May mummies and rainbows to be :)

Be strong nikki. Give it time. I said to my friend when she was in a similar position give it a month or two before you make any decisions on getting back together you need to know what life is like without him then assess what he brings to your life (and also what he takes from it to) but right now your too emotional to think logically . It may be in a month you realise you made a mistake but you ended it for a reason. And you need to give it time to settle.

Yeah whooping cough hurts lol. I got my marb1 yesterday but I didn't get bump measured..she told me that's from 28 weeks but hb sounded good. I got my gaviscon prescribed by the doc (then it's free!)
My eBay sakes are upto £80 now and so much junk is being sold and cleared from my house I love it! I've put some ballgowns up now and soon I'm selling a chandelier lol. I got the bug!
Yeah I know your right my next scan isn't for a month so I think I'll stop contact till then and see if he wants to come to the scan or not. I'll know by then of I'm happier with or without him
Nikki, only you know what is best for you and your family. You have to think about the consequences to whatever decision you make. Will your life be better with him there? Will you be happy? Will your children be happy? Does he bring anything positive to your lives? Is your life easier with him?
Its easy to jump back with someone because you love them and habit sometimes too but if things are going to be the same and go in these cycles then what is the point? you put up with alot from him and don't seem to get much back. It is of course whatever you feel but maybe give yourself a little time to really think about it, at the moment it will be hard to think clearly and the easiest thing to do is to go back to save yourself from feeling how you do now. Sending you a big supportive hug xx
then its his choice if he comes or not with you, as long as he knows the date and time - then you will definitely know
My eBay sakes are upto £80 now and so much junk is being sold and cleared from my house I love it! I've put some ballgowns up now and soon I'm selling a chandelier lol. I got the bug!

Ery, I have stuff on ebay too and keep checking to see how many watchers/bids I have, so sad lol. It is quite satisfying. I hate sending them all though xx
Lovely wee bump Leigh! I haven't had any heartburn yet but I have struggled to eat much.

Bloody men. They are strange creatures when you're pregnant. My boyfriend doesn't seem to be making any plans that involve the baby yet. He's still on about buying a campervan, buying random crap like a Nintendo Wii and games, and arranging stuff to do in the Spring/Summer with his mates. Meanwhile, I have bought a few things now, including a moses basket and the first clothes from M&S!

Oh, also, our sex life is almost non-existent, which is making me feel a bit down. We're living together now and in the same bed each night but he never tries to do anything. When we met he said he wanted to do it everyday, so now I just feel like he isn't attracted to me the way I am :(

First buys!
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Aw dovekie they are so cute!! I love baby clothes lol

What sort of stuff is he planning? I've bought everything for the baby so far men just don't seem interested lol
Oh I am so sorry some of you are having troubles with the men, its not fair. My OH is so excited but we were trying 5 years and had a rough journey. This baby is so very special to us as we didn't know if we could ever get to this point. I do all the shopping for baby, OH pays with me though. I would be very upset if he wasn't interested. when I had my son, my ex was happy but not all that involved, only contributed £70 throughout whole pregnancy and didn't like feeling baby move etc. I hope they all change once baby arrives. I think son men do find it hard to connect until they are here.
We don't have sex either, haven't done for whole pregnancy. We were told not to by midwife which I assume was for first trimester but we don't feel comfortable with it because of history, I am not bothered though as I don't have a high sex drive. Ttc killed the passion for me!

I love your purchases dovekie, so cute xx
Lisey how do you stay positive after 5 years of ttc? That must have been so hard
Aye we are similar to you Lisey 8 yrs ttc 4 losses we are both super excited he's not too fussed about buying things and to be honest after the hyperemesis money is tighter than expected. But we will manage as long as I don't look at the bank balance until after payday :rofl: I want sex so does hubby but every time we do I freak out coz a day or two after I erm.... reach the happy zone (with or without his contribution now even if it's not penatration even just me getting happy) I lose a lot of mucus type discharge which looks so much like the plug. It freaks me out. I mean if you Google "muscus plug" or "pregnancy show" it's exactly like that. Midwife and consultant seem to think it's fine. But I think I'm going to wait a few more weeks just in case! Lol I dint want to tempt fate but I'm worried Lil miss plans to make an early appearance!

I have a maternity leave date! 8th may! So excited! 18 weeks off. And my shifts change soon too so I'm off Fri - Sun. Extra 2hrs a week will be good. Goodness knows what we will do for childcare next yr but cross that bridge when we get to it!
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Lisey how do you stay positive after 5 years of ttc? That must have been so hard

It was so so hard, soul destroying for the most part. There were times I wasn't positive but knew we had to keep trying as all I have ever wanted was to have a big family, I wanted 4 but 2 will do me fine, we do have a frozen embie though so potential for another.
We had 4 losses in that time and it took ages to conceive each time which was hard. I have so many fertility issues too, there was a point I didn't think I would be able to have my own biological child. I thought would need donor eggs which I would have done but feel incredibly lucky that IVF worked for us with my own eggs, we managed it against all the odds :) xx
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Aye we are similar to you Lisey 8 yrs ttc 4 losses we are both super excited he's not too fussed about buying things and to be honest after the hyperemesis money is tighter than expected. But we will manage as long as I don't look at the bank balance until after payday :rofl:

I have a maternity leave date! 8th may! So excited! 18 weeks off. And my shifts change soon too so I'm off Fri - Sun. Extra 2hrs a week will be good. Goodness knows what we will do for childcare next yr but cross that bridge when we get to it!

I try to avoid looking at bank balance too. We are going to view a car tomorrow...bring on poordom lol xx
Lol ouch! Yea I'm starting to like the courtesy car it's rough but reliable. I need to get my mum to help me pick up the pram as the boots too small
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You are both really strong I think something like that would of destroyed me. Can't wait to see your rainbow babies xx
We took two years and three losses to get this little girly. It's crazy how you think it'll be so easy and simple and yet it's so very very tough!

This little girl took me 9 months and honestly I felt like giving up so I have a lot of admiration for you girls x
There are a few of us in May Mummies that had a rough road xx

Ery, what courtesy car have you got? I am nervous about the car, I love it and its amazing but its such a big purchase, you start to question it all. It has to be done though, my car would be an impossible option, can fit minimal shopping in boot, no chance of a buggy or carrycot xx
I've got a seat ibiza. It feels like a little tin box compared to my Peugeot 3008!

Are you buying new or 2nd hand?
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I like Seat ibiza but I can imagine the difference. I am buying used, no way I could afford a brand new Mini, they cost a bomb!! Even used is very expensive but OH is helping and using some of his work bonus which is great. He is excited as he loves cars so much (I have to put up with top gear, wheeler dealers and various others) as it has really high spec. He is already planning all extra things we can buy...I had to remind him that it will be my car lol xx
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