May mummies and rainbows to be :)

I'm not being unreasonable am I? Considering I have high risk pregnancies and no all he's done is a tip run with me and taken the trampoline and swing down in the house

Not unreasonable at all. He should be helping and supporting you in every single way. It should be a special time. My OH won't even let me help with any of the decorating, I know we are not china dolls but its nice to feel that they are being protective xx
Am I unreasonable about not letting him go away for the 3-4 days or is he just being inconsiderate? I hate to give ultimatum but I pretty much have. Had enough now after all the problems as you know emotionally exhausted!
With your history, absolutely not unreasonable. My OH is going away in Feb as I said I would prefer he didn't go from March onwards, he was happy with that and said he wouldn't go later than that anyway. If it was half hour away and didn't involve loads of alcohol then it would be different. If he is drunk at a festival and you have to go into hospital, he won't be in a fit state to get back to you xx
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It's like a 7 or 8 hour train journey aswell and he would never make it back if he was drunk. Glad I've got you girls to get some opinions. I even said if it was Jan or Feb I wouldn't mind but end of march is too late for me to feel comfortable with it. I might be fine but I might not be and I don't have any family round here either. I'm going to stick to my guns if he still thinks he's going then I'm going to tell him I think he should leave I need to follow through with it this time
Nikki it's not about not letting him go away for 2 to 3 days - it's about what he does whilst he's away. If he were to behave like a responsible adult whilst away and make sure you knew he'd be back at the drop of a hat if need be then maybe it wouldn't feel as bad as it does. I'm sorry to say but it sounds like he is really rebelling against the responsibility of being a dad to your baby, and a good partner to you. He could do with a proverbial kick up the ass! So how have you left it now? Big hugs xx
Even worse if you don't have family around too. I definitely wouldn't say anything unless you fully intend to follow through, they just end up letting it go in one ear and out the other otherwise. I used to always 'end' things with my ex (I was young) as he was useless but always took him back...until I had my son and then enough was enough. Think he was a bit shocked when I wouldn't take him back xx
Yeah I need to follow through this time. I haven't spoken to him since he's been home from work
Nikki you have been soooo reasonable with him! He is being totally selfish and irresponsible and really needs to grow up to be honest! You are worth a lot more than that and it's just making you unhappy all the time and not good for you or baby.. I know it's easy for us to say, but he seems to make u more unhappy and stressed than happy!

Happy V day kabuk

Wow building your own home :) something my hubby dreams of! Great news :)

Lisey my abdomen is like that most nights! It's like it's going to explode, feels sooo tight and sore to carry around! Do you think it's because they have moved to the front of higher? Or maybe just bloating? I find I feel less movements when my abdomen is like this too :(
Completely not unreasonable! My hubby told me off for taking a duvet downstairs for the wash! He wouldn't dream of going away for that long and potentially not being here for me! Geez he's even cautious about going to the local pub! I'm sorry but yea your oh sounds like a spoilt selfish child not a father to be! I think you'll be stringer and better off without him.

And yes I get that feeling that total stretch feeling often! I also get aches and pains every morning.
Maybe it is because they have moved higher up, it feels like it can't stretch anymore but there is a long way to go xx
Thanks girls you've made me feel better about my decision lol yeah I'm very achey at the moment and very constipated lol
Lisey I can't believe you've only got 2 more weeks till tri 3!
Yikes!!! Nikki, that sounds crazy!!
Very day stand for viability day I think. They will intervene to help baby from 24 weeks if was to go into early labour xx
My belly gets tighter due to constipation. I usually find I'll have some big toilet episode and it'll look a little smaller and less tight afterwards. :D
Lol. I've discovered my placenta is just above where I feel lots of kicks today. Now I think about it there is a sort of circle space where don't feel that many kicks. My placenta is at the top left I get kicks lower left a lot. I had my whopping cough vaccine and I don't have thrush! Apparently I'm just making a lot more discharge lol. So yay 31 years and no thrush yet. My record is unbroken lol
Haha good news on no thrush Ery! I had my whooping cough vaccine the other day - my arm was super sore for a while. I now have a horrid cough too! Think it's just coincidence but it's just horrid :(

Nikki I am so sorry you have had to put up with so much crap from your OH! I don't think you are being unreasonable at all in saying you don't want him to go. It's a long way away and like you say he will be drunk and in no fit state to come and support you if you were to have any problems. I hope one way or another you get something sorted so that you can relax and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy without the constant stress and worry he seems to be causing you at the moment :( big hugs!

Thanks girls gonna talk to him today and make a decision on what to do I'm done now to be honest after everything else that's happened
thinking of you Nikki, as you know i have a challenging one too! some days hes great others not so and very selfish.

do whats right for you and your babies, and he will either stand by or walk away but either way your strong enough to cope :)

you know when your done and im almost there not quite.

keep strong and smiling xx

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