May mummies and rainbows to be :)

I used to smoke a bit of pot bur I'm against anything stronger. Got started on pot for pain relief it was the only thing that worked when I had a few issues years back I had it a bit recreationally and more socially since then but not often. And if I ever get that pain back I'd definitely try it again but never around my kids.
I think it's terrifying to be do high you don't know what you did. But I'm not a big drinker either! I once got told off my the doc for damaging my liver due to binge drinking I was confused she asked how much I drank I said maybe 6wkds 1 bottle of malibu and 1 bottle of brandy...... a year! She apologised and then couldn't explain my results lol
If nothing in between then I count as two sessions.
I am dreading the gtt cos I am like that. If I am told I can't eat I want to eat. It's the same with scans when you need a full bladder, as soon as I am told I can't go to the toilet, I need to go 2 mins later!! Xx
I literally wanted to eat everything in my cupboard this morning!! I was like oooh grapes, I fancy those, ooooh porridge I fancy that, oooooh beetroot I want some of that!! Lol!! Just want all the food!

Apparently I get a cup of tea and a biscuit after. A biscuit!! A biscuit!!! I want a bloody packet of biscuits!! Actually... I want a fry up!! Lmao!!!

At least you get a biscuit! Mine just said bye! Hope you aren't too hungry.
i dont think i get anything after mine!!

im gunna die from hunger before 8.30am i had a sandwich, an apple, a packet of crisps and a pepperami!ill never last till 9am!
All hell is breaking loose at work. These students have gone bonkers. We have one who has made verbal threats towards a teacher about beating him down after attempting to set another students hair on fire and he is still here. He had a review meeting and our Principle extended his trial period. We all just can't believe it. We have pages of incidents and after his meeting yesterday, he started this morning with another threat at a teacher. What's worse, he's had such an awful impact on the rest of the students. It's chaos and our 3 leadership people are all out. (Not a normal school- part of a youth organisation with a Principle who spends almost no time with these students.
Thats a crazy situation to be in kabuk!

Im hungry all the time with or without fasting lol so i pity you girls! I dont think i need the gtt.
Im so freakin horny at the moment though. Geez. I feel like a dog on heat. Its all i can do to dtop my mind wandering to naughty thoughts. I hope its just coz im not stveork coz if im like this at sork i may end up pouncing on a customer lol.... least it may improve my sales hahaha
Waah feeling so sorry for myself. Feel like I've been ill forever. DH cqme home to me in tears yesterday so he went and rang the docs. They called today asking to see me so I went and they said I have sinusitis (I guessed that much) which he wanted to give me penicillin for...but I'm allergic and apparently there's nothing I can have instead when pregnant! He's also asked for a sample of what's coming out my nose (gross) but dunno if that means he'll give me something anyway if it comes back as a bacterial infection? I just feel sooo ill. Can't bend down or cough without it feeling like I've been punched in the face. I've had it a few times before and I don't think I've ever managed to shift it with antibiotics :'( X
hope you feel better soon Missy!

i seem to have been struck down with another cold! 3rd one this pregnancy
Came home and our travel system has been delivered... Complete with car seat!! Finally!

I'm sure hubby won't be all that keen on the colour pattern, but I love it. It's even nicer in real life than in the pictures I've looked at!

Awww missy, that sounds awful. I really hope it clears up. I used to get sinusitis all the time. It's a real pain. Hope they find something that can help.

Finally on my way home. 8 more days of work and then it's half-term. I can't wait. That week will fly by. But the following term will be my last full half-term of the year before maternity leave! I'll get 2 weeks for Easter and then return for about 3 weeks before I start maternity and finally get to meet this little guys who's been having a party in my belly today. His little party helped keep me calm and made me smile.
Just found my old maternity clothes. Gee Im bigger than I was with my son lol. My top is a snug and I has this a lot later on. Lol.
Hope you are feeling better soon MissY.

Kabuk that sounds very stressful, hope you are ok.

Congrats on double figures Ery and kabuk!

Emily finally! Glad you love it, I bet he will come around and won't you be using it most anyway?

Another day of blood testing for me. All normal so far and I've not changed anything at all so don't know what was going on test day. At least we get a nice scan a week tomorrow and hopefully all bloods will be normal up until then and I can stop testing as it blooming hurts and my fingers are sore already.
Oh I have the dentist tomorrow. I've broken a tooth, can they fix it and can I have the anesthetic or do I have to wait until little one is here?
That we are Ery! So exciting. I'm enjoying pregnancy for the most part, but I can't wait to meet him.

Snowbee, The gtt doesn't really replicate how you would process sugar. Hopefully the rest of your blood tests will be good and you can enjoy your scan. My next scan is 2 was from tomorrow. I can't wait.
So I've used the kicks count app today and so far recorded 20 episodes of movements. This has ranged from the odd kick to multiple movements lasting a few minutes. I'm hoping I'll notice a bit more of a pattern using this.

Hmm I'm not sure how I am going to record movements as I don't have a smart phone, so apps are out. I suppose it is something I should think about now.

Thanks kabuk, I'm a bit annoyed about it really and I'm hating the testing. I would obviously like to know if there was a problem that would affect little one and be able to do something about it but I'm not sure this is. We will see.
I've just had a filling done snowbee there's two types of anesthetic. One that has adrenaline in that's fine in pregnancy the other doesn't have it in but it's not recommended in pregnancy so make sure they know. They may not be able to do a "permanent" fix just yet. I need to go back later on and have this filling out and a more hard wearing one put in once baby is here.

I'm really bad at using my app. But I've got used to when she moves and she seems to be doing it often enough. She's having a party right now my belly is jiggling all over the place!
Yeah, I haven't used an app yet either, but I generally feel him quite regularly. Tonight I've felt him push out and drag his hand across. I can't wait to have that little hand in mine.

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