I don't think I've ever had a nosebleed lol apart from my numb hands and painful spd I'm ok lol finishing the house today before the guy comes tomorrow
Hope all goes well with the housing officer tomorrow Nikki.
I had a tiny nosebleed this morning Ery, I'm in the cold and at altitude so it is making my nose run more than usual (and I'm having to pee all the time = very irritating when wearing lots of clothes and out and about!).
Hope everyone else is ok, I've just managed to pop online for a quick catch up
Good luck Nikki, I am sure all will be good and you will get the go ahead
I was going to get a qashqai but they don't do it for me really, wasn't excited about it at all and would not want to part with the money for it. A mini countryman will be a bit smaller boot size wise but at least I will like the car lol. Mini's have always been my dream car, I love them.
Quick question, are people going to buy the sleepbag things for baby or use blankets? I looked on the site about the sleepbags, the togs and what they wear under for various temperatures and I am so confused lol xx
I'll use blankets at first and then obviously it'll be the summer so it'll all depend on how hot it gets but I'll def use the sleeping bags when bubs is a bit bigger.
I've bought 2 sleeping bags my boys loved them but I have blankets aswell so will try the sleeping bags first they are 0-6 months and if baby doesn't like them we will go for the blankets instead lol
I don't know whether to buy a jacket I know it's may but our weather is so unpredictable I might buy one last minute and see what the weathers like lol I've got some cardigans though
I think cardigans will be ok and if it's chilly still, will add a blanket. I am just confused over which sleep bag to get. Think I will wait until after summer to even think about it as won't need before then xx
Yeah they suggest a 1 tog sleeping bag for summer and then 2.5 for autumn, winter and spring but depends on room temperature aswell I need a thermometer lol
Sleeping bags were the best invention ever with my son they were so hard to get hold of 8years ago I've saved them all Lil miss will be sleeping in blue lol
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