May mummies and rainbows to be :)

first tablet about to go down :) i asked the pharmacist just for a bit of reassurance

I took ab's for 5 days when I was 6 weeks and I was soooo nervous about taking them but everything was fine X they did make me feel rubbish though but I think some of that was early pregnancy symptoms too! U will be fine, def better to take them xx
Lots of poorly people on this thread :( hope u all get better soon xx I am suffering with constipation too, I get abdomen pain with it and that makes me nervous but it goes off.. I also get really bloated and some nights I am so uncomfortable I am beside myself! Which seems a bit early! My bump really aches after a long day at work, work has been so busy I have found it hard going back full time. We are all getting close to 24 weeks :)
Not long till v day now! Doesn't seem that long ago we were all waiting for our 12 week scans! Lol

I'm really uncomfortable in bed my friend gave me a nursing pillow I might look up see if I can use it to sleep with for now might make me a bit more comfortable! Normally I'm a really good sleeper.

My son is off school today he's not well so going to spend the morning doing some packing while I feel like it lol
So much for making it into work today. Just washing a few dishes this morning had me light-headed. What's worse is that the electrician comes back today and has some work in all rooms. Hoping he gets the work in the bedroom done first so I can go back to sleep. I even got up early to take a long steamy shower, but that didn't helped. Although the baby seemed to enjoy it. I gave myself nearly 2 hrs to wake up and feel human, but no luck.

Thanks, ery. We have a dyson upright. We need something that handles tread well as it's for the hall and stairs. The only other room that has carpet will be the nursery and it's still in excellent condition, so we're just having that cleaned.

I think I'm going to have to cancel the gas & electricity I set up yesterday. They say 2.5 weeks now until the change over because the previous owners used a different supplier. We need it by Sat as we have people coming to give estimates and hoping work will start next week too. I guess I need to find out who their supplier was. We can always change it just before next winter when we plan on getting a new boiler and a smart thermostat.
im certainly not blooming!

spots are just subsiding - full of cold! constipation which then turns to the opposite! no appetite and now on antibiotics.

only positive is that i have my 20 week next week thats keeping me going :)

hope you all feel better.

Kabuk, the owners should tell you its easier for them also. i had to do this when i bought my house and it was switched over on the same day i received the keys - you can always change it when you are in the flat at a later date.
Sorry to hear so many of you are feeling unwell, hope you are all feeling much better soon.

I must be lucky as so far I'm fine, just tired and I need to sit down after a while at work. It is cold here today, my fingers were like ice earlier putting electric fence up in the wind. Nap time now haha! I've got a huge list of things to do before our holiday, that seems to be sneaking up rather quickly now.
I'm so stressed out with this move I've done everything they asked and now they are saying I can't move because I have my trampoline and garden swing in my garden like they are rubbish! They are my furniture and will be coming with me! I could cry I'm so fed up with the whole thing just left a voicemail for my housing officer with a few choice words and am waiting for him to call me back!
aww nikki hope you sort everything - housing officers are a right pain in the ass and will do everything not to help you!

we are looking to move around march - not looking forward to it as ill be huge and im moving areas so ill get a new midwife etc
Nikki, that is ridiculous, its hardly piles of bin bags or rubble!! I hope they listen and can move forward with it all xx
I have already got my cardiology appointment come through for next week, it mentions the treadmill test, you have monitor attached whilst speed is gradually increased, it says to let them know if you can't do that. I am not sure I am comfortable doing this when pregnant, I am unsteady on treadmills at best of times but when I pregnant? I don't want to risk falling?
What do you think? xx
Thanks, ery. We have a dyson upright. We need something that handles tread well as it's for the hall and stairs. The only other room that has carpet will be the nursery and it's still in excellent condition, so we're just having that cleaned.


Aww you make me so proud lol. :) yea it's the polypropylene that's the hardest to use uprights on. We're working on it but it's hard to create one that both complies with eu standards and works on these new carpets!
Moving house is a giant pain! I'm glad we're in and sorted before I fell preggers.

I'm feeling much better today thankfully. Just taken the dogs for a nice walk and now tucking into a fruit salad for lunch. Little miss seems to approve as she's woken up and is weighing away in there!

My isofix base arrived while I was out with the dogs, so just need to chase the car seat at the end of the week if I've not heard anything from mothercare by then.

I wish I could nap. I'm so drained, you think it'd be easy. But my stuffy nose is keeping me from being able to sleep.

Nikki that sounds awful and just plain stupid on their part. I hope you're able to get it sorted.

Leigh, I feel for you. I'm dreading the move, but can't wait to be settle. Just seems my to do list keeps getting longer. I would hate to be doing that in the 3rd trimester.
Lisey maybe call and chat to them and see?

I've never used a treadmill so not sure how it feels etc.

im dreading moving so late on but its the only option we have atm - i just want to be settled in my home, with the nursery all done for my little boy!

seems ages away!

happy 23 weeks Kabuk
Yeah, I will call them. I haven't used one for a long time and I do assume it will be very slow to begin with but the thought of it makes me nervous xx
Yea I've not used one either sorry lisey.

I don't know how you guys are coping moving house in stressed enough just decorating. I don't know what I was thinking it's all so pricey lol.
Thanks Leigh. Yeah, you can't always help when you move.

This utility set up is driving me mad. Canceled the one I set up yesterday and now registered with the supplier they had so I can have electricity for the upcoming work. It's been painful though. And I'm still not done as they put me down as a MR even after my details said MS. Go figure.

I do love my Dyson, Ery. I just wish they weren't damn expensive.
Sorry to hear so many of you are poorly. I hope you're feeling better soon, pregnancy is draining enough let alone being poorly when pregnant and unable to take much to help!
Hope all the house moves go smoothly!
Ery decorating is a nightmare isn't it. I want our bedroom done before baby comes and we also need to put new carpet in the nursery it's just all so pricey especially when we've still got bits to buy for the baby :/
I've got my next midwife appointment tomorrow, need to chase my physio referral for my pelvic/coccyx pain as I was in so much pain with it yesterday I thought my pelvis was going to snap anytime I sat down, was in tears by time hubby got home. It's so weird as some days I'm fine and it's just a bit uncomfortable and other days it's unbearable:( Have decided to bring forward my leave date at work too as I think if I'm in this much pain now it's only going to get worse the further along I am. So need to tell work that I'm going to use annual leave for the first 3 weeks of April then start maternity leave. It's only effectively bringing my mat leave forward by a week but obviously with the a/l it means I'll be finishing at the end of March! It's going to fly around I bet. I just think if I work to 1st May like I was going too I'll end up signed off with my pelvic anyway so might as well use the leave as our leave year starts from April so I'll still have 6 weeks to take when I want to return xx

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