May mummies and rainbows to be :)

is anyone doing private antenatal classes? I don't know how much thy are but I've never been through the birth with my boys and know nothing about breathing or pain relief and my partner wasn't at the birth of his daughter so thought it might prepare me a bit more but won't get them because I've already got 2 children with the hospital so would have to go private
Pram shopping was fun!

We didn't buy one but both really like the Oyster Max. We're going to hopefully go to a babies r us next week and look at a few more, as they didn't have any Cossatto and I've looked at them quite a lot on line, so I'd like to have a play in person.

We were given a travel system when we had Cam and I can't begin to tell you how much nicer the ones we saw today are. They are easier to put up and down, so much lighter and more maneuverable and soooo easy to put on the carry cot and car seat etc! I remember when Cam was a baby wrestling with getting his car seat on the chassis for like ten minutes before giving up on the whole thing on the verge of tears and getting a massive great trolley just for bread and milk!! Lo!!!

I did however purchase a packet of newborn nappies and a pack of muslins today! The nappies are so tiny! Cute!!

That's a nice gap kabuk. I was close with the bday lol
We are having take out for tea I ordered it for 4:45 it turned up at 1:45 I was like that's early so he's coming back later..... should have at least taken my cake I could have eaten that lol.

I'm glad I'm not the only one planning on working til I pop lol. I'm hoping to go on mat leave around 10th may for 16 weeks then taking my annual leave leaving 1 day for my son's bday lol hubby will start pat leave when I end my mat leave so we will have some time together. And he'll have the full rest of the 52weeks I'm aware at the end he won't get paid but I don't think that will be an issue as I'm quite well paid. I'm just hoping that I get to swap my days to mon -Thurs rather than my current thurs-sun which will give me 2 extra hours a week too. Which over 52 weeks is almost like a month of hubby's wages.
I'm going to try and work it that I can take all my holiday at the very end of my pregnancy and then have my maternity leave start as close to due date as possible.

I've recently changed my rota at work though and work one full day a week and the others are around six hours so more than a half day and less than a full one! Once they've figured out how my holiday will work then I can try and figure out my maternity leave.

Pram shopping was fun!

We didn't buy one but both really like the Oyster Max. We're going to hopefully go to a babies r us next week and look at a few more, as they didn't have any Cossatto and I've looked at them quite a lot on line, so I'd like to have a play in person.

We were given a travel system when we had Cam and I can't begin to tell you how much nicer the ones we saw today are. They are easier to put up and down, so much lighter and more maneuverable and soooo easy to put on the carry cot and car seat etc! I remember when Cam was a baby wrestling with getting his car seat on the chassis for like ten minutes before giving up on the whole thing on the verge of tears and getting a massive great trolley just for bread and milk!! Lo!!!

I did however purchase a packet of newborn nappies and a pack of muslins today! The nappies are so tiny! Cute!!


Are you planning to have another one after this baby Emily and using the oyster max as a double? I only ask cos I had one for my two with a 16 month age gap and it was rubbish and I really wish I'd never wasted my money on it :( x
No, we're stopping after this one for sure! After the hell we went through to conceive this little monkey there's no way I'd want to go through that ever again!

We're not set on the Oyster as I want to look at some Cossatto ones before deciding properly but the Oyster is certainly a contender!

can anyone help with antenatal classes? is anyone doing them privately who's had a baby before?
Oh sorry nikki, I was meant to reply to that part. No I won't be. Didn't with my son and don't really fancy the idea this time. Some people do find them really helpful though xx
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No, I won't be doing them. I didn't find them all that helpful first time round tbh!

maybe it's not worth it then lol did you just sort of go with the flow? I've had 2 c sections so never been through labour before
piglet your due date and scan date is exactly the same as mine lol I moved over a bit early!
Yes Nikki, just went with the flow. I didn't have to do any panting or special breathing anyway so don't know how it would have helped xx
OK thanks girls thought it might of helped oh as well but I guess that's what the midwives are there for! really hope I get my natural birth this time! feels mad wanting to feel the pain lol but as this will be my last I really want to try
I'm hoping for a water birth this time round. The thing is, with the best will in the world, you can plan your birth till you're blue in the face, but these babies of ours often have other ideas! Lol!

I'll note down some birth preferences but knowing how things went for me last time, I'm happy to just go with the flow really, as there's not much else you can do!

I am the same Emily, my OH asked if I want epidural. I said I will do what I need to do. If I need it, I will have it, I would rather not but I am not too precious to admit when I need help xx
When I was in labour with Cam, hubby and I had a conversation something like this:

Me- I know I said I didn't want an epidural but I want an epidural.
Oh - OK
Me- but I don't want an epidural
Oh - OK
Me- but I think I want one
Oh - so what do you want then?
Me- *pathetic wailing* EVERYTHIIIIIIING!!!


Hahah, Emily, I bet that exact conversation happens all the time.
I had epidural written on my birth plan last time but I had to have it in the end anyway as I was induced and contractions were coming too quickly. I will do what I need to do xx

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