May mummies and rainbows to be :)

I was in early labour when they put me on the drip as I had meuconium in my waters so they wanted to get things moving along really. I had g&a and diamorphine in the end.

Did they help. My Mum said she didn't find them helpful at all. Was 100 years ago though lol. I didn't try gas and air, I don't know why! I am taking that straight away this time xx
I went in to be induced it got delayed a day coz they were very busy and when I went in they said "your already 3cm" so I didn't need it. It turned out really well coz when I went to the birthing center I was the only person giving birth in there I had the whole floor to myself! There was even a little kitchen in my room!!

They said walk around to get labour started I was shattered so I walked until I found a good sleeping place tried to sleep and the midwives kept waking me up and telling me to move lol.

My waters wouldn't break I started having very mild contractions about 7pm nothing major so they gave me a codine.... that little bugger made me hallucinate to high heaven lol.

At 10:45ish I had to have my waters broken and by jove it all started very quick then. I had gas and air now if you've not had it before its weird and I was taking it not very often just when needed and they ran me a bath while they filled the birthing pool. I had a bath until the gas and air and bath wasn't doing much so I got out by this time I was very floaty light and felt very high! And walking was like floating on clouds lol. I got back to the room. And the gas and air started making me feel sick..... I threw up lol onto the midwife I think..... lol

but as I threw up I had a contractions so I quickly took more gas and air... best decision ever!

I was about to give up on the gas and air at that point as it was making me ill but after being sick it was like.... well before I was sick there was this ceiling of how high you can get then with one more huge breath I broke through that ceiling and instead of walking on clouds I was floating in space lol.

The rest of labour was a blur I know I had a water birth. I know I thought I was a dolphin. I know my mum was a dragon and I know my husband was a teddy bear.... a three eyed teddy bear.....

I know I was apparently very pleasant I kept offering everyone in the room and anyone who walked remotely near the room my gas and air except the midwife coz "she haz dat important job to do like" lol
I know that I reallllllllllly liked to growl through the gas and air thing coz it made funny noises I remember growl mad laughter growl mad laughter lol.

I know I had a 30 min screaming fit at George Michael coz he came on the radio and he wouldn't know what it was like to go through labour..... I still haven't forgiven George....

The only other memory I have is they asked me at one point to climb out the pool and the pool was very hot at that point so they could check me internally and as I stood up and was straddled over the side I had a huge push and his head came out lol at which point the midwife asked a question I was not prepared for at all! Lol she said "do you wish to feel the head?" At which point I took the gas and air out my mouth. I looked her straight in all 12 eyes at once and said "do I look f**kin crazy?" Tutted put the gas and air back in sat on the bottom step and pushed the rest of my son out lol.
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Wow that was longer than expected lol. But yea I'm hoping for the same this time round lol.

Piglet's I've *updated* you too.

I fell asleep at like 7pm coz I had a mad headache and felt sick. Now I'm wide awake lol.
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I went in to be induced it got delayed a day coz they were very busy and when I went in they said "your already 3cm" so I didn't need it. It turned out really well coz when I went to the birthing center I was the only person giving birth in there I had the whole floor to myself! There was even a little kitchen in my room!!

They said walk around to get labour started I was shattered so I walked until I found a good sleeping place tried to sleep and the midwives kept waking me up and telling me to move lol.

My waters wouldn't break I started having very mild contractions about 7pm nothing major so they gave me a codine.... that little bugger made me hallucinate to high heaven lol.

At 10:45ish I had to have my waters broken and by jove it all started very quick then. I had gas and air now if you've not had it before its weird and I was taking it not very often just when needed and they ran me a bath while they filled the birthing pool. I had a bath until the gas and air and bath wasn't doing much so I got out by this time I was very floaty light and felt very high! And walking was like floating on clouds lol. I got back to the room. And the gas and air started making me feel sick..... I threw up lol onto the midwife I think..... lol

but as I threw up I had a contractions so I quickly took more gas and air... best decision ever!

I was about to give up on the gas and air at that point as it was making me ill but after being sick it was like.... well before I was sick there was this ceiling of how high you can get then with one more huge breath I broke through that ceiling and instead of walking on clouds I was floating in space lol.

The rest of labour was a blur I know I had a water birth. I know I thought I was a dolphin. I know my mum was a dragon and I know my husband was a teddy bear.... a three eyed teddy bear.....

I know I was apparently very pleasant I kept offering everyone in the room and anyone who walked remotely near the room my gas and air except the midwife coz "she haz dat important job to do like" lol
I know that I reallllllllllly liked to growl through the gas and air thing coz it made funny noises I remember growl mad laughter growl mad laughter lol.

I know I had a 30 min screaming fit at George Michael coz he came on the radio and he wouldn't know what it was like to go through labour..... I still haven't forgiven George....

The only other memory I have is they asked me at one point to climb out the pool and the pool was very hot at that point so they could check me internally and as I stood up and was straddled over the side I had a huge push and his head came out lol at which point the midwife asked a question I was not prepared for at all! Lol she said "do you wish to feel the head?" At which point I took the gas and air out my mouth. I looked her straight in all 12 eyes at once and said "do I look f**kin crazy?" Tutted put the gas and air back in sat on the bottom step and pushed the rest of my son out lol.

When was this??! Hilarious :lol:
So, I'm still vomiting (12w). I seem to be getting a lot of headaches, but I'm really struggling to drink water. I drank some yesterday and threw it straight back up. I've also had what I think is round ligament pain, in the left of my groin region, for the last day or so. I think I'm feeling better emotionally, but don't want to speak too soon! I met my boyfriend's parents for the first time at the weekend, and broke the news to them. They were so excited and happy. It made me feel happier and more positive :)
Lol dovekie that was with my son nearly 8yrs ago.

Glad your in laws are supportive. I'm still vomiting on a near daily basis but my nausea is getting better. Though baby needs tea at 4pm if tea is not ready by then I start to feel very sick very fast lol
I have so much work to do today but right now I've got to sit here holding my phone on charge the stupid thing. Lol
Ery that is hysterical! I dread to think what I'll be like. If I choose the MLU then you can't have an epidural there. I have no idea what I want.

Happy 14 weeks to Nikki and Piglet!
Lol dovekie that was with my son nearly 8yrs ago.

Glad your in laws are supportive. I'm still vomiting on a near daily basis but my nausea is getting better. Though baby needs tea at 4pm if tea is not ready by then I start to feel very sick very fast lol

That sounds crazy. I was wondering whether it really happened or it was a dream! Speaking of dreams, I had one of my first baby dreams. The baby was the size of my hand and wearing nothing but a nappy and a stripey bobble hat. I think it was a boy.

Yes, my nausea has also improved, which makes all the difference. I'm vomiting 1-2 times a day, a bit more randomly now.
Lol all true!

Happy 14 weeks girls :)

My MLU is inside the hospital so I could have had an epidural if I wanted but I didn't really need one it only really hurt right at the end but I wasn't in the water at that point.

That's a cute baby dream. I've had pregnancy dreams I dreamt the gender scan (girl) etc but no.actual baby dreams yet.
Haha Ery that sounds hilarious! Gas and air made me sick during labour too but I had it for stitches after and it was bloody brilliant!! Second time around I had a homebirth and just had some paracetemol about 20 mins before he was born. I did hypnobirthing with them both which I think helped a lot!

I'm so annoyed this morning. I've been feeling rubbish all weekend and had a huge go at my oh which is totally unlike me, think I'm coming down with a cold. As a recap - I haven't had my dating scan yet and I'm 13 weeks. My midwife has been on holiday and no one else seems that bothered. I've been trying to get in touch with her all morning to no avail. Even tried calling the hospital where I am supposed to be having the scan but there's no one in the scan department that will take my call.

Not really sure what else to do other than feel rubbish about it!! Can I make an appointment somewhere else without the help of a midwife? She doesn't seem likeep the kind of midwife I want around to be honest, feel like I'd rather do it all on my own at this point. Boo! Xx
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That was hilarious, Ery.

I really have no idea what I want. So many options. The only thing I would like to try and no epidural. I really don't like needles going into my spine. Had a spinal tap and felt like I feel the needle in there for weeks. I quite like the idea of gas. I've had that before for a procedure and loved it.
Poor you Betty! That is not acceptable. Could you ring and ask to speak to the supervisor of midwives? Surely she could get it sorted for you. If you are not happy with your midwife you are totally within your rights to ask for a different one too. x
I'm not sure either betty apart from keep ringing and nagging! If I was 13 weeks and still hadn't heard anything I'd possibly be pitching my tent at the sonographers office!

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