May mummies and rainbows to be :)

Ery, the doctor should prescribe you something for the thrush, avoid tight clothes or anything perfumed as will aggravate it xx
ive had it this pregnancy - they give you cream and stuff to put up ya noo noo dont use the applicator tho.

i never used the internal ones i just used the cream to stop the symptoms and then it cleared its self up internally.

avoid bodywashs soaps etc. cotton knickers if you have any. and if you cant get to the docs use natural yogurt!
Awww... I do like the name Charlie, although I always loved it for a girl.

So far we have Sabastiaan (Bas), Theodoor (Theo) and Ezra. I really want to use Theodoor at least as a middle name. It was my great uncle's name who I absolutely adored. We are still adding to the list. Nothing has completely jumped out at us, but I'm hoping we can narrow it to 3 names that we can choose from on the day.

Feeling human again and made it into work. Of course it would choose to rain this day. But good to be out of the house.
I like all those names too kabuk.

Thanks for the tips. She did a swab and sent a letter to my doctor about it. So I guess I'll just wait til then. We've made a big start on clearing the spare room today felt good. But I'm pooped out now just sat on soda and Lil miss has just woken up and begun to kick.
I like Charlie but we already have one in the family. We are leaning towards Finn James at the moment. I am, at least! Since the baby will probably have my boyfriend's surname I thought I'd be able to pick the middle name (my dad is James William).
Aw I like finn:) we are still sticking with aria unless she doesn't look like an aria but we don't have a back up name just in case lol
We still have no boys names! God help us if it is a boy!

Woke up to snow this morning. Decided to drive to school as probably safer than walking with two little ones and SPD on snow but turns out the road wasn't really cleared and skidded 3 times! Thank God I was going super slow anyway. Anyway seems to have cleared on the roads now and stopped snowing so that's good and kids had a wee play out in it.

DH has arrived home and told me he's been sick all day so have sent him to bed...I don't want to go to bed in case I catch it!! My spd is really playing up though so will need to, think.the sofa would be the end of me! X
Kabuk I really like Theo. Is the full version the Dutch spelling? (Is it Dutch your oh is my memory is rubbish)?

Dovekie I like Finn too. James also goes with pretty much everything so I think that is also a good choice.

We are still very undecided on names. We know what we don't like but the short list is a bit sparse. Ideally I would like two or three names and then choose from those when he arrives (or more likely go off those completely and choose something we haven't even considered haha).

Glad you made it through the snow MissYeovil, it is supposed to be snowing here but so far just cold and rainy. Hope you don't catch the lurgy!
It was snowing here not sure how bad it is as I haven't been out tonight so will find out in the morning! I'm watching some old one born every minutes probably not the best thing to watch lol
I have sky and just downloaded them they are being repeated on really. think the new series should be starting soon tho
OK, so I might be mad but I am thinking of getting another dog. Am I crazy with baby on the way? Emily, I need your advice?
My dog just isn't the same without Bella, he has become less confident and seems lonely. It's for him really, although I love dogs and would happily have 10. I know timing isn't best with baby coming soon but I am thinking now might be better as have a few months to train before baby? Xx
OK I am thinking I am definitely mad. I have been reading up on it and nobody seems to think it's a good idea. I just feel for my dog :( I want him to have a friend. I am also missing my other dog terribly to the point of aching to cuddle her, maybe that is influencing these feelings? I don't know... xx
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Aww I'm not sure. We got 2 cats when I was pregnant with my son do I don't think your mad lol. I think it will depend on type and temperament of the dog. But I'm no doggie expert!
Oh and finn is lovely my work partners son is called finlay. It suits him. Perfectly. He's a lovely little blonde boy and he's had some health issues. And finlay mean "little blonde soldier"
Not trying to put you off but could it be your dog is becoming anxious, unsettled due to the inevitable changes that your pregnancy is bringing? Also fussing a dog when they are in that frame of mind reinforces that behaviour, its a positive response to a negative reaction. Its hard because human nature wants us to reassure and comfort, but the dog gets the attention and it reinforces their belief that the behaviour they are displaying is correct. Dogs do not necessarily need another dog to help with behaviour issues and anxiety (you could end up with 2 anxious dogs ;)) but sometimes its better to concentrate on the dog you have and maybe do some training/fun stuff to distract and give them something else to focus on . I would maybe speak to the vets, check their is no underlying cause for a change in behaviour and then maybe look into a basic dog training class. My dogs all loved it and you also get to mix with other dogs/doggy people who often help and support you with any anxieties you and your dog may experience introducing a new baby to the family.
Thanks ladies and gesic you make good points. He doesn't have behaviour issues, he is just less confiden and seems lonely. I don't think it's to do with the baby, it has been since our other dog was put to sleep. He relied on her massively and he copied everything she did. She gave him confidence to go and play with other dogs etc. I guess he is still missing her :( xx
Kabuk I really like Theo. Is the full version the Dutch spelling? (Is it Dutch your oh is my memory is rubbish)?

Yes, the full spelling is Dutch. My partner is Dutch and more specifically Frisian (a province in the north of the Netherlands). We've considered Frisian names, but many don't work well in English and the ones that do, there are too many in the family with the name.

I love the name Finn, we have considered that one, too. We need to work on our list more, but we've been so busy.

We watch the Secret Life of 4 year olds over Christmas. That was really interesting. It's available online on channel 4. They also cover the 5 and 6 year olds. It's really cute.
Kabuk, the secret life of 4 year olds is so funny isn't it. I love the things they come out with xx

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