May mummies and rainbows to be :)

Had my 24 week appointment with my GP and all looks good. Heartbeat was perfect! She thought I would measure under 24 weeks because I look quite small, but my bump measurement just touched the 24 week marker. My blood pressure was a little higher than normal, but still well within the normal range. My normal bp is on the lower side. I did have my GTT today, had a workout about 2 hours before and was rushing when walking to the GP. I was seen almost immediately after arriving, so maybe the walk pushed it up a bit.

GTT was a pain but not as bad as I thought. I hated the lucozade, but it did stop the hunger pains. However, it left me burping for the first hour of the 2 hour wait. The baby reacted almost immediately to the lucozade though. I don't usually have fizzy drinks or caffeine.

He's been active tonight. My dw got to feel him. When she leaned down to talk to my belly and kiss it, she felt the kick in her mouth. I started laughing and teasing her that he's cheeky already, but she turned it around and said that it's the only way for him to give her a kiss right now.
Is there anything we can take for heartburn or acid reflux? I get the acid reflux more and it leaves my throat burning. I get it at night regardless of what or when I eat before bed. It's driving me mad. It usually happens at some point during the day too, but it's always worse at night. It just kicked in about 20 minutes ago, 3.5 hours after my last meal. I've only had a small bland snack since.
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Not really Betty going to see one of my friends in the morning though.

Kabuk glad your appointment went well :)
Glad it went else kabuk. I am dreading the gtt!! You can take gaviscon, doctor gave me a massive bottle, helps loads xx
Thanks. I'm going to have to get some. It's really bad in the evenings, making it difficult to get to sleep.

I also got the whooping cough vaccine. That was a nasty one. Worse than the anti-d. I didn't feel the stiff arm until later that even though when I went to change. I could definitely feel it this morning, although it isn't as bad as I thought it'd be. Maybe it's because it was lower than my shoulder so the muscle gets less use and I just don't notice.
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I really need to book mine think I've got a little while yet though
Kabuk - im living off gaviscon i have heartburn really badly from the moment i get up till bed time no matter what i eat or drink. Gaviscon and Polos get me through.

i finally have a bump

21 weeks today :) countdown begins


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When should I be going to antenatal classes? How do I get them?
Aw Leigh your bumps so cute <3 I think classes start about 30 weeks dovekie been a long time since I did them with my first though lol
thank you Nikki! i finally feel pregnant!

ive been refereed for antenatal classes but no appointments have come through yet xx
I'm feeling seriously down today. Went to see my friend this morning I lasted an hour and then had to leave just don't want to be around anyone, I keep crying, literally deleted the ex of everything I don't want to see what he's doing or have any contact with him
aww Nikki! no dont be down, you have done the best thing ever for you and your little girl!

think of her wriggling around in her belly, i know it is hard right now but it will get better. he might see sense in the end and want to be in your daughters life!

Men put up a shield, pretend to be the big hard man but really they are hurting just as much as you are right now they are just too stubborn to show it!

keep strong, keep smiling :) xxx
Such a cute bump Leigh. I don't know how you deal with that much heartburn.

Nikki, stay strong. You have such a precious gift growing inside you. Focus on her. I know it's easier said than done to forget about what's happened, but try and focus on the good to come!

I didn't book my whooping cough vaccine. My GP asked if I wanted it at the appointment and so I got it. It's usually between 24-28 weeks. I did however forget to get my MATB1 and now have to ring my mw to see if I can get it. I'll be 25 weeks next week, and I believe you have to notify your employer of maternity leave plans.
i cant believe how far you all are! so exciting!!

im struggling if im honest! im like a junkie sucking on gaviscon and drinking it from the bottle lol. find it hard to eat with it, get really full quick. and as people tell me its only going to get worse.... thanks lol

Keep going Nikki! you have such a precious gift in your little tum!
Feel like I want to just give in to him and get back with him but I know I cant
aww babe! do whats right for you, i know your hurting, but he was very selfish and you cant be when you have children,

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