May mummies and rainbows to be :)

This is our wallpaper x although not our front room unfortunately :rofl:


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Thanks for the help girls going to asda in a minute so will have a look. First time they have had them
I had my first experience with nits this pregnancy too lol *whispers* .... they know!!! *whispers*
Hi ladies! Just popping on for a quick catch up. Sorry so many of you are struggling with ridiculous men. I hope you can all get sorted, with or without them you will do just great.

Lisey I like the second one, really sweet but not too babyish. We aren't doing any decorating for little one, so that is one thing we don't need to worry about!

My oh is really excited now, he has always been excited since we found out being as we also had a shitty time getting here, but it has really ramped up now I've got a bump that he keeps poking trying to get little one to kick back at him. I can feel him fairly clearly now, although his movement still isn't consistent at all. My oh hasn't felt him for a coupls of weeks since the first time, he just doesn't seem to get the timing right for the big kicks.

25+1 for me today and still on our holiday, back later on this week and then I'll have to start the sorting and packing up for having all the carpets and floorboards up to repair our heating, that will be fun!
This is our wallpaper x although not our front room unfortunately :rofl:

Lovely. Reminds me of the wallpaper they have in the lodges in centerparcs, always made me feel chilled.

Thanks for input girls, think will go for second one so that we are not limited xx
Hi ladies. Just saying hi, I'm still here! This thread moves so quickly that I'm usually a few pages behind. When I go to comment on something I realise that you've moved on to a new topic so I don't!
Sorry so many of you have had man trouble. My oh has been great and he's really good with our little boy too. He keeps him entertained so I can go have a lie down if I need to.
I've had that cm thing that you described Ery, there was loads of it!
I've handed my matb1 into work. I'm planning to finish work on 7th April which gives me 3 weeks before due date. I'm getting so impatient, I just want to skip over the next couple of months, I'm bored of waiting!
Well the pharmacist said he didn't want to tell me to buy anything without seeing the doctor because he's not sure about using it when I'm pregnant so said to use conditioner and I bought the nitty gritty comb!

So busy taking everything down for this move on Saturday I'm so tired and stressed house is upside down lol

Oh is back, I've said he can go to this weekend away as long as I'm not in hospital by then and the pregnancy is still going ok. That was my compromise lol he deserves a weekend away before baby comes as long as everything is OK it's still 6-7 weeks away yet
Nikki the hedrin I used said in the instructions safe to use when pregnant.
Oh really thanks ery. I'll try with the comb first apparently you shouldn't need to use anything else with that and go through it everyday if that doesn't work then I'll buy some hedrin x
Well the pharmacist said he didn't want to tell me to buy anything without seeing the doctor because he's not sure about using it when I'm pregnant so said to use conditioner and I bought the nitty gritty comb!

So busy taking everything down for this move on Saturday I'm so tired and stressed house is upside down lol

Oh is back, I've said he can go to this weekend away as long as I'm not in hospital by then and the pregnancy is still going ok. That was my compromise lol he deserves a weekend away before baby comes as long as everything is OK it's still 6-7 weeks away yet

Don't forget about yourself in all of this and what you deserve too xx
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He likes his weekends away it's something I've always had to deal with. I'm happy staying at home with the kids lol. My mum has said she will stay with me while he's away just in case and if I'm in hospital before then I've told him he won't be going or if I'm ill etc but if everything is OK then I'm fine with it. I'll have a night out with the girls once baby is here. It's all the other stuff he needs to work on aswell so I'm just going to see how things go. It's so hard because I do love him and I want our little girl to have him around but he hasn't been treating me very fairly so that's something he needs to work on
Is it bad that we won't have a nursery? We're currently turning the spare room into an office!

We won't be making a nursery of the second bedroom so much right away. There will be a changing table in there and a dresser, but otherwise it'll be a spare room for the first 6 months. We are hoping to make it more into a nursery after he's in a cot bed, but there will still be a futon in the room for visitors. However, this may change. We are going to have to wait longer now to convert our loft to an en suite bedroom, so if we want an au pair before then, the baby will stay in our room and the second bedroom will be for the au pair instead of becoming a nursery.

Yay! Our painters have gotten started today! We went with light neutral colours throughout to keep it simple. We'll had a bit of vibrancy with our teal couch and other colourful items. I do love accessorising with curtains, pillows, etc. Started packing and hating it. Just going through cupboards full of papers and random items. This is taking ages. Not sure how we'll be packed by Saturday.
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After arguing for most of the weekend, I've came to stay with my parents. It's not the best timing as we had stuff planned this week. It's my boyfriend's 40th. I can't pretend everything's good though.
I don't know. I was just feeling a bit down yesterday and he went crazy with me when we were out shopping. A load of insults followed. Then this morning I tried to avoid any conflict but he started by asking why I was behaving like a c***, and started pointing his finger at me. My anxiety hit the roof so I left. I can't see the end of these arguments and i just don't want it to affect the baby. I've been crying a lot this weekend :/ Very confused.
I don't know. I was just feeling a bit down yesterday and he went crazy with me when we were out shopping. A load of insults followed. Then this morning I tried to avoid any conflict but he started by asking why I was behaving like a c***, and started pointing his finger at me. My anxiety hit the roof so I left. I can't see the end of these arguments and i just don't want it to affect the baby. I've been crying a lot this weekend :/ Very confused.

Personally I would not go back. With behaviour like that it could escalate to something more. How dare he use that language towards you and you don't deserve to have insults thrown at you.
Sending you hugs lovely, I know it's not nice xx
Oh dovekie luckily my oh has never called me anything like that who does he think he is?? I think you did the right thing by leaving x
These silly silly men! I do feel sorry for you!
We've just spent about an hour trying to fill out these dammed shared parental leave and shared parental pay forms. Then very soon I'll have to do the same thing with my maternity!
I'm also picking up the pram tomorrow yay! I have absolutely no where to put it like but I'll have it!

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