May mummies and rainbows to be :)

My little one responds now aswell if I tap or lightly poke my belly she kicks me lol my spd is so bad at the moment I'm in so much pain :(
I'm just getting half a room skimmed now and we've decided hard floors are probably a better idea than the carpet. I'll use the carpet elsewhere! Lol Im getting lots more movement just downloaded the kick counter app my mw recommended. She always kicks like crazy when hubby starts to do his exercises especially when he starts running round the house lol. Maybe she'll join him in a few years lol.
Good luck tomorrow, Leigh. Hope all goes well.

I had the worst case of gas yesterday. Luckily I know what that feels like from having digestive issue pre-pregnancy because when you're entire abdomen is in that kind of pain, it can make you worry. I couldn't even stand straight up. It was varying levels of pain for about 5 hrs before it calmed down. Thank god it's gone this morning.

Got my second set of tests from the amnio back- genetic screening was all clear. Of course they can't screen for everything, but he looks to be a very healthy baby boy. My torch bloods (infections test) haven't come back yet. I was in this morning for more blood work. This was for fetal bloods. They are hoping to tell whether he is Rh negative or not. If he his, then I won't have to worry about these fortnightly blood tests and anti-d injections.

I just got my quote for painting my flat with some plastering to be done- holy shit they can't be serious. I was expecting a couple of grand, but this is like £6k. Are they serious?

I have the same today!! The pain is awful and it's so uncomfortable!! I have had awful indigestion today! White bread is the worst thing for mine! I try to eat gluten free and that helps! I need to eat little and often but hard when at work all day!

Great news about your screening results :) xx I hope they find out his blood type xx fingers crossed you don't have to keep having anti d injections they are painful! X
I don't see the midwife again till 28 weeks :( 5 weeks till next scan though! I didn't feel baby at all yesterday was so worried I'd overdone it with long the house stuff but felt her kicking away at me this morning! Done so much again today cleared the garden, completely packed and cleaned all of upstairs and packed up the living room. Just the kitchen and my bedroom to sort out tomorrow and still got to paint the other bedroom. 2 more days to do it oh took the trampoline and garden swing down and that was all he was doing today he's so much help!

I'm feeling very unorganised. Hardly bought anything except a few clothes and the pram but waiting till we move I'm normally really organised so it's stressing me out

You must be shattered Hun! I find when I am very physically active ( like at work ) I don't feel anything, people say babies are stimulated to sleep when u r busy? Don't know if that's true but I find she is always quiet at work as I am on my feet all day xx
I hope everyone else is ok, finding it really hard to keep up with everything now I am back at work full time, hubby works long hours so I do everything in the house, all cooking and cleaning etc so not enough time to sit down! Xx
Yea I find at weekends sends lil crumpet to sleep when it's busy at work she wakes up around 9pm most days though. We just tried getting her to move to taps I think it startled her as a new stimulus.
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Thanks, Lou. Yeah, anti-d is a pain. And all the blood work. All this blood work had taught me that my left arm is the better one to use- easy vain, fast blood and no bruising. Yes, digestion problems are a pain. I eat little and often, but sometimes there is nothing I can do. I was badly constipated before it struck this time. I had a healthy portion of grapes and then it hit me like crazy. Today was much better.

I stumbled on the taps things as I was singing and lightly tapping the beat on my belly when he reacted the first time. I just wish I could rub, tap or something to get him to change the position of his kicks when he's going to town on my cervix and bowels.
morning Girls!

scan is at 11.20am. nervous!

ive had really bad trapped wind the past 2 days and it isnt shifting! so painful when i move and just feels really tender.
Good luck Leigh, I have the same thing, couldn't get comfortable last night because of it so very tired today xx
I had trapped wind this morning..... then I had a huge fart and feel much better :rofl:
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Lol. Ery :)
I haven't been getting nosebleeds but I still have to blow my nose from a cold I had and there is usually blood. I have never had a nosebleed, ever! Xx
Oh silly hormones. I've just cried coz the guy has taken my baby (car) away for repair I was ok til he drive her off the drive! I miss her! Even though she can be temperamental I miss her. How daft am I?
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