May mummies and rainbows to be :)

Lol. I'm the same my 3008 is used and she was top spec for her age. Leather seats. Built in sat nav. Parking sensors. Glass panoramic roof. Heated seats and tvs in the headrests. She was perfect on the test drive. Then she needed a sensor repair... and the garage dropped the engine on the floor and cracked the engine block. Now she has.... issues. Lol. She basically hates the cold and waiting in traffic now lol. (So she's like me!)
Seriously, what are these men up to?! Mine just told me he has another work contract for 10 weeks - great as we need the money and I've been working far too many hours - but rubbish because it's in the same town where he met the woman he was flirting with a few months back. I questioned it today and said I was unhappy but it ended in an argument. He's been so cold about the pregnancy lately whereas he was so happy initially. I feel like were on the edge of splitting up all the time. I just want the man I fell in love with back :( xx
Betty sorry to hear your having a rough time aswell :( these men just don't understand how we feel!
Lol. I'm the same my 3008 is used and she was top spec for her age. Leather seats. Built in sat nav. Parking sensors. Glass panoramic roof. Heated seats and tvs in the headrests. She was perfect on the test drive. Then she needed a sensor repair... and the garage dropped the engine on the floor and cracked the engine block. Now she has.... issues. Lol. She basically hates the cold and waiting in traffic now lol. (So she's like me!)

Yes ery, this car has all those things (apart from TV seats), adaptive lights, heated windscreen, Bluetooth etc. My requirements were sat nav, pan roof and leather seats so when I found this one with way more got excited. It's weird as this needs sensor replaced. I am nervous now. They will do it for us before we pick it up, I am more edgy now, maybe it's a sign not to get it, yikes
I feel that I am also very similar to your car haha.

Betty so sorry about your OH. The job around where the woman is would bother me too. Did he get really defensive about it? He should be reassuring you, not having a go xx
Yeah he just got really defensive. I didn't exactly approach it in the calmest manner but an apology or some understanding wouldn't have gone amiss! I'm actually looking for somewhere else to live, I can't afford the house we live in now anyway, I'm sick with exhaustion and need to cut down my working hours as soon as I can xx
Wow, the man trouble. It really seems to be going around. I don't know how some of you are managing. I hope things calm down and you can really enjoy your pregnancies.

I'm very lucky as my dw is very excited. She wasn't at first, keeping her distance throughout the first trimester, although still supportive when I wasn't feeling well, but that was because she was afraid of losing the baby. Now she rubs and kisses my belly several times a day. We both get very busy, but our communication is pretty good. Oh we have our share of arguments, but they are almost always when one of us is over tired and over stressed. She's been super busy, but she told her team that she was taking the weekend. I've been doing a lot of the leg work on getting our flat ready, but she is taking the weekend to go select paint and to start packing up the house. We are both eager to baby shop, but we are putting it off until after we are settled into the new flat.

I have so much respect for those who go through so much when ttc. We obviously had to plan, but most of our disappointments came with our original donor constantly cancelling on us. We wanted to use a known donor who we've met, and found someone, but he's a photographer and travels a lot. It made it very difficult. After 1.5 tries (1st try was 2 insems and the half try was one insem) in just over 6 months, we decided to change to cryos. My dw was trying originally, but after the failure in those tries and not being able to try again, things got really busy for her at work. That's when I decided I'd give it a go, and we got very very lucky- luck combined with my endless research. We bought enough for 5 goes, so we still have 4 more goes for her for a sibling. The battle to even try was stressful. I can't even begin to imagine what it's like to constantly get bfn and having mc. I really admire those who persevere.
My oh would get defensive aswell and tell me to just deal with it basically he works with a girl I hate and I've had to put up with their friendship for a year
Kabuk if you had a sibling for your baby would your dw want to carry the next one? Or is she happy for you to do it? Lol
She wants to carry. She's 3.5 years younger than me, so she has time. Whilst we don't know if she has any fertility issues, we do know that others in her family have had issues. There is nothing pointing to fertility issues as her period and ovulation is regular, which she learned through her tracking. So we'll start trying again when this little one is between 9-12 months. That way if there are any issues, we have time to try IVF and time to decide whether I want to carry again. As I'm already 35, that decision would have to happen in the not too distant future. I don't want be giving birth after 38, and of course fertility decreases with age. But we are really hoping that she can get pregnant, and hopefully within year from the time we start. Our goal is for have 2 kids, 1 each using the same donor, so hopefully it'll all work out.
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Aw that's nice I remember seeing a couple on one born every minute and they both carried thought it was really nice ")
Yeah he just got really defensive. I didn't exactly approach it in the calmest manner but an apology or some understanding wouldn't have gone amiss! I'm actually looking for somewhere else to live, I can't afford the house we live in now anyway, I'm sick with exhaustion and need to cut down my working hours as soon as I can xx

I'm sorry hun, it's not a nice situation to be in. I always used to have a a feeling my ex cheated on me. When I was pregnant I saw messages to a girl via email. She was in Liverpool or something and they hadn't met. The conversations weren't rude or risqué but flirty. I confronted him and her...he had a go at me for telling her I was pregnant! I should have run for the hills then. They can be so good at switching things. He was always defensive, denied it but he admitted after I had my son that he had cheated.
I am not saying in any way that your OH has but they shouldn't go on the defensive, reassurance is what we need, esp when pregnant. We are more sensitive as it is and we need to feel secure.
Look after yourself, it will all catch up on you. Rest up over the weekend and do something that makes you happy, even if it is watching a film and eating loads of chocs xx
Yea lisey. That's what my garage said too.... what issue is it? Depollution system?
I'm in two minds if it's a good idea. I mean the car we got was 7k. For the spec and age (only 4yrs old at time with 49k miles) other places were 10 - 15k since having her I think we've spent about 1k - 1.5k on repairs. Some were normal stuff like £100 on tyres. New brake pads etc. One when we ordered it from manufacturer... we were asked if we were sure it was the right part as we were only the 2nd person to order it in the past 3 years.... in the whole north west! I mean we are still in credit with the car which is brill. But it's one of those things where you hope she's going to be in the right mood to get you from A to B.... and if she is.... that she's willing to get you back again lol
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The sensor is to stop it going into limp mode. A mechanic is coming with us to look at it so he will find anything wrong with it. It's just luck of the draw with a car isn't it. You just don't know what you're going to get, could get a brand new one and things go wrong xx
Aye. Yea the limp mode is something im extreemly familar with. (And my mechanic told me its the same engine in the 3008 as bmw and mini's)
Oh and just to warn you ours had nothing to do with the sensor. Its more the computer itself. I believe. The car gets confused and begins to judder you get power loss but still drives ok. Then from a stop start (eg. Lights) you will get a big judder engine light vomes on and she wont go above 10mph you stop turn engine off for about 30secs then on again and its fine after 24-48hrs the engine light goes off. It hapoens about once a month. We call it her pmt time.
Still happens after pretty much a new engine. Its more an eke trucal fault than a mechanic fault. By checking the diagnostics you will get either "depolition system error" "filter needs replacing" or a spark plug misfire message x
What sort of stuff is he planning? I've bought everything for the baby so far men just don't seem interested lol

Nothing bad, just walks and gigs, but he doesn't drink. I'd just like to hear him refer to the baby more!
You're all so brave. I've felt like if I lost this baby I wouldn't want to live anymore, and it was an accident! I don't know how you carried on after all your losses. X
You have to pick yourself up off the floor a bit but you carry on x i reached a low and a rugged determination after a mc coincided with an immune disorder flare up meaning my heart wasnt functioning correctly. I half felt like giving up then but we gave it another go and lil miss is growing well. I did resort to my poetry again too :blush: lol
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Aye. Yea the limp mode is something im extreemly familar with. (And my mechanic told me its the same engine in the 3008 as bmw and mini's)

Yes old minis have Peugeot engines. Newer ones have BMW engines. We were actually talking about that earlier. Mechanic is bringing diagnostic computer thing. The thing is, it's a risk with any car. My last car was super low mileage, great condition and not long after the power steering pump and radiator went!

Dovekie, it is so hard to pick yourself up after a loss and especially after multiple losses but the yearning for a baby overrides it and you just keep going xx
Yea new perg's have the bmw one too. Ive akways saud its a gamble and atvthevend of the day most ppl dont part eith a car unless there is something wrong with it you just gotta hope its nothing too costly! Me snd hubby both still love our car even with her pmt so many prople have told us to get rid but chsnces are just as probable we would swap for something worse! Lol

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