May mummies and rainbows to be :)

Lol eryinera! I am actually considering that! I've just spoken to the Dr's surgery who informed me that the midwife has a clinic there tomorrow so I've booked an appointment to see her then. It's annoying though as it means I have to take extra time out of work which isn't easy, and it's going to be really last minute to take time off work for a scan if I even get one this week.

Is anyone else having a hard time controlling negative emotions lately? I'm not sure if it's pregnancy hormones or just me getting overly annoyed at being let down constantly by incompetent people! It's not just the NHS that are winding me up at the moment! I think I need a holiday! Xx
Lol I got angry at work I never get angry at work lol. No one had ever seen my lift my voice before. But a staff member tried to tell me not to send customers to her when we had like no one on the shop floor. They have stripped mine and other demonstrators till access so we now can't help customers even if we wanted to lol. And then a customer called me a name and called me "that woman" coz I said very politely "I'm sorry I don't work for Y store I just work for X brand" and she tried to complain about me. Oh well I hot the roof and a manager had to be called to calm me down lol. Luckily he was on my side about everything lol I didn't even have to blame hormones or anything lol
Betty that's awful can't believe they haven't sorted it all out for you yet!
After reading that I feel slightly better eryinera! At least I have this forum for support. I don't live near any friends so it's a bit tough sometimes. I thought everything got a little easier after the first trimester, I guess I'm not quite there yet still! Xx
im Getting frustrated too! i havent had one midwife appointment yet! ive had a few early scans, i think im further than the doctors thought at my last scan, i dont even have a due date yet people keep asking me and i dont know i just want something to look forward to.

got my first midwife appointment today- dont know what to expect but i think it will be another 2 weeks for my dating scan which will put me at 13 weeks if they are dating me correctly, i just dont want to be too far and not be able to have the tests for downs etc! really getting me worried and frustrated they dont do anything quickly
That sounds awful Betty. I would've hunted the mw's supervisor down by now. As for emotions, my patience has dwindled. I work with challenging teenagers and I normally have all the patience in the world for them, but over the last 2 months I haven't any any space for their ridiculous childishness. My patience and control is coming back now that I have more energy.
Yayyyyyyy my jeans arrived as did my doppler *arfhhhhggg mad panic* lol

Also another milestone..... my bump got in the way for the first time lol. I was sat in front of washing machine pulling out wet washing to put in dirty washing and the door wouldn't open past my bump properly lol.

So I did the completely natural thing and took bumpy pictures I've been wearing flowy maternity top's the past few days and didn't realise how big I've got I mean geez by does know it's only the Suze if a lemon doesn't it? I can see this baby being severely disappointed when it find out the size of the house it will be growing up in lol. Im not even 15 weeks yet!

I'm scared I'm going to end up as big as russellmuscle lol


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Leigh can't believe you haven't had your scan date either! it's not God especially as some tests have to be done by a certain time
i know - i was messed about the hospital told me they would contact the doctors and get the midwife to get in touch, then when i got the sign off from the EPU they said i had to get in touch with the midwife, and the earliest appointment was 2 weeks time which is today!

im more bothered about the testing and making sure the baby is fine more than the date but its all a stress that i dont need really!
I have asked to speak to another midwife/supervisor/anyone that can help me and have been told no - I have to wait to talk to my midwife. I've called the hospital to try and self refer myself for a scan and still got a no, the only luck I did have was calling the Dr's surgery and managed to get an appointment to see the midwife tomorrow. She won't answer my calls so I'm having to take up a whole appointment just to get to talk to her. Ridiculous.

I've decided I don't want a midwife. I'm going to talk to the Dr about referring for scans through him or how I go about self referring. Hopefully it might become a bit easier if I take out the middle man (the midwife) I live in the middle of nowhere so apparently there is no other midwife.

Leigh they really need to sort your situation out too. I'm annoyed for you too!!! Can you discuss it with your GP instead? I've found mine has been the only remotely helpful person in all this.

Kabuk the fact that you described it as ridiculous childishness made me chuckle as I can tell from that you're struggling to deal with it!

Eryinera- amazing bump! Mine is also huge and has been getting in the way for a couple of weeks already! My midwife (the one time I did get to see her!) Said I would get big as I'm so short. Russellmuscles bump was awesome. As I'm 13 weeks today I'll post a pic later xx
Geez makes me glad my mw is on the ball lol. She told me today that she'll listen to baby's hb at the next mw appointment in a few days I'm freaking out again lol but maybe I'll be able to find it on my own doppler first. Baby was practicing gymnastics again this morning. Maybe that's why I'm so big it's got a whole mini gym in there lol
How frustrating about these scans. I would be furious.
Betty, you can demand to speak to the supervisor, its your right, or contact PALS, they will get back to you very quickly then!!
I think its ridiculous that some of you are being left so late. I knew my 12 weeks scan date at about 8 weeks. I really hope you get it sorted.

My temper is shorter now too, a cyclist had a go at OH for pulling on to our drive the other day, she was very far away when he manoeuvred on but she had a go (I am not a fan of cyclists at the best of times!). I wanted to get out of the car and have a go. Had to stop myself.

Ery, that is quite a bump, mine is big for this stage but not there yet. Its lovely though xx
Hi Betty - im gunna see what she has to say for herself today, and go from there. everyone seems to be on iron tablets or vitamins ive not been told to take anything but folic acid.... ive not had any bloods or anything yet! its frustrating more than anything!

i thought i had a bump but nothing compared to you lot haha! it is my first tho i just look like ive had a good meal! but my expanding boobs give it away a bit too! xxx
Today I don't look pregnant at all, no bloat, so not much of a bump. I can tell, but no one else can. My boobs are definitely bigger, but I haven't had to buy new bras yet. They are really sore right now because of working out the other day. I'm not too far off from needing new ones though. I do need to get a couple of more supportive sports bras as I need the extra support for my workouts.

I can't believe they'd be so behind on scans. That's just wrong. As for vitamins, I knew what to take beforehand and when I went to see my GP early on, she told me what to take too. Folic acid is the key one early on.

I feel very lucky with my care. I saw my GP at 4+3, had my booking in and first bloods at 8 weeks, combined bloods at 11 weeks, dating scan at 12 weeks and will have my next mw appointment at 16+3 where we'll listen to the hb and have a chat about anti-d. That kind of service should be offered anywhere by the NHS, but sadly that isn't the case. I really hope those still waiting get everything sorted soon and get those screenings.
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13 week bump! Xx


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my 14 week bump lol


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Lovely bumps ladies.
I caught sight of my boobs the other day when I got out of the shower, I knew they were big but I hadn't seen them in the mirror! My goodness, they are huge!!!

Betty, PALS are a place you go to for advice on NHS matters, when I had a laparoscopy, I was discharged with limited aftercare advice, I didn't know what I was supposed to do with dressings or anything really. I phoned several people and nobody would help, passing me to other people or not picking up the phone etc. I was in so much pain and fed up so I called PALs, they dealt with it and someone called me back that same day with the advice I needed. Could be worth a try, their negligence could prevent you from having the NT tests (if you wanted them) xx
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