May mummies and rainbows to be :)

just feel so stressed out :( I know my mum will help as much as she can but she's had an op on her knee and should be resting
Mainly because I want to keep doing things that are frowned upon when pregnant until then and I don't want to attract attention! I realise that sounds dodgy but it really isn't! Obviously if I feel I need to stop before then I will but right now I don't feel or look pregnant. I'm just tired and would like a sleep!
Lol fair enough! As long as your being safe do what you will lol :)
I totally get that snowbee, one of my favourite phrases at the moment is - I'm pregnant, I'm not dying!

Nikki I'm sorry you're feeling rough, is there no one else that can help? Xx
Nikki, I hope that you can get someone to help. Will your OH not help with the garden clearance and painting? The council can collect large items for a fee if that helps xx
my oh is lazy and works all day so refuses to do much when he gets home lol
Does he work weekends? I don't get how he would let you do it. Be careful with paint fumes. Do you have any relatives or friends you could rope in to helping? Xx
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my mums going to help with the tip runs on Thursday and Friday. he doesn't work weekends I'm going to make him help I know I shouldn't really paint but I'll just do a little bit a day he just moans how tired he is everyday anyone would think he was pregnant!
Some men don't get it do they. I bet if he swapped roles with you for a day he would feel a whole lot more tired!! I hope he does helps you, no excuse over the weekend. He should be going out of his way to make things easier for you. That's good that your mum can help with the clearance xx
Mainly because I want to keep doing things that are frowned upon when pregnant until then and I don't want to attract attention! I realise that sounds dodgy but it really isn't! Obviously if I feel I need to stop before then I will but right now I don't feel or look pregnant. I'm just tired and would like a sleep!

It's crazy how people think you are somehow half a person when you're pregnant. At work, they don't even want me setting up tables and taking them down. They aren't heavy and are very easy to move around. I'm still doing crossfit and they think I'm crazy. I did so much research beforehand and talked to my coaches and other crossfitter who continued throughout their pregnancies. As long as you listen to your body and cut out the most dangerous things (like I don't do rope climbs and other things that are uncomfortable or make me fear falling) then you're fine. I'm guessing you're talking about work though. The only concern with not telling is if you do injure yourself. But yeah, we're pregnant, not broken.
People are falling over themselves to lift chairs for me at toddlers and I'm like, I still have to lift my kids - these chairs are a nice wee break from them!x
Lol aye I must admit I am struggling with lifting my vacuums but that's more the angles and I have to rest them on my body to heave them back up. I've got a bad back at the best of times and I don't want to make my pgp worse. So I'm glad of the help there although I can do without the "let me walk you to the shop whilst holding your arm like an invalid just so you can buy some crisps" I'm like geez how do you think I got to work? Teleportation??
Betty what a nightmare!! So many incompetent people at once!! I can't believe your OH! Typical bloke comment!! No idea what we go through.. I hope you do get a scan tomorrow and all is well xx hope u manage to relax tonight xx

Lovely bumps ladies xx

Nikki that's tough to sort on your own :( I hope you get some help and feel better soon xx your OH wants to try growing a small person inside him!

So sorry you still feel so sick lisey that's really tough after all this time :(

Lou xx
these men don't understand do they he probably thinks I'm just moaning for the sake of it its only going to get harder the bigger I get as well!
Thanks Lou. Can't believe it really. Thought I'd be human by now. How are you? xx
I am ok, had a very full on week and weekend so been tired but really not too bad, have odd days of feeling tired and rough again but not many so I am lucky.. Been feeling flutters which is lovely but brings with it worry for me if I don't feel it one day! I know it's too early for regular movements but I panic if I don't feel anything and get my Doppler out.. I wanted to be using it less now but I just don't feel able to..

Just over 2 weeks until our scan.. Nervous but excited! Worked out with me being induced at 38 weeks I will be half way through 2 weeks today! X
After explaining all this to the oh over messenger too he just replies that he thinks I'm suffering depression. I feel like I'm banging my head against a brick wall!!! I'm not depressed I'm annoyed! These times are sent to test us I'm sure xx

I have been suffering from depression, so now whenever I get annoyed with my boyfriend or disagree with him..... I'm depressed! Annoying :mad:

What a strange situation you're in. I hope everything gets sorted out for you.
my mums going to help with the tip runs on Thursday and Friday. he doesn't work weekends I'm going to make him help I know I shouldn't really paint but I'll just do a little bit a day he just moans how tired he is everyday anyone would think he was pregnant!

I hope you can find someone to paint for you, or at least someone who will climb the ladder to reach the higher parts. I've been lucky, everyone from my dw's work place is all excited and offering to help us move and get the nursery ready. If we have to, we will hire local painters to do the job.
I'm amazed at the size of the bumps here! Are second pregnancy bumps supposed to be bigger? I think I read that somewhere. I just look a bit bloated. It's definitely growing though.

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