May mummies and rainbows to be :)

Thanks lisey. I don't want to be getting in any later than originally planned.

I was wondering the same thing with sleepsuits. I'm hoping to start shopping next week. We haven't bought anything yet.
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Thankyou! I tend to have smaller babies my boys were 5lb 1 and 7 lb 7 so I've got 4 newborn sleepsuits and 5 newborn vests maybe I'll buy a few more and then start getting 0-3 lol
Hope you aren't delayed too much kabuk, have fun!

I've got a 5 vests and 3 sleepsuits in newborn (the vests look tiny compared to the sleepsuits though!), about 6-10 of each in upto one month and then the same again in 0-3. As I thought the sleepsuits looked huge compared to the vests in the newborn I got 3 tiny baby sleepsuits in the sales for about £1. I have no idea how big this baby will be, I was 'average', my sister was huge, my husband was slightly small. I'm also in a few high risk categories for an early birth, so they could be smaller than I think. I figure I've got enough to get by initially then there is online shopping and next day delivery if we are really short on a size.
Has anybody started getting sore boobs again? Mine settled pain wise but nipples especially feel achey and sore today. Maybe they are preparing for the breastfeeding that I am not going to do :wall2: xx
I've got 13 new sleepsuits and vests in total, a mix of newborn and up to one month. I've got a load of other stuff to sort through properly but I doubt I'll use much if any of it, maybe just the vests. I've wanted a little girl since forever so I'm indulging in all things pink for sure!!

I've got one little dress in 0-3 and again a few white vests left from Cam's stuff.

My boobs aren't sore although my nipples are a bit sensitive.

I freaked out my work mates today. Bubs was having a wiggle so I lifted up my jumper and they could see my tummy move when she kicked!! Lol!!

Lol.. love how that freaks people out, Emily.

So far 2 girls and 1 boy for the four of us pregnant at my work. The 4th person will finds out today, we we'll see if she evens things out on Monday.
Hehe that is great Emily, I don't think anything can be seen from outside at the moment with me. My husband hasn't felt a kick since the first time a few days ago either, but those were the two biggest kicks I've had and everything has been fainter since.

Lisey my boobs are too sore to lay on but it is more my nipples. I still don't think mine have changed in size, my husband said he thought they were a bit bigger but I'm still in my usual bras with no spillage or anything. I think my nipples may be slightly larger. I had some clear drops a couple of weeks ago but that seems to have stopped again.
I need to buy more clothes just waiting to get my sons b day over with on the 2nd Feb and then I'll have some more money!

My little lady has been quite the last few days still felt her but not as much
Great news dovekie.
Nikki, I think I read you had a bad day. Hope you're OK? Xx
Congrats dovekie :)

Kabuk so glad results came back ok!

Nikki sorry you've had a bad day. Hope you're okay x
Yay congrats dovekie!!

Everything went wrong from the minute I woke up and I need to get this house sorted by Monday!!
Congratulations on the boy! I'll update when I can x
Lisey yea my boobs have started getting sore again.
So the garage came out and inspected the damage to my car and it's worse than it looks. I need repair jobs to all 4 panels down the passenger side. 1st and 4th panels just a slight polish out the scratches. The rear passenger door is a deeper scratch and a small dent.
But the front passenger door well.. the wing mirror needs replacing. I thought that escaped as it didn't smash and it still moves and can be adjusted but it's twisted (I thought something was off with it this morn but I couldn't put my finger on it) and the dent and gouge is so severe it may just be cheaper to replace the whole door.

Oh well... that's why we pay insurance! And luckily my insurance was renewed in Nov so I don't have to worry about price hikes for a while!
Ery that's not good :( do you have to pay a lot of excess? I'm feeling very fat today lol
Ery, if it was his fault then your premium shouldn't go up? I had someone drive into back of me once when I was stationary, was a small bump to bumper but was a right off. Was shocked, although was a Chale appointment car as was my first.

I feel fat too nikki and bump feels so stretched, still has a long way to go yet xx
Just walking round town was a mission and taken loads of stuff to the tip might have overdone it but oh is taking me to prezzo tonight for dinner so I can have a rest and carry on tomorrow
Had a reply from HR answering a few questions I had about mat leave.

Was working out dates etc and looks like my last working day will be 11th March, then all my holiday and annual leave and then my maternity leave will start from due date on 7th May. So if that's all agreed, I could be finishing work in 9 weeks time!!!


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