May mummies and rainbows to be :)

Lisey!!!@@!!!!!!! I just found the hb!! But it woke bubs up lol.
im having a nightmare week!

ive lost my keys for the house! i managed to lock the door but who knows where the keys are now!

im sending emails to the wrong people at work!

my baby brain has deffo kicked in

aww so glad you found the HB i would like a doppler but im scared i will use it too much xxx
I wanted a doppler but I'm trying to hold out because once I feel baby move more I'm hoping i won't really need it lol
i cant wait to feel it wriggle about :) im still far behind everyone but it shows me what i have to look forward too xxx
Yey ery :dance:

I can't wait for proper movements too, I felt quite a few flutters last night. I want those proper thumps!!

Here's my almost 16 week bump!!


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So...good news at the scan. Baby seems fine all limbs present! My cyst has gone down by 2cm too which they are attributing the pain and spotting to. They couldn't get anyone to do the NT testing and everyone is telling me I have to have a midwife otherwise I can't get any tests or any medical help with my pregnancy. I think the system is a bit rubbish to be honest. I can't get a different midwife as there is only the one here. So I've decided to bite my tongue and see her this afternoon in her clinic and see what she has to say for herself.

I'm just so happy it's still there, heart fluttering away. It was swimming and moving around so much it was such a joy to see. Massive sigh of relief xx
Lisey you look amazing!

Also - they put me back a bit at the scan, by 3 days which is better than a week which it was last time xx
Awww thanks Betty xx So glad all was well with your scan, so lovely to see them moving around. Good luck with the midwife, hope she steps up now and does her job xx
Nice bump lisey x x great scan newa betty :) so glad all is looking good x do things look different to your previous pregnancies? I hope she at least apologises for the crap you've had to go through to get basic care!
lovely bump lisey :) glad everything went well at the scan Betty.

got home from work starving so lunch consisted of chilli con care, poppadoms with a jar of mango chutney and a buttons yogurt lol I can't be allowed to go to the shop unsupervised!
Glad your scan was okay Betty! Hopefully the midwife can sort you out the appropriate tests asap!!

I am in a rage. On Thursday I missed a call (at 6pm?) from midwives wanting to reschedule the appointment I had booked for today to next week. I completely forgot to call them back Friday so rang yesterday and they had changed their mind and said that they were going to do it today and confirmed time etc. with me. Today I had to zap up to the dentists with the kids, then take them to school and then go in the completely other direction to midwives so off I went. In the waiting room for 10 mins when a nurse from a different clinic clocked a problem - the midwives weren't in the building and I was!!! So she rang them and they said they had cancelled my appointment and left a message on my answerphone. Very useful!! They hadn't even bothered to try my mobile and obviously just assumed that I sit around my house allllll day waiting for them to call and leave me messages. So annoyed. If it wasn't for this other nurse I would have sat there all day! Even more annoying that I'd had to arrange someone to pick my daughter up from pre school because their first appointment of the day is at 11.15 and their last is like 2pm so they are all really inconvenient times for me. Arrrrrgh! They have always been useless. I would dearly love to do without them :\ x
Good news Ery :) Mine were low too, but I never had a number like a lot of people seem to have?x
I just got 1:720 for downs and 1:100000 for Edwards etc
Aw mine was nothing like that. It just said 'low chance' and only mentioned downs, nothing about the other ones.x
Strange wonder if you can ask your mw at your next appointment x
Nikki, that lunch sounds soooooooooo good!!!
Ery that's fab news about your results :)
Miss Yeovil, I would be furious too, it's common sense to try your mobile!! Xx
Sorry to hear you're having a bad time too missyeovil :(

Good news on screening results eryinera :)

Warning - rant number 6,457 coming a couple of weeks back my other half said he would come to all scans and appointments with me. Last night I asked if he could take time off work today to come to this scan - he said no and I had to just appreciate that he couldn't take time off last minute, fine.

So I hear nothing from him all day but note that he is active on Facebook a lot. He often has to sit around waiting for other people. I was so upset he wasn't there to see the baby that I cried a bit whilst being scanned. He finally messages me hours after the scan to ask if a parcel has arrived for him and I was like, "that's it?! You're not going to ask how it went?!" He'd forgotten. He then went on to talk about what we would do if it had downs syndrome in not the most positive manner, I'll spare the details. I'm bloody livid and feel even more let down now.

I've finally got a dating scan. The lovely nurses at the hospital helped me book one. It's for the 22nd when with my revised due date I'll be 13+5 so just in time. If the results come back as high for downs I think I'll be moving out! I'm going to love this baby however it comes and if I have to go it alone that's what I'll do. Got home after all this only for my brother who is staying with me to turn round and say, "you don't want to have a downs baby, that's far too much hard work and they have no quality of life". I will let you imagine my reply as it was not PG rated. Luckily he's going home tomorrow. Rant over xx

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