May mummies and rainbows to be :)

Dovekie, you must be furious. As if that is acceptable behaviour when you have a baby on the way? Did you say he is 40 too?
I would hit the roof. That's probably why he doesn't have a good recollection of what happened or where he was.
I am lucky in that my OH doesn't change when he drinks, if anything, he is even happier. He hardly drinks anyway though, he is 37 and I think he has just gone past that being a big part of his life. Its all about family now.

Snowbee, I am so glad it has eased for you. Gives me hope. I have been panicking, thinking how much worse it will get as weeks go on.
Hopefully your bloods will be fine but how lovely that you get to see baby again :) xx
Dovekie I would be furious with my oh for that!

I've got my gtt tomorrow. Really hope it all comes back OK. I'm going to talk to MW about the possibility of extra scans as I'm so anxious about losing her still. I'm not going to hold my breath but you never know.

My Gtt is not for another 3 weeks and then midwife the same day. I will be almost 30 weeks, should I be concerned that not seeing midwife before then? I saw her just last week.
Emily, I hope they are willing to give more scans, if not, have you looked on ultrasound direct, they do quick reassurance scans for around £39 which isn't too bad xx
Yeah, if they won't offer me any more then I think we'll look at a private scan. I'd rather not spend the money on it tbh but we're basically sorted for her now and if it'll help reassure me then it'll be worth it.

my GTT is next week im dreading it - ive been so tired and thirsty yet my iron levels are normal!

i fear every day im going to lose him, had a quite day today movement wise cant wait to get in and lie down see if he does a little dance for me x
My miscarriages were all in the first trimester so I really thought I'd be OK by now and less worried but I'm not :-( just want her here safe and sound.

it doesnt get any easier i thought the worry would go when i felt movements but its made me worse when i dont feel his movements, not sure if he isnt moving or if im just not noticing them whilst im at work etc.

how do you measure movements and when do you start? i wouldnt say they are propa out of the belly kicks but they are deffo rolls and wriggling going on
My mw said you should notice a pattern from 24-25 weeks.

If you're worried though gun, give your MW a ring and ask for advice.

i was at the consultant on wednesday and he is hiding behind my placenta she said i was lucky to feel any movements.

im still getting the odd movement and roll, i just dont think im looking for it when im sat at work or he doesnt have much room to move

hes having a good wriggle now ive rubbed my belly and lent back a bit
I still haven't noticed a pattern as such with my bubs, I just know I've felt her a fair amount through the day.

If your placenta is at the front then it will cushion a lot of the movements so you might not feel them as much or as well.

The only consistency that I noticed for sure is that he moves every morning for me and every evening around the same time. I feel him throughout the day, but I'm really busy with work that I don't know the timings. What I feel changes.
i think im just a worry nut!

hes active morning and night and usually dinner time but ive noticed he is getting more active throughout the day, i suppose a pattern wont be in place yet for him xx
i think im the same Kabuk, i can feel him now but only cos ive taken the time to stop and actually look for his movements.

must be a boy thing :)
I don't know that I know a pattern yet either and almost 27 weeks. She moves alot though, just had a quiet hour here and there. I use the kick counts app which helps to track episodes of movement xx
I'm going to have to try the app soon. I feel lots of movement throughout the day, usually. When it's a stressful day and the students become a headache, then I notice them movements less as I'm too busy trying to keep tabs on the students.
I'm installing the kickscount app on my phone as we speak. Hopefully it'll help reassure me!

I don't have a movement pattern either. My midwife said there should be one by around 28 weeks. I'm seeing her at 28 weeks so will ask her again then.

I'm having a chilled phase at the moment, I was a bit panicky a bit ago but since being able to feel nice movements I'm a bit more chilled, even after this blood issue and potential GD. So far all todays bloods are normal. I asked how much sugar was in the drink they give and she said 75g! That is an insane amount. Quite looking forward to the extra scans, not so thrilled about the extra blood stabbings.
i hate men and drink!

totally sympathize with you Dovekie, altho mine doesn't stay out he can either be nice as pie or nasty as hell, i never know which one i will get

do whats right for you and the baby! i have told my OH where i am at right now and my thoughts - the baby comes first now and not how i feel, no matter how much i love and care for him im not putting my baby through the verbal abuse he gives me.

how do you feel about him taking the tablet? from my knowledge that will be why he was out so late as it keeps you going. im totally against drugs the OH used to smoke joints but since finding out we were expecting he has completely stopped

Yeah, I keep trying to tell him that my worry is for the baby. Every time I'm affected, emotionally, I worry about the baby.

He used to be a big recreational drug user - until he developed colitis! His mate has recently became single, which is a little worrying. He keeps saying it was a one-off for his 40th. Sounds more like a one-off for a 20th to me. He also didn't tell me until I asked him. He said he'd forgotten about it until I asked!? You wouldn't forget that. You don't come home high, thinking you're still just drunk. Plus, we've had a lot of fights recently and almost split up. Why would you risk it by doing that?
Dovekie that doesnt sound good. My oh was a big drug user before we met, then he stopped and just smoked weed and now ive asked him to stop altogether its hard for him hes done it for such a long time all his mates and his sister do it. I dont mind so much when he goes out but he wouldnt bring it in the house.

Hes 27 tho and still very young at heart, all his mates are single and have no responsibilities so he finds it hard.

I wouldnt be happy tho. Oh knows if he does any hard drugs hes out, im massively against drugs never done them myself
Lisey, with the kicks count app what do you count as a session? If she kicked and then I didn't feel anything for let's say 10 minutes and then she kicked again, would you count that as one session of movement or two?

Got my gtt this morning. I'm so hungry already!!! It's surprising how being told you're not allowed to eat makes you want to eat everything!!!


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