May mummies and rainbows to be :)

Great your scan went well Leigh :) so funny he was playing with his willy :)
Good luck tomorrow nikki! X

I really don't know what to do about blankets or sleep bags, does anyone swaddle? We have a couple of swaddle blankets and these sleep bags that you can keep their arms in or have them out!

I have been having really heavy nosebleeds but then I am on aspirin..

When you guys count your movements do u just count kicks or any movement felt? Do you get kicks everyday? I get regular movements but some days hardly any kicks!? I am so confused about monitoring movements, I am probably over thinking it! X

Can't believe some of you are getting closer to 25 weeks now :)

If I do have to be induced at 34 weeks then only 10 left to go!! X
I was planning on swaddling but just using a blanket.

I count all kinds of movements, not just the kicks. Sometimes I feel her wiggle or sort of vibrate! Lol! It's all movement though and for me it's normal to feel all those different types of movement in a day.

It's taken a while, but I've packed and moved. It was so hard getting it all done with a virus. I'm so tired now! I've been a bit worried that I've over done it. Baby hasn't moved much but has maybe been rocked to sleep. Now it's time to unpack and somehow get two houses into one!
Good luck dovekie I'm dreading moving just the packing and stuff is stressful enough! I'm sure baby is just asleep or having a quiet day!

I normally swaddle using blankets the hospital showed me how to do it with my son lol its the only way he would sleep!
At least the move part is over with Dovekie. Unpacking is always better than packing, but nothing is much fun when you're sick and tired.

It's looking like we won't get out painting down in the short time frame we have. The cheaper quotes were great, but we can't track down the reliability of the people, so we're still looking. I think we'll get the hallway, stairs and 2nd bedroom done before the carpeting and then maybe they'll get the plastering in the main bedroom done before the 28th, when we move, but that the painting of the main bedroom and the living room will be done after we move it. It sucks, but since our furniture won't be arrive until the following week, there won't be too much to furniture to worry about. It'll just be a futon and a TV really. The coffee table may arrive during that time too, but no couch and the futon will be used in the bedroom for a little while as we'll wait on ordering a bed. It's quite comfy. It means no unpacking until painting is done, so we'll be living out of suitcases for at least a week.

With the delay, I think I'm going to get a professional cleaner in as the kitchen and bathroom need a good deep clean before we move in. And I don't want to wait on a fridge and washing machine until all is done, so that we can get sort as soon as we move in. I just want to be as settled as possible by the time family arrives for the weekend at the end of my half-term. At least I'll have that week to continue to nest as we unpack and decorate. There will be lots of little things to focus on then.
Hope you all get it sorted kabuk. I think baby is squeezing my bladder tonight and kicking it
I count any movement Lou, I am using the app you mentioned too.
I will try the swaddle thing, I got swaddle blankets, they were on offer so thought would get them. I read they help with settling them so worth a try if we have a fussy bubs.
Glad you managed to get moved dovekie, esp with a virus. Try to take it easy and get yourself well x
Hope you find someone you're happy with and that gives a reasonable quote kabuk, that's the thing isn't it, not knowing their history of work. Word of mouth is always good but obv harder if you have moved to a new area xx
I'm up super early as I felt some rather hefty kicks for the first time!! Xx
Thanks. Fingers cross we settle on someone today!

It's such a great thing to wake to. I have movement most mornings when I wake and don't want to get up. I stay in bed for at least 10 mins enjoying it.
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We got the go ahead on the move finally! I'm so relieved! Sign the paperwork next Thursday and then can move next weekend!
thats great news Nikki!

i get my movement first thing on a morning, night time and when im just sat at my desk like now! :)

saw my first movement last night when i was in the bath like a little alien in there :)
Thats great Nikki.
My little one didn't stop moving yesterday, she had the odd hour here and there where she was quiet, I even woke early hours and she was having a wriggle xx
Happy v day kabuk x x x
Just been to dentist and had my tooth filled. And we have made good progress I the spare room. It's all getting exciting! I'm going to have to deal with some issues at work over the next two weekends not looking forward to that we'll I am lol. I like problem solving I get to he a spy for 2 weeks though lol
Great news Nikki, congrats!

Glad your scan was all good leigh.

I swaddled both mine in the first wee while. Helped them settle a lot quicker. We used a mix of the swaddle blankets and the ones with the Velcro bits and they were super! Then switched to sleeping bags about 3 months. My son used to get so excited seeing his sleeping bag when he was a bit older because he loved bedtime haha!

We've had some good news today that it looks likely we can get a mortgage for the amount required to build our house which is super exciting if it goes through as we could potentially do it all before Christmas if we try hard enough! Just praying they don't change their mind... X
Me and oh fell out today I basically told him to pack his bags :( it all started at the weekend we went to a gig and I asked him to stay with me basically to protect me as he still wanted me to go with him and I said as long as he stays with me as I'm a bit paranoid now about baby anyway he got drunk and I didn't see him all night till the end

About 10 months ago he won tickets to a music festival end of march/beginning of April before I was pregnant and we decided to go with 4 other of his friends. He asked me about it today and I said I'm not going to feel up to a 7 hour train journey at 35 weeks pregnant and I always end up in hospital and really poorly around that time in my pregnancies so said I would prefer it if he didn't go either just in case it's not like it's just down the road, he will be out of his face and away for 3 days. He is flat out refusing to stay at home with me and I've had enough. He never considers my feelings just what he wants to do all the time. After we had that break we said things that we both needed to change I've done all of mine and he has done none of his
Awww Nikki I'm really sorry he's not being more responsible when it comes to you and baby :-(

Nikki, I wouldn't put up with it either. Just not fair on you and the fact he hasn't even helped you with the packing up of house. He sounds very selfish, sorry to be blunt about it but it's not on. Hope you're ok.
Happy V day Kabuk :)
Missyeovil, that all sounds very exciting. I would love to be able to build our own house, would be amazing.

Does anyone ever feel like their insides could tear open, I took my dog for his eve walk and I was so uncomfortable. Stomach felt so taught, prob another growth spurt on the way.

My dog had a seizure today, so scary. I hated seeing it, went to vets straight away and he said for now we can just monitor him but I might arrange bloods to put mind at rest xx
I'm not being unreasonable am I? Considering I have high risk pregnancies and no all he's done is a tip run with me and taken the trampoline and swing down in the house

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