May mummies and rainbows to be :)

That is great Dovekie. You should be more settled by then and things should be less unpredictable.

Lisey I like to get my value of Christmas lol! The time, effort and cost of everything I want it up as long as possible (within reason, don't want it still up at Easter!). I've been very restrained and put the trees away before breaking into my goodies.

I have a bib question, how many do you think the average person needs? I assume it depends if you have a real slobberer or not but at the moment I have 4 and wondering if that is something I will need more of. Pretty much the only thing I remember about my sister being a baby was that she dribbled on everything and got through hundreds of bibs and clothes every day.
Kabuk have you considered the own brand mothercare pushchairs? I know people who have had the xpedior and the orb and they love them. Think a lot of their pushchairs are in the sale just now too x
Toys R us had a Hauak in, it wasn't the travel system though in my local one only a pushchair. I looked all over to see the travel system in the flesh and there weren't any anywhere near us so I had to rule it out. Was a shame as I really wanted to see it but am not keen on buying without seeing.
I basically didnt use bibs until they were being weaned. I tried with my daughter but she had reflux and was sick a million times a day and therefore whole new outfits so it didn't really seem worth putting one on as it was just extra washing. My son wasn't really sicky or dribbly so not much need for one with him.
I would say start with 4 and see how you get on. They're easy to get if needs be. Also I think you're more likely to want bibs if bottle feeding as more chance if milk spillage. X
I would personally get more than 4 bibs, like missyeovil says, esp of bottle feeding as some does tend to dribble out or bubs sicks some of it up. I prob have about ten lol but I have just got them when I have seen them in sales for £2. I think I would have got through 4 in one day with my son lol, he was a sickly baby though xx
Got the first set of results back from the amnio - chromosomal analysis - and that is all clear. No Downs, no Edwards, no Patau and no abnormalities on the sex chromosome. TORCH bloods aren't back yet, which check infection. The second round of amnio test - genetic testing - will take another week. But so far so good!

Missy, I've read some not so great reviews of some of them. They also seem wider than others we've looked at. Since I live in London and mainly get around by public transport, I want something that isn't too big. I've seen mum's trying to squeeze their oversized prams in the little space left alongside another on a bus. I might have another look though.
Kabuk, I am so pleased that the first lot of results have come through and they are all clear, fab news xx
Thanks for the links!

Good luck with your scans tomorrow Mayday and gesic :)
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Thsts great news kabuki hope the rest if the news is jut as good! Good luck tonall the scans x i had someone guess i was 7 months pregnant yesterday that was amusing. Bubs was quiet yesterday but i did still feel her nut she was mega active the day before soni bet she was just ct hing up on her beauty sleep lol. I wonder if my boobs will stop growing soon.. ive only just brought this bra and i feel like its getting too small for me :( lol

Luckily i dont have to worry about buggy sizes ive got a big car and rarely need public transport plus im used to a tank sized buggy with my son lol, i guess i like big vehicles big car big pram lol
Toys R us had a Hauak in, it wasn't the travel system though in my local one only a pushchair. I looked all over to see the travel system in the flesh and there weren't any anywhere near us so I had to rule it out. Was a shame as I really wanted to see it but am not keen on buying without seeing.

As i say i was quite impressed with the size and loved the easy way it handled i just needed to have a demo on how it came apart!

I got some baby clothes yesterday that i think you will be proud of me buying lol ill take piccys tonight after work lol (one is bright orange lol)
Glad your results were all good hun and good luck to those who have scans soon.

My neck is still so painful today. Don't think it's quite as bad as yesterday but it's still very sore. Not sure how much use I'll be at work today but hey ho.

I really love our travel system although I don't think we've got the colour we ordered. On all the pictures it looks very green but ours is more blue than green. Will be interesting to see what colour the car seat is when it arrives!! Lol!!

Ooh yes Ery, lots of pictures please!! I've decided I'm not buying anymore now so I need to get my fix somewhere! Lol!

Thanks. Good luck to all those having their scans today.

Somehow my 19.45 flight is already delayed by 45 minutes. Hope that changes between now and then. Good chance of snow in Berlin tomorrow! I so hope it snows at least a little. I so miss the snow.
How many sleepsuits and vests is everyone getting and in what sizes? I don't know how many to buy
Good luck with scans.
Hope the flights get back on track kabuk.

Nikki, I think I have about 5 newborn sleepsuits and around 11ish (can't remember) for 0-3. My son was quite big so I don't want to get too many newborn things just incase xx

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