May mummies and rainbows to be :)

So I just called PALS, they said there's nothing they can do, wouldn't even advise me on how to do everything without a midwife and practically hung up on me before I even finished why I was saying. I may as well be living in the dark ages! I'm shocked at how little help I've had not just with this pregnancy but with my CTS problem too. I'm not sure I really want to see the midwife tomorrow as I'm at the point where someone is going to get an earful and I don't want to blame anyone personally. I don't want to work today, I just want to curl up in bed and forget the world!! Xx
Betty, that is awful. I can't believe how rubbish they are being. I don't blame you for how you're feeling. I would see her tomorrow and tell her how you feel. Just try and stay calm but tell her, it's not on at all xx
just been to see the midwife - wouldnt do anything cos only had a 15 min appointment, midwife isnt happy as how far on i am and not seen her, got my booking in on Wednesday finally! just one think after another.
Well I was supposed to have a scan at a local hospital in the forest of Dean but no one has any record of me at all!! I've just been for an emergency appointment with the GP, I explained everything to her but she said she can't refer me. I've been having pain and a bit of spotting get so I said if that gets worse for I just go to a+e and she then booked me a scan to check everything tomorrow morning. It's not a dating scan but she said whilst I'm there and if everything is OK then I can ask them there to see if they will book me a dating scan for this week. This is at Gloucester hospital. I already spoke to Gloucester hospital earlier when trying to find my notes and self refer and they said the waiting list is too long and even if my midwife had tried to book a dating scan now it's too late. So who knows what will happen tomorrow.

Then whilst in the car after the GP appointment a different midwife called. She kept asking me to tell her where I was booked and I said I'm not, she couldn't understand it! She said she can't help or trace me if I don't know where I'm booked for my scan. I told her that I'd previously said I wanted it at a particular hospital but they have no record of me at all. She apologised and said she will try and find my notes and go from there.

What a day. I'm really trying not to be stressed by this as I don't want to stress my baby. I feel like I want to go and hide in the forest away from incompetent people! After explaining all this to the oh over messenger too he just replies that he thinks I'm suffering depression. I feel like I'm banging my head against a brick wall!!! I'm not depressed I'm annoyed! These times are sent to test us I'm sure xx
What a nightmare Betty. I hope they can get it all sorted asap. I'm also rural (midwife works one day a fortnight!) and to top it off I'm living in one country and under the hospital trust of another, so they don't speak with each other about anything! All the policies are different and they spend ages uming about everything in case it doesn't apply to me. I've got my first midwife app next week so I'll see what she is like then. I had to have my booking in done at the hospital, but it may well not be the hospital that actually provides my care as I can choose from 4 that are all miles away!
Wowzers you guys all have huge bumps! I just look slightly fatter than usual and it isn't that noticeable yet. I don't mind as I would rather not show until the end of Jan...
How does you oh get depression from this. You have every right to be completely annoyed about what is going on. The mw clearly didn't do her job right or you would've had your scan booked ages ago. When I got the call about my booking appointment, the mw also confirmed my combined bloods appointment and dating scan at the same time. There is no way you should've been waiting like this. I'm glad a mw has finally reached out and seems willing to help. I hope everything goes well at your scan and that you get a date for dating scan within the next day or so.

Wow, so many of you have cute and sizeable baby bumps. I've just lots my abs, it's all gone soft and pushed out slightly. Even when fully bloated I barely have a bump. I bet I'll be 5-6 months before it shows.
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Lol geez what a day at least it sounds like think are moving in the right direction though x too right you should be annoyed!!
Betty, you don't sound depressed, just upset and frustrated, rightly so too. This is a time when we want to feel we are being looked after and when you can't even get through to anyone it is disheartening.

I do like having a bump, I have found I can feel it stopping me from sitting all the way up now, the way I see it, more use out of my mat clothes lol.
Snowbee, I was the same with my first and was happy not to show for a while. I kept it a secret until 16 weeks so didn't want suspicion, this time I was desperate for one and didn't have to wait long xx
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Thanks for all your support everyone, I really appreciate it. At least I feel supported here!! You watch - I'll be headline news in may as the strange lady of the woods that gave birth alone in the forest...

I wanted to tell everyone too with a scan picture or something, I just feel a bit deflated that I don't get to do normal things like that! I had a 6cm diameter cyst at an early scan that they told me needed keeping an eye on too with regular scans, no mention of that either. I think what's happened is that they've just lost my notes, no one seems to know who I am or even that I'm pregnant!

I'll update after the scan tomorrow. Now I'm nervous. At least I haven't had too long a time to get nervous in!!! Xx
I'm so annoyed this morning. I've been feeling rubbish all weekend and had a huge go at my oh which is totally unlike me, think I'm coming down with a cold. As a recap - I haven't had my dating scan yet and I'm 13 weeks. My midwife has been on holiday and no one else seems that bothered. I've been trying to get in touch with her all morning to no avail. Even tried calling the hospital where I am supposed to be having the scan but there's no one in the scan department that will take my call.

Not really sure what else to do other than feel rubbish about it!! Can I make an appointment somewhere else without the help of a midwife? She doesn't seem likeep the kind of midwife I want around to be honest, feel like I'd rather do it all on my own at this point. Boo! Xx

That's really bad. I went on Friday for my scan and I should of been 14 weeks but they added 5 days on. So I couldn't have any tests because I was to far along. I've had a blood test for downs and that's it. I had to cancel my last appointment at 12+5. So I'm partially to blame. But if you go over 14 weeks they can't measure back of babies neck xx
Xjdx I know - this is why I've been pushing for a scan asap. I've literally been on the phone or in the surgery all day, I've just got to work at 4pm, a bit late!!! Xx
I really feel for you what a nightmare. We are given numbers to phone up and book our own scans. I would try and turn up for the midwife appointment tomorrow and ask about their complaints procedure to xx
I feel so down today i feel like a zombie I've had a headache for about 3 days on and off I'm so physically drained. I've been told that to move I have to clear all the rubbish out the front of my house so mums going to help me take some of it to the tip this week plus I nee to paint the whole house back to white which will be left to me to do :( so stressed and tired

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