May mummies and rainbows to be :)

We had chilli last night with garlic bread, and I had the leftovers for lunch today. It definitely hit the spot. No idea what we are having tonight. I'm feeling rather tired, so I have no interest in cooking. Plus, I'm so bloated today that I'm not feeling all that hungry.
I've been feeling sick for the past hour it's past bubs tea time lol.
Anything spicy is a no no for me lol. As for headaches I'm the opposite Emily I usually get migraines so I have a headache almost constantly it's odd when I don't have one lol. But pregnancy seems to be my cure I stopped getting them with my son and I've not really had them this time either. Yay cure for bad headaches is everlasting pregnancy lol.
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This thread does move fast! I can't keep up some days!

So, headaches!! The current bane of my life!! Have had one ever day last week and so far this week too!!!


I'm getting them regularly now too, and waking up with one :(
I don't miss waking up with headaches. Gosh my first migrant is going to come as a shock to the system when baby arrives.
im having a nightmare week!

ive lost my keys for the house! i managed to lock the door but who knows where the keys are now!

im sending emails to the wrong people at work!

my baby brain has deffo kicked in

aww so glad you found the HB i would like a doppler but im scared i will use it too much xxx

Yes! My manager pointed out some silly mistakes today. I'm usually such a perfectionist.
:rofl: my first migraine not migrant lol

I just keep forgetting things lol I went to a pharmacy handed in the prescription then left without the meds... forgot to go to work
Forgot to go to parents evening forgot to take son swimming forgot to mot the car.... forgot to arrange to get the car towed for is new clutch and gearbox lol..... yea I'm just forgetful. But then I get teary if I ask hubby to bring me something when he next goes to X room and forgets lol.
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Hi everyone, scan went well! Been put forward slightly so will join in with tri 2 I am now due May 21st if someone could add me in please. I have a sexing scan on Dec 10th.... although at my ultrasound I was told they think they no what baby is! But baby is so small they can't be certain and 20 week scan is 6th January xx
:rofl: my first migraine not migrant lol

I just keep forgetting things lol I went to a pharmacy handed in the prescription then left without the meds... forgot to go to work
Forgot to go to parents evening forgot to take son swimming forgot to mot the car.... forgot to arrange to get the car towed for is new clutch and gearbox lol..... yea I'm just forgetful. But then I get teary if I ask hubby to bring me something when he next goes to X room and forgets lol.

Aw, I haven't been that bad!

I've been getting teary at happy, beautiful things.
Hi everyone, scan went well! Been put forward slightly so will join in with tri 2 I am now due May 21st if someone could add me in please. I have a sexing scan on Dec 10th.... although at my ultrasound I was told they think they no what baby is! But baby is so small they can't be certain and 20 week scan is 6th January xx

Ah, glad it went well :). If I get put forward I might end up having to move to the June mummies!
I am forgetful too, I can't for the life of me remember the teachers name who I work with. I remember his first name but not his last name!!

Glad the scan went well mayday xx
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You can still be an honourey may mummy dovekie and oooo did thy tell you what they thought it may be mayday?
Welcome to Tri 2 Mayday :)

I've been having headaches most afternoons/evenings. I'm pretty sure it is because I'm not drinking enough. I usually drink loads but between the excessive peeing and if I drink too much feeling like poop I'm not drinking as much as usual. I'm still not that up for food either. Not eaten a proper meal in a while I've just been picking at things. My husband has been eating even more than usual I seem to be constantly cooking for him!
Yep, 22nd Nov for my dating scan and my due date is now 25th may. I don't like being put back! Xx
I can't stop thinking about how amazing it was seeing it moving around inside me. I wish I could have watched it all day!

Yea it's so magical. I could have sat there watching it grow for the next 6 months lol.
Glad everyone's ok. I'm having second thoughts about my gender scan now, I'm tempted to be Team Yellow again xx
Yes she thinks Boy! But as I'm only 13+2 she said she really can't be sure and wouldn't like to disappoint me so I haven't to take it as a definite xx
xjdx make sure your sure hun you can't take it back once you know. I'm excited to know the gender this time as my son was a surprise I'm interested to do it the other way this time lol

Mayday they do say it's easier to tell boy than girl. Do you have a preference?
Would love a boy as I have a girl but to be honest after losing our last wee bub I really don't mind! Xx

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