May mummies and rainbows to be :)

Good luck today Leigh.

(And to all those either working in retail or attempting to go shopping today!)
so I was out last night got home at 1:30am feel like I've been out drinking all night! can't wait to get into bed later lol so glad it's nearly the weekend
My little man was up vomiting for most of the night so he's home off school and I'm home off work.

He seems bright enough this morning and has kept down water which he wasn't last night, so we'll see what happens with his breakfast!

May engage in a spot of internet shopping today what with it being black Friday and all. If I can stay awake long enough that is!!

Ery, did you buy the moses basket?
I wouldn't venture out to the shops even if wasn't pregnant. There is no way I would cope. I have been browsing online but haven't found anything :( xx
Yeah, good luck to all of those mad enough to venture out today to shop and to those poor souls who are working in retail. I feel for you. That is one job I don't miss. I used to have to work black Friday in the US. Those shoppers are mad craaazzzzzy.
I couldn't go to the shops today I'd end up shouting at someone lol can't deal with big crowds even when I'm not pregnant plus hormones not a good idea lol
I'm the same nikki. I really can't stand crowds. I've been wanting to go shopping for maternity clothes, but want try things on; however, that mean braving Oxford street as that seems to be where all the shops have maternity section. I hate Oxford street, especially this time of year.
Yea I brought the basket lol. I'm working in John lewis it's crazy! (It's quiet until about 10am usually as everyone thinks "I'm not going first thing it will be too busy! "

Bloods just come back all is good to x
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Glad bloods are fine. Hope its not too bad at work today. I can imagine it getting crazy, I just don't see the point when you can do it online xx
Are any of you getting the dads-to-be a present from baby-to-be?
I am in 2 minds, I think it would be cute but don't know if its silly? And also, don't know what to get? xx
Exciting nikki, do you have a feeling either way? xx
erm I kind of feel like it might be a girl but because I have 2 boys my gut is saying boy lol no idea lol
I have just been driving for 6 hours, back up from London. I'm getting some pains in my belly - hope it's nothing to worry about :/
I am sure it's fine dovekie. Things are probably just stretching xx
I am sure it's fine dovekie. Things are probably just stretching xx

Do they feel like those pains/nauseous feelings you get when you have diarrhoea? There is some of that too. Seem to have frequent diarrhoea at the moment!
No not really. Maybe you are getting a bug. I had terrible pains the other night, even woke me up. Felt like would he get diarrhoea but didn't happen. Did have lots of trapped wind/gas. If it's high up then it's digestive xx
I grew some balls and told my boss I was pregnant today. She was lovely and I feel a weight has been lifted xx

You're very lucky. Mine has given me a number of options. Either, they let me go, I go on sick leave, I go part-time, or they rearrange everyone's responsibilities (but he isn't convinced by this).

I actually can't believe that any manager would be stupid enough to say this in this day and age. Pregnancy and maternity are protected characteristic under the Equality Act, which effectively makes you "bullet proof" against this kind of situation. You can read up on your rights on the Acas website. Shocking!

Oh and I had my 16 week appt this afternoon. I left work in plenty of time so got there quite early and the midwife (who is lovely) saw me early. Early finish for me! Just chilling in bed now as OH is on his work Xmas do. Might watch a movie.
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