May mummies and rainbows to be :)

Well I cried down the phone to him because I was so stressed out I burst into tears. He's said I need to disassemble everything in the garden and pack my whole house up and he will be out next Wednesday to look at my house again so I've got a week to pack everything up and take the trampoline down etc which seems stupid when I haven't even got the go ahead to move now! Packed the whole of upstairs up today and I'm exhausted :( can't take much more of this
That seems a bit extreme nikki stupid housing people!
Kabuk yea they are expensive but always buy them on offer is my suggestion! And never get them repaired by ppl other than Dyson I can't tell you how many horror stories and unnecessary expense I've heard from people who take it to the local shop down the road etc.
I've calmed down a bit after my panic of expenses etc. Plasterer will give us a quote on sun. Then it's 9 weeks before you should paint it to let it settle repair any cracks and let that settle. Then the decorator can come so in those 9 weeks we can get paint and the wallpaper. Then after that's done the carpet can go down so in around 12 weeks. When I'll be.... 36 weeks pregnant..... at some point in the 9 weeks too ill be able to get pram and clear out spare room to move son in there. That room needs a quick easy paint job over existing paper and a cheap carpet. And a new bed. Could do with a new wardrobe too but I guess that can wait. As can a chest of drawers he hasn't got one now so can make do with existing furniture. Erins room can wait until after she's born. OK so maybe still freaking out a little bit lol
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21 weeks today and feeling horrendous. I'm coughing so hard my belly hurts. Poor baby is woken up by it. I hope it doesn't hurt him.

Nikki, I'm also moving and stressing out about it. I was supposed to leave this Sunday but I've been too ill to pack (I'm packing alone). Thankfully, I have the house until next Friday, so I can come back to collect stuff and clean properly after the main move.

I'm still trying to get my head around having a boy. We were convinced it was a girl for the last 3 months and had a name chosen. My boyfriend was ready to get a tattoo based on the name. I had some nice dress patterns ready to knit! The good news is, we may have chosen a boy's name now :) And I've ordered a blue moses basket!
I've got them coming next Wednesday I'm also doing it all on my own as oh doesn't want to help in the evenings. Luckily my mums been round today and tomorrow to help paint while I pack. Got the upstairs done so just the downstairs to do and then oh can take the bits down in the garden for me at the weekend
Gosh, nikki, that sounds a real pain.

Wow, dovekie, you got a name already. I wish. We just can't agree.

Ery, yes, we got ours on sale and I used a £50 voucher I earned through my credit card. Went for the upright because it was on sale. I'd prefer the cylinder, easier for stairs. Ours was still under warranty when it needed a small fix and going through Dyson was easy. Why would you take it somewhere local? They came to us and it was fixed within 48 hours of us contacting them. There are a couple Dyson products I want, but we can't afford them right now, not with the move and the baby.

I think my little on is getting hiccups. A few times now I've felt different movement and it just feels like hiccups.
my little bean has 2 names at the minute we are undecided and keep changing its either charlie james, or william James.

its so hard to stick to one haha!

i had a lot of movements last night to the right of my belly when i listened in his heart beat was strongest right down near my bikini line! so i think he stretched right out

i love it
Aw they are both lovely names :) I love Charlie for a boy

My little lady is very active at the moment especially morning and night her kicks are getting so strong now even with my anterior placenta lol
i think he will probs be called Charlie. Thats sorta one we both are drawn too more.

i tend to only feel him on a night when i get into bed or have a bath i think its cos im relaxed, i do have an anterior placenta too tho and sometimes im not sure if its movement or trapped wind haha

can some of the movements be painful? ive had some pains right down in my pelvis especially yesterday and when i listened in thats where he was laying ?
My movements are all over sometimes right sometimes left sometimes it's up by my belly button and sometimes it's down low lol at my last scan she said baby had her head down and legs up by my belly button.

I wouldn't say mine are painful but could be how baby is laying or if he's stretching your uterus out maybe
hes normally laid round my belly button cos i can see him on a night but yesterday he must have been having a good stretch!

just felt like pulling inside wasnt painful as such but very noticeable lol

thats was my belly last night, the pug in the picture is on the duvet and not actually sat between my legs such a weird photo when i do look at it haha


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Lol I've got hairy belly too lol I hope it goes after birth lol :rofl:.

Kabuk I don't know why people go to the local shop I wish more were like you lol. I end up having to sort out the messes the local shops have caused :rofl: lucky as I work for sir James I have most the products I want (upright, cylinder, 2 cord free and 3 fans) for Xmas we got 75% off the new light which I'd love to buy if we didn't have so much else to pay for right now I'm kinda gutted I'm missing out on it and I've fallen in love with the hairdryer and as soon as finances allow I'll be getting it lol. Both times I've used it my hair has been beautiful!

Some of my movements have been painful too. Feels like she has steel toe cap's sometimes lol. And I love Charlie for a name (another c boy name I like lol)
OK so I had my consultant.

I have a cardio appointment booked in to make sure all is OK. And I have 3 growth scans booked in with consultants after. And several midwife appointmentso too.
Wow 24 weeks lisey how exciting is this!

Glad you are being looked after Ery.

Several of my friends have used the name Charlie, will you call him that or Charles on his birth certificate? My friends have done a mixture but all use Charlie day to day.

Nikki I've just read the posts about your swing etc, that is just ridiculous surely they know you are taking them with you. Would they accept a letter from the removal people you are using saying they are on the list of things to take and that they will be gone?
Can't believe the 24 weeks are coming up already :)

Unfortunately not snowbee I tried everything I was even crying down the phone to him and he still wouldn't give in but even taking them apart doesn't mean I'm going to take them obviously I am but they could still be left. Makes no sense to me. Back to it soon loads more packing and painting to do today
I totally missed the 24week thing. Congrats x

Oh by the way they think I've got thrush never has that before anything I should know?
i think he will just go down as Charlie - we still chop and change with his name, something might stick when he arrives :)
I got thrush a lot with my youngest they gave me the cream but you have to get it from the doctor when your pregnant

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