha. Back eating most foods too and can finally stomach Diet Coke again - but only with a full glass of ice which is how I was with my little girl haha.
Does anyone have an inkling as to what they're having? I'm so convinced baby is a boy which my hubby would love so just feel like I'm waiting for the scan to confirm it lol. I will be so shocked if it's a girl! Hope everyone has lovely weekends x
Also when did those of you who are pregnant with your second start to feel movements? I haven't felt anything yet and people seem quite surprised which freaks me out. I know bubs is ok as mil listened in for me on Wednesday and we could hear them kicking about and swimming but haven't felt anything x
I'm on my third and I've felt a couple of pops but nothing regular yet I don't know where abouts my placenta is tho so that might be stopping it aswell

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