May mummies and rainbows to be :)

haha i love kids and the way they have no filter and just say things.

Me too, when I went back in to work, I had a little chat with my whole class and they had a chance to ask me questions, some of them were so funny, like little old people! xx
haha they are amazing! i love them at that age when they are becoming their own little character.

i remember once i was baby sitting my Niece and we had the chimney sweep man in he came in all black and dirty and she was scared of him, i licked my finger and wiped it down his face just to show her he was dirty and was infact the guy she knows.... then when i took her on a bus there was a black man and she pointed to him and went look hes dirty! i was mortified!!!!!
It's so cute when they are trying to workout the world around them. I love it when they make up names from things using the knowledge of the world and vocab they have. It leads to some interesting terms, and usually accurate. My cousin, when she was about 4, picked up her mum's bra, put it on and turned around saying, 'look, I'm wearing mommy's boobie case.'
It's so cute when they are trying to workout the world around them. I love it when they make up names from things using the knowledge of the world and vocab they have. It leads to some interesting terms, and usually accurate. My cousin, when she was about 4, picked up her mum's bra, put it on and turned around saying, 'look, I'm wearing mommy's boobie case.'

:rofl: love this!! Xx
i love them and cant wait

are you all planning on returning to work after your maternity runs out?
I'm planning on going back Jan 2018. I might asked to work part-time. I want to finish out that school year and then I may consider changing jobs after that. I really want to move to primary, so I might decide to do 3 days/week supply in Sept 2018. I'm also considering finishing my masters. I just have my dissertation to do, so I might do that in Oct 2017. I've already been doing a lot of relevant reading for it.
Think I've just commuted to buying a pram! (I'll catch up with other posts layer I'm at work lol)
my OH doesnt want me to return to work, but as i suffer badly with depression it kicks in when im by myself all the time and fear that might happen again if i give up work.

but financial it seems right costs me 200 a month in fuel and then there is childcare costs on top

i dont know what to do :(
I'm leaving work soon I'm hoping to set up as a childminder for when baby is here x
I'd have no problem not coming back, but I would still need to work a couple of days a week or I'd go crazy. We are hoping to convert our loft to an ensuite and then get an au pair (Dutch speaking). Then I can work 2-3 days a week and be home the other days. I've been an au pair and loved it. Plus, with a Dutch speaking one I can improve my Dutch and make sure our son is exposed as much as possible. Much cheaper than nursery.
i think im going to work up till the last week in may all being well.

i think i would need something part time if i was to give up working to raise the child! but i also believe its important for a child to also have time in nursery to socialise and not get too attached to the parents

im in two minds haha
I am going back, I really like my job and plus we will need the money. We won't have any top ups as in child tax credits or anything so although we could survive on OH wage alone, I want to contribute. We are lucky in that grandparents will help with childcare and I found out the other day that I can get childcare vouchers through my work, wouldn't send bubs anywhere until she is at least 2 though.
Try not to worry about it too much Leigh, you don't have to let them know before mat leave if not returning (as far as I know) xx
what will be will be- my parents will baby sit for me however they live an hour away in the same town i work and feel its unfair to cart the baby around and will be difficult by myself x
Yeah an hour away is a bit much. If its manageable not working then enjoy it :) You can join some parent groups maybe so that you are not in on your own too often. Seem to be a lot of baby groups around these days xx
Just to add, I only work part time as it is. If worked full time then I would go back part time in that case. I know I would miss baby too much. I went back to work when my son was 2 and even found that difficult. He was at a playgroup at the time but missed him so much xx
yea i have considered coming back part time also just so im not out of work.

im going to have to think about it and decide whats right for my little man xx

thank you for your input :)
Yes, do whats right for you all and what you feel comfortable with. My cousin who has a baby last year was adamant to begin with that she would go back to work, now that she has baby, she doesn't really want to. I think she will on massively reduced hours but we just can't tell really until we have them in a way xx
If I still had my 'proper' job I would prefer not to have gone back, at least until they went to school, and then I would have preferred to go part time. As it is with my current job I will be back pretty much as soon as I can doing little bits and bobs, it just helps my husband out as I work with him for his business, so will be able to take little one and do certain things for him. I miss the money from my old job but this lifestyle is so much better with so much more freedom. I certainly can't afford to put them in childcare or nursery on my current pay, it would cost way more than I earn, my parents live too far away (and wouldn't be willing anyway) and my in laws are unsuitable (SMIL still works and FIL is alcoholic and a heavy smoker).

Waiting to hear the pram update Ery!
If I still had my 'proper' job I would prefer not to have gone back, at least until they went to school, and then I would have preferred to go part time. As it is with my current job I will be back pretty much as soon as I can doing little bits and bobs, it just helps my husband out as I work with him for his business, so will be able to take little one and do certain things for him. I miss the money from my old job but this lifestyle is so much better with so much more freedom. I certainly can't afford to put them in childcare or nursery on my current pay, it would cost way more than I earn, my parents live too far away (and wouldn't be willing anyway) and my in laws are unsuitable (SMIL still works and FIL is alcoholic and a heavy smoker).

Waiting to hear the pram update Ery!

Childcare prices are ridiculous and the thing that annoys me is the staff are paid so poorly. I won't send mine until she is old enough to speak as I want to know what the place is like when I am not there, I have worked in a playgroup and have seen just how rubbish some practitioners are! That's why I left! I won't send her full time either, just a couple of mornings a week for the interaction really. My cousin has a baby who will be just one year older so they will be together alot too I am sure xx

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