May mummies and rainbows to be :)

Hi girls been so busy the last 2 days with moving absolute nightmare ended up booking the van for an extra day which has cost us 200 quid and cant get in our house at the moment too much stuff everywhere.

Oh has been a star tho doing loads and making sure im ok and weve decided to put the kids in together so we can decorate the other room as a nursery for little lady :) im just so tired and stressed had like 8 hours sleep the last 2 days!
Emily, that all sounds so stressful and such a pain. The travel system you have chosen is really nice though, love the design.
Nikki, I hope you manage to get some rest xx
I wish we could have got a design that both hubby and I liked but he's lost the will to live when it comes to pram shopping now!! I called him from the shop and he was like just get whatever as long as it's got everything!

Lol my Hubby said the same about our pram too lol

And staying out til that late with no explanation would be Deffo out if order for us. We both have a keep in contact rule when out. Every few hours a text doesn't hurt! And we both expect a text when whoever is out starts the journey home just for safety if nothing else!
The pram is lovely emily :)

Cant believe im 25 weeks tomorrow crazy!
Man I would go bonkers if my DH did that. I've lost contact with him on a couple if nights out but he's always turned up by about 3am when most places have kicked out. Hope you got some form of apology for worrying you once he'd sobered up!

What a faff Emily! Glad you have finally got something sorted. I should probably go and look through my pram boxes and check its all there!!

Hope you get a bit of a rest now nikki. Hopefully you can unpack slowly and take your time after all the rushing around you've had to do xx
Is anyone else feeling really uncomfortable? I woke 10+ times last night with back pain, achey legs and hips. I hate to think what I am going to be like as the weeks go on. Back has been hurting all day and have been generally miserable, I even cried because I am so tired. I want to be one of these serene, blooming pregnant women but instead I am an achey, emotional one :( xx
I find that by the end of the day I feel huge and uncomfortable. My bump can feel tight stretched too. I'm not doing too bad overnight at the moment thankfully. Have had the occasional night where I've had to sleep with an extra pillow under my bump and have started needing to go to the toilet in the night the last week or so but not very often.

I think I look huge though and just thinking about how much bigger bumpy will get! Here's 26 week bumpy from yesterday.



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I get like that too. Some days the back pain hurts really bad. Every morning my bump aches maybe itsea growth spurt or maybe as I now suspect she just kicks the shite out of me at night! Lol I thought I fiiiiiiiiiiiiinally got to the end of all the baby clothes I need to put on ebay. Then found another huge bag. Geez why did I keep all this stuff lol. I now have a huge bag of stuff I can use for Erin too. But Geez I was mental lol. I think it's coz we planned on having a 2yr age gap :rofl:
This is the big bag to sell I've a ready put 4 of these up on ebay :wall2:


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Nikki, hopefully you can rest a bit and take your time unpacking. It's good to hear that you oh has been helpful after everything. Long may it continue!

We are currently sleeping on a futon as we wait for the bedroom to be finished and our new bed and mattress to arrive. I've got the rest of the week on this futon, and I'm so looking for to sleep on Friday night with our new bed. Got a nice spring coil and memory foam anti-allergy mattress with a firmness of 4. My back pain in the mornings has increased because of the futon. It's actually quite a comfy mattress, but it doesn't offer the same support for my back and bump right now, especially since I can't sleep on my back on stomach. I surrounded myself with pillows for various places of support and that helped a great deal, but still have the pain a bit. My bump only really hurts after I eat. When full, I feel like it might explode.

Can't wait to be settled so we can start buying things for the baby!
Kabuk im the same just want to get the house sorted now so we can get everything for the baby! Normally end up in hospital at 36 weeks so that gives me 11 weeks to get a house sorted, buy everything and get bags packed just incase lol

Im really struggling with back pain at the moment and my joints from my spd are so painful! Need to change my doctors this week and book in my 28 week midwife appointment
Thanks for the support ladies. He wouldn't apologise to me yesterday as we were arguing, but he did this morning. He thinks he stayed in town all night/morning, but the club he went to closes on average at 4? He said his mate went to a house party afterwards but he came home? Who knows.

I've just seen the midwife at my new doctors. She was very flustered as I'm not on the system yet. She said I have a very neat bump, which I have noticed when I'm in the bath (it pokes out like a little round island!). All is well. Heartbeat sounded strong etc., and got my whooping cough appointment for next week. She did tell me I should be taking vitamin D, which I didn't know about.

Hope you're all well x
Oh is getting the beds and cooker sorted tonight after work and then i can concentrate on unpacking when im not at work. Weve got no tv or internet till the 15th feb either :(
Oh, for those of you with achey hips. I bought one of those maternity pillows that you're supposed to lie between in bed. I discovered that if you push the two "legs" of the pillow together, you can lie on top of it instead, with your hip in the gap. Since your hip isn't on the mattress and just sort of floats there, it helps relieve the pain. My bursitis has been better since I tried that.
I couldn't live without the internet. I booked my change over 2 weeks in advance and had them come out yesterday. It sucks when you can't do that. The only probably is we are stuck in the 2nd bedroom, which is in the back, and the wifi is too week there. I need to get an extender so we can get it back there. Of course, we should only be there until Friday. But it would be set up then for when we have visitors who stay in that room.

Dovekie, that is a pain. I'm still waiting on my new hospital to contact me. I tried ringing them to transfer, but I was always sent to voicemail, so I completed their online referral form. That said to wait 14 days to contact them. One of our movers from the area told me to just walk in and raise hell- they sort you then. Would love to have everything changed over soon. Still need to find a GP.
The plot thickens. Apparently my boyfriend took half an ecstasy pill when he was out. :/
I would be very unamused Dovekie. Why would he think that was a good idea?! Ridiculous man.

Lisey I was insanely uncomfortable overnight a week ago, I couldn't sleep and kept waking in pain. However suddenly things are much better, I think baby has moved as I also don't need to wee anywhere near as much as I was. I was starting to worry about how much worse it was going to get. Hopefully yours will ease up soon as well.

So I've been to yet another hospital for yet more blood. My blood today was fine and my blood from my GTT I've found out was just 0.1 over the accepted levels, so I've got to test my blood 4 times a day for 10 days and then be reassessed. The good news is I get another scan in 10 days so another chance to see little one and they also said I'll get one a month from now on just to check.
i hate men and drink!

totally sympathize with you Dovekie, altho mine doesn't stay out he can either be nice as pie or nasty as hell, i never know which one i will get

do whats right for you and the baby! i have told my OH where i am at right now and my thoughts - the baby comes first now and not how i feel, no matter how much i love and care for him im not putting my baby through the verbal abuse he gives me.

how do you feel about him taking the tablet? from my knowledge that will be why he was out so late as it keeps you going. im totally against drugs the OH used to smoke joints but since finding out we were expecting he has completely stopped

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