May mummies and rainbows to be :)

Wow Emily. That's not long. I will taking mine from 1st April as that's when Easter holidays start. That way mat leave technically starts 2 weeks before due date xx
I thought I'd be finishing right at start of April but with all the holiday and lieu days I've got to take it's 32 days in total! I've still got to get it all ok'd by my supervisor but if all is agreed and I've worked out out right, last day at work will be middle of march!! :shock:

Is there a date that you have to sort mat leave by? I haven't even gone back yet. Going on Monday to discuss return xx
I'm not sure tbh but I know there's a form from MW that you need to give to your employer, think it's called a MATB1 form.

I just want to be organised and know what I'm doing and when!

My sickness is back again :( It had eased off but now I'm sick before and after breakfast, and before bed again. Anyone else?
Dovekie, I thought mine was coming back last week. I did escape it, was just feeling sick for a few days. Hope it eases off soon xx
I have very odd random episodes of nausea every now and then but thankfully few and far between. Hope it eases soon for you.

I've just come up to bed and bubs has got a good wriggle on! I'm getting kicks on both sides of my bump so I'm thinking she's transverse at the moment. I've felt her quite a bit today.

Cool, yeah I've been kicked a lot today too. Had quite a hefty one that gave me a shock! He was really active through the night. I slept really badly but at least I found this out!

Hopefully it's just a couple of random sick days. I find that feeling the movement makes me feel sickly sometimes.
My baby is very active. I am starting to notice a pattern now of what times of the day she moves. I have put the kick counts app on phone too just out of curiosity really as I know not supposed to track yet xx
Are you getting 0-1 or 0-3 months sleepsuits etc?

I might actually buy something soon!
I have newborn and then 0-3. I think I have some vests in up to 1 month xx
Hope your car gets sorted nice and quick Ery.

Thats so soon for your leave Emily! Exciting!!

Had my pregnancy massage today - was pretty good! The foot bit was a godsend after traipsing miles this morning looking for red shoes as requested by ny son! Spent some time at the spa chilling although most of the stuff was no good for me as too hot but so nice to have some time just us with no little uns around apart from bump giving me the odd nudge! Looking forward to seeing my munchkins tomorrow though! X
Well my excess is only £100 and the legal cover will try and reclaim that back and I'll get a courtesy car while the repair needs to be done. So it's not that bad
I've been sick a few times recently but Lil miss likes to srand up so I had a really sore rib yesterday I kept feeling a limb up by my rib and I could push it back down lol. It felt like she was exploring my organs and bones yesterday lol.
She's been a bit more quiet but when she is kicking it's more backwards than forwards at the moment and I can still feel and see her wriggling so I'm happy with that. I think I'll get bugger kicks next mon to thurs when I'm off work. We begin the house renovations on Monday argh! Lol

Oh and I plan to start mat leave on May 10th if my employer allows. I'd rather not have any time off before the due date as with my son I was off 2 weeks before he was due he was 2 weeks late and the 4 week wait was hellish! I'd rather keep busy if I can.

I need to get my matb1 form from the midwife
A massage sound so good. Enjoying Berlin, but staying in a sofa bed is hell. My lower back is killing me. I've been trying to get comfortable all night and morning and nothing is working. I'm dreading the flight back now. It's not going to comfortable.

Hope your car gets sorted soon, Ery.

I'm going to get my matb1 from my GP at my 24wk appointment. I'm planning on working right up to my due date, if I can.
I'm lucky to be able to finish so early! It's because I've been there for 12 years so I get the max amount of holiday so I can finish early and not eat into my maternity leave at all until due date! Brilliant!!

23 weeks today!! One week until V day!!

I want a bit of time at home before baby comes. Not too much, a couple of weeks would be nice. Hear that baby, lol!
I found the last couple of weeks very uncomfortable so just want to relax and have some me time. I am also scared my waters would break at work, could you imagine with all the children there! I am glad though that 2 of the weeks won't count as mat leave as we are all off anyway, so technically will be starting mat leave around 20th April I think xx
I'll have the Easter school break off and then will go back for about 3 weeks. I'm hoping any last minute things that need doing can get done then.

Second trip whilst pregnant and again I get sick. Lower back pain had now turned into aches. It's definitely not muscular tension. And a slight slightly achy head. No chills this time, at least not so far, but the flight back will suck.
Oh kabuk, that's not good. Hope you don't feel any worse xx
Nikki I was wondering if that is what I had the other day, this is my first so it's all new to me. I looked it up and apparently you can get them earlier in pregnancy as I thought it was only a thing in late pregnancy. I had about three episodes of my whole tummy feeling tight, not painful, and it lasted maybe 30 seconds each time. This has happened for about 3 days in the last two weeks, initially I wondered if it was baby rolling over but after reading about it all it makes more sense that they were BH.

I've been feeling regular movements and loving it, but I haven't felt anything at all yesterday or today yet and starting to worry, is this normal? Being pregnant just brings worry after worry! Xx
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