May mummies and rainbows to be :)

Yeah, second pregnancies usually show earlier. I didn't show until much later with my son xx
I'm on number 5 and don't have a bump yet. I'm glad it's to hard to hide otherwise because my boss or kids don't know. Well nobody knows lol. I've booked a gender scan and debating whether to not find out now. Can't make my mind up xx
No 5!!!! Woah! Lol good luck!

In my dream last night I fell nodded off inside it lol. I was having a head and brain exam by the doctor and as she was inspecting my head it was like a massage and I fell asleep lol.

I tried to find the hb with my doppler last night but I couldn't find it. I think I found the placenta. And I think I possibly caught it for a second but I'm not sure. But before I tried bubs was very active it felt like there were 3 of them in there lol. I think I need to try again when s/he is asleep.
I'm on number 3 but no baby yet. Lost my first at 16.5 weeks and my second at 12 weeks, the second was only in may and I never lost the weight I put on with that one round my tummy which is why I think I'm so big, also because I'm so short it's got nowhere else to go but out! Also everyone carries differently.

Scan this morning. Hopefully all is fine and I can get then to book me in this week for the NT testing xx
Geez you have that history and they messed your scan around so much you poor thing!
I'm less annoyed about everything this morning. I do try to be understanding but I really haven't had a good time with the NHS lately. They've always been amazing with me so I guess I'm just used to a good service. I'm considering private health care, I got a quote for £33 a month but it doesn't apply to existing conditions unfortunately!

Are you having extra scans or care due to your recurrent miscarriages eryinera? Xx
Yea I had one at 5 7 10 and 13 weeks and I've had a consultant appointment and I've got another in January. So far all is good. I just wish I managed to find the hb last night. But I don't really know what I'm doing. Lol I'm scared because the doc made me cut my folic acid by so much. I've gone from 5.4mg to 0.4-0.8mg depending on if I can handle the big vitamin pill. I am eating a lot of marmite though which ironically is what I craved with my son I went through jars of the stuff so my body knew it needed more I guess.
this is my third baby so probably why I'm showing so much I did with my second as well but my first I didn't show till I was about 6 months lol
I know I'm totally nothing compared to what your going through but I need a moan and hubby has gone to work lol

I think I've slept funny on my neck nerve I've had pins and needles on my left hand since I woke up especially in my little and ring finger down to my wrist then reappearing at my elbow it's so annoying lol I can't straighten my fingers and it all feels numb! Silly body lol.
Everyone's problems are relative. Saying you are going through less than another is not giving yourself enough credit for what you feel and I don't believe that's right. I sympathise wholly with the pins and needles feeling! In pregnancy you get a lot of fluid retention and weight gain which can cause these symptoms. A friend of mine had it so badly that by 6 months her hands were permanently curled and numb, she couldn't do anything! It went after she gave birth. If it carries on or gets worse it's worth mentioning it to a health care professional. I think they recommend steriod injections if it's really bad. Hope it gets better soon xx
And by the way I bloody love marmite! But can't touch it at the moment!
Thanks hun it's just so irratatating it will pass after I've taken son to school and start my physio x x I feel like I'm falling apart lol I hit q6 and everything fell apart lol my bump caught my crumpet my claw hand dropped before which amused my son at least lol
That's my craving lol 4 crumpets 2 with marmite 2 without.
Ery, I find it hard to catch mine on the doppler because she moves so much. I get the heartbeat and then she moves. When you do it, go really slowly. My little one is along the line of my hips now area wise. Once I hear the placenta whoosh, I know she is nearby xx
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My son is such a doofus for someone supposedly in the top 5 of his class :doh:
I asked him to do a simple task. Go upstairs get a towel for swimming, get mummy a pair of socks, and brush your teeth. First time he came down with a towel and put it in his bag. 2nd time he got the socks 3rd time he had a wee 4th time he brushed his teeth.
I then checked his work. His "towel" was a bath mat... so I said how are you going to use that? He insisted it was fine then he went to get a towel and came back with a bath sheet! :wall: :rofl:
Ery, I find it hard to catch mine on the doppler because she moves so much. I get the heartbeat and then she moves. When you do it, go really slowly. My little one is along the line of my hips now area wise. Once I hear the placenta whoosh, I know she is nearby xx

Thank you I'll try that it was right by the placenta noise I heard and 4 horse gallops then lost it
OK and sommat weird is afoot today.
I've seen 3 people in the short journey to and from school with 2l bottles of semi skimmed milk just walking the street. .. the first was odd... the 2nd was a freaky coincidence the 3rd is national milk day that someone's forgot to tell me about. So... now I'm having a glass of milk lol
My son is such a doofus for someone supposedly in the top 5 of his class :doh:
I asked him to do a simple task. Go upstairs get a towel for swimming, get mummy a pair of socks, and brush your teeth. First time he came down with a towel and put it in his bag. 2nd time he got the socks 3rd time he had a wee 4th time he brushed his teeth.
I then checked his work. His "towel" was a bath mat... so I said how are you going to use that? He insisted it was fine then he went to get a towel and came back with a bath sheet! :wall: :rofl:

Lol, this made me laugh xx

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