May mummies and rainbows to be :)

Im glad I'm not the only one struggling to drink. It's really hard though! I can't go near blackcurrant juice I'm preferring lemon and lime drinks.
Anyone else struggling with taking these stupidly ridiculously enormous sizes pregnancy vitamin tablets. I've given up on tonight's I can't even hold the bugger in my mouth before I start to gag.

Also found out my friend has just had to have a d&c after her 2nd mc
:( wish I had been able to offer her support x I didn't even know she was trying.
Anyone else struggling with taking these stupidly ridiculously enormous sizes pregnancy vitamin tablets. I've given up on tonight's I can't even hold the bugger in my mouth before I start to gag.

Also found out my friend has just had to have a d&c after her 2nd mc
:( wish I had been able to offer her support x I didn't even know she was trying.

I am Pregnacare makes me sick. I told my midwife the other day she told me the only thing I should be taking now is Vitamin D. So I've bought some, there smaller and make me feel less sick xx
I've run out but just ordered some more.

I know it's most important to take them during the first 12 weeks but I'm going to try and take them longer.

Pregnacare was making me so ill so I swapped to 7seas with added ginger. Which was easier but geez why are they so big!! I'll speak to my midwife at my next appointment see what she says. My doppler still hasn't arrived. I'm terrified about actually usin it though daft as it sounds. I've seen bubs I've felt bubs.... but still scared for the next step lol
I'm still taking Pregnacare. It was making me ill too, but a friend suggested taking it in the evening, so I've been doing that and haven't had any problems. I would prefer a supplement that didn't have Iron in it. I really don't need it and it makes constipation worse. The size of the vitamin doesn't really bother me. I was taking a regular woman's multi-vitaman daily prior to this, and they are pretty big too. I find Pregnacare easier to take because at least it's coated.
You guys are slacking! This is the first time I've logged on and this thread hasn't been at the top of the tri 2 discussions!

I'm on the Seven seas, why are they so much bigger than their conception vitamins? There can't be that much extra in them. I never asked how long I should take them for. They keep on asking about D and told me to take the asprin right up to the end. I did ask about folic acid too and my GP gave me another 3 months worth and said take until at least week 16 and then however long I wanted to carry on afterwards.
I.think I'll try and take them throughout tbh. I usually take my pregnacare with my evening meal.

We are heading out shortly to go pram shopping!! Exciting!!

Ibe been told I can drop down to my normal folic acid dose which is scary. I don't know why 7seas are so much bigger than their conception it's daft! I take mine at midnight as that's when I used to take my last anti sickness pill. I don't know how long to take my aspirin for either as I wasn't sure if you could have it right by the end for risk of too much bleeding. But then if I don't what if it causes other trouble! I guess that's why I have my consultant! I so hope I can the water birth I want though. Gee here's my talking about the birth already lol... also anyone got any idea how long they are working for? I was hoping to work until my due date as my son came two weeks late and I had started mat leave 2 weeks before due date the month of waiting was agony I wished I had just kept on working with just the 2 weeks off prior for last min things.
Good luck on the pram hunt. I found our it's nearly as much for a new car seat and carry cot as it is for a new pram I'm looking at this one as a lighter weight alternative to my current one.
I am still taking my pregnacare too, although I do forget it the odd time. I don't always have a varied diet (depending on sickness) so think its best to continue for me.

Enjoy the shopping Emily :)

I think I will work up until the Easter half term, thats on the 3rd of April but the maternity wouldn't technically start until 2 weeks after that. So will be off a month before babys arrival but mat time wise, will be 2 weeks. I haven't thought too much about what birth I want as I am not sure I have many options, I haemorrhaged after birth last time so think they have to monitor me more, no water birth for me :( xx
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I'm planning on working right up to my due date. I thought about starting it right after the Easter half-term, but there will still be almost a month until I'm due. Plus, I want to at least start my students out with their revision. I'll be working a lot over that break as I need to make sure everything is in order for the supply teacher who'll take over until at least the end of the school year. Almost everything is in place for next school as I plan on not going back until January 2018. I considered going back for a week before xmas holiday starts so I get paid over xmas, but we are likely to be in the US for a month (Thanksgiving, my bday and xmas) so my family can meet the little one, plus I haven't gone back during the holiday season since moving abroad 9 years ago. My nieces and nephews don't let me forget that either.

I haven't thought as much about the birth. Depending on what happens with the placenta over the coming weeks, that may determine it for me. If not, I'm not sure about a water birth. I know I don't want a home one. I'm too nervous for that. I want to be in a hospital incase anything goes wrong. I had a bad experience when I had my tonsils out; I haemorrhaged. Thank goodness it wasn't an outpatient surgery then like it is now. Ideally, I'd like it to be completely natural. This is likely to be my only pregnancy as my dw will have the next one. We're likely to stop there. I don't think I want to go through this when I'm nearly 40.
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When's your b day again Jan 2nd?

Do nice that your dw will gave the next one bet your dead excited. I had a ff couple friends and they both got pregnant at the same time. Their babies were born within 2 weeks of each other! It's like having twins lol.

The water birth was the best experience ever I would totally recommend it.
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My bday is 2nd Dec.

My dw suggested that but I said absolutely not. There is no way we could both be pregnant at the same time. She is 3 years younger than me, so me going first made sense. She still has time. Plus work for her really took off and this would've been a bad time for her to be pregnant. Hopefully she'll try once this little one is 1-2 years old. A 2-3 year age gap would be nice. Friends of ours had twins back in June and the other one will start trying already in the new year, so they are hoping for no more than 1.5-2 years apart.

I'm going to read up on the water birth at some point, but I'll wait to see what happens with the placenta first. I don't want to get all excited about a birth plan that may not be an option. I'm a little more optimistic after my sister said she had the placenta previs early in pregnancy before it resolved itself. She pushed all 5 of hers out.
I don't know about work yet. I still haven't told them and I'm an apprentice so I don't know where I stand. I'm waiting for my union to get back to me xxxx
Have fun pram shopping Emily! Bring us back some pictures and reviews!

kabuk I think that is a great idea to take turns.

I've not really thought much about getting the little one out yet. At the moment I still have times when I forget this is real and happening. I think I need to be 'more pregnant' for it to seem real. A home birth is tempting as I hate hospitals but I have a couple of concerns, firstly I can't be doing with the bother of cleaning up the mess afterwards which there must be and we are a long way from a hospital and even further to the hospital with consultant unit if something went wrong. As a first timer, a ltttcer and with family having had serious birthing problems I think it will be too risky a choice for us. Maybe if this one goes ok and we had another it would be an option then. I'm tempted by the MLU but possibly at the hospital with the consultant unit rather than the satellite hospital which is closest to us, again for the same reasons as the home birth. I asked the midwife when I had to decide by and she said when you go into labour, so at least I have plenty of time to choose haha.
I'm high risk and have to be monitored but they have wireless motoring now so I can still try for a water birth :)
I'm planning on working until I can't. I only work part time anyway. It isn't too much of a problem as I work for my husband and he won't be replacing me as such, just getting a self employed person in to help as and when needed.
Last time I started my mat leave on my due date but had 2 weeks leave leading up to it. Baby didn't arrive until 2 weeks late so I had ages twiddling my thumbs.

I'm hoping baby won't take as long this time and I'm planning to finish work at Easter. I'm due 1st May so that's only two weeks before. I don't think I have enough leave to do the same as last time so my mat leave will start on the Tuesday after Easter.

I was induced last time so I didn't get the birth I wanted. I wanted to be able to move around to manage my pain, but instead I was strapped to monitors and I had to stay as still as possible because baby was lying on his cord and the heart rate kept dropping.

This time I'm hoping for the active birth I wanted last time, on a maternity led unit, maybe using the pool for pain control too.
Afternoon ladies :) Emily I hope you enjoyed pram shopping! We went yesterday and settled on the icandy peach! Absolutely love it, it seems so robust whilst also being lightweight plus easy to collapse and has a HUGE basket which is a massive plus! Going to wait until new year to see if it has any offers before buying hopefully we can save some money! Let us know what your favourite it :)
I'm going to start my mat leave on 1st May and baby is due 19th, last time I absolutely hated the job I was in so finished work at 32 weeks using a load of holiday before starting mat leave at 36 weeks but we were renovating our house at the time so I was nice and busy and my little girl arrived at 36+6 so was quite lucky I went so early lol! If this baby comes early like her I'll have no time off prior but I only work 3 days a week and will only do 2 days a week from April using leave one day per week as my little girl qualifies for her 15 hours a week as she would've just turned 3 so planning on working her 2 full days and having leave for her 3 hour session so it won't be too bad :)
With the birth I'm the same as pebbles, really wanted an active lovely water birth with my little girl but because she was technically premature they had me on monitors and stuck on the bed and I hated it so hoping to look into hypnobirthing this time and fingers crossed will get my water birth! My midwife said they have to keep an eye on me and if there's a chance this baby comes before 37+1 then they'll make me go consultant led and probably end up not having the water birth :( Hopefully this bubba stays put until then for me! Although I did love the epidural last time haha xx
booked my 16 week midwife appointment for the 30th :) 2 weeks on Wednesday hopefully get to hear babies heartbeat for the first time too! finally in here tomorrow :) 14 weeks!

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