Wow, the man trouble. It really seems to be going around. I don't know how some of you are managing. I hope things calm down and you can really enjoy your pregnancies.
I'm very lucky as my dw is very excited. She wasn't at first, keeping her distance throughout the first trimester, although still supportive when I wasn't feeling well, but that was because she was afraid of losing the baby. Now she rubs and kisses my belly several times a day. We both get very busy, but our communication is pretty good. Oh we have our share of arguments, but they are almost always when one of us is over tired and over stressed. She's been super busy, but she told her team that she was taking the weekend. I've been doing a lot of the leg work on getting our flat ready, but she is taking the weekend to go select paint and to start packing up the house. We are both eager to baby shop, but we are putting it off until after we are settled into the new flat.
I have so much respect for those who go through so much when ttc. We obviously had to plan, but most of our disappointments came with our original donor constantly cancelling on us. We wanted to use a known donor who we've met, and found someone, but he's a photographer and travels a lot. It made it very difficult. After 1.5 tries (1st try was 2 insems and the half try was one insem) in just over 6 months, we decided to change to cryos. My dw was trying originally, but after the failure in those tries and not being able to try again, things got really busy for her at work. That's when I decided I'd give it a go, and we got very very lucky- luck combined with my endless research. We bought enough for 5 goes, so we still have 4 more goes for her for a sibling. The battle to even try was stressful. I can't even begin to imagine what it's like to constantly get bfn and having mc. I really admire those who persevere.