May mummies and rainbows to be :)

Dovekie I'm having a Moses basket and then once it outgrows that a cot.

We're moving into a small 3 bed but the 2 younger ones share a room and my eldest has a room and we have a room so no idea where the baby will go. Might have to put the 2 boys in one room and the 2 girls in the other but the bedrooms are pretty small!
Yea a moses basket at first as a cit is quite big and spacious and they like to be snuggled still and a cot/cot bed at 6mths ish.

Kabuki I'm 75% convinced im going for the hauak it's a pushchair carry cot and car seat for under £200 it's lightweight and easy to steer it just looks a bit fiddly on the taking apart but then I've not been shown how to do that yet.
Baby can sleep in a cot but I think alot of people prefer a moses basket or something smaller for the beginning. I have gone for moses basket xx
Ok, and I'm guessing with the basket it's easier to move about, if I wanted the baby to sleep downstairs for example? Or when visiting people?

My boyfriend is organising other stuff for around the time of the birth. He's just asked all of his friends on FB to do a 3 peaks walk, and he's told them sometime in May or June. There's no mention of how busy we'll be around the end of May and seemingly no consideration that baby might be early or late. I felt a little annoyed. Am I being unreasonable, as it's only one day (but it might be THE day)?
Eurgh I must have slept funny last night as my neck is absolutely killing me!! Got a heat pad warming in the microwave to see if that helps.

We've got a gliding crib for our bedroom and a cot for babies room. For downstairs we'll get a swing or a bouncer as well as using the carrycot from the travel system.

My hubby has mentioned going away for a couple of nights in May. I just said we'll have to see how things are at the time and if I'm all good and well then I don't mind him going. But then I'm going to have to pretty much just get on with things as we've got Cam to look after too and he's going to need to get off to school etc.

If we had space for a cot in our room I would go for that from the start, as we don't we have gone for a moses basket to begin with.

Kabuk I also debated carrycot or not. I couldn't decide how much it would end up being used. There are lots on things like ebay for all different prams, so you could always look into a secondhand carrycot that fits your pram once you have chosen one? I was going to get a lay flat car seat and use that instead of a carrycot but then I saw the pram I wanted on offer with the carrycot plus there is the option of using it to sleep in during the day so I don't need to bother moving the moses basket around the house. I looked at the Hauck too, you seem to get a lot for your money.

Dovekie if he wasn't able to go would he be ok with that? If he was flexible then I would be fine with him organising it provided he knew there was a chance he wouldn't be able to go. May is our busiest time of year at work so my husband is highly likely to be working long days and nights, especially with me out of action, we will just have to deal with it as it happens.
I've had an appointment letter in the post this morning to see a consultant. Any reason why I've been sent it or is it standard for either first timers or ladies who have had fertility treatment? It has never been mentioned before.
Moses baskets are good because you can move them around so take it downstairs in the day, you can get normal stands and rocking stands for them and they are nice and cosy for baby :) or there's a crib but you can't really move them because they are heavy
Dovekie if he wasn't able to go would he be ok with that? If he was flexible then I would be fine with him organising it provided he knew there was a chance he wouldn't be able to go. May is our busiest time of year at work so my husband is highly likely to be working long days and nights, especially with me out of action, we will just have to deal with it as it happens.

I'm not sure. I'm guessing he thinks that leaving me for a day wouldn't be an issue as the chances are slim that I'd give birth that day. My problem with it is that he'll be in the mountains with no phone reception and no quick way to return home, if something did happen. He hasn't mentioned a date, just May or June. I suppose I'm a little annoyed that he isn't focusing on what's happening with this baby around that time. Even the time after I've given birth and we have a newborn (late May/June). I'm not making any plans around then.
I'd probably be the same lol my boyfriend wanted to go to a day festival at the end of may which wouldn't have been a problem.except I know he will be drunk and unable to do anything. If he could go and drive and stay sober I wouldn't mind because I'd know if I needed him he could be there but I've flat out said no which he's a bit gutted about. He also goes away to Amsterdam every year for a festival in April which he hasn't mentioned yet but I wouldn't be very happy if he wanted to go. I guess it wouldn't be so bad if it was easy for him to get back if you needed him
Snowbee - I would imagine it's because if fertility treatment? I didn't see a consultant with my first but then again different areas might have different policies!

Thats the midwife just left. She found hb but it was difficult and she said she thinks its lying back to back atm which I already suspected because my bump is totally flat at the front. Not sure if should start encouraging it to move with the spinning babies moves or just let it be...obviously there is still loads of time/space for it to move but don't want it to get comfy there! My daughter was back to back for the start of labour and it definitely was more painful! X
I was looking at the cossato, but my dw thinks the designs are too kitsch. If they had solid colour one, she'd be all for them. I've seen the combo deals on them as cheap as £350. They really look a good deal.

There is no way I would happy about my dw disappearing for a day away in the mountains, not that she would. She even told off one of her clients that was trying to bully her into spending 3 months in NYC mid-Feb to mid-Apr. She made it perfectly clear that come March, she will not be traveling abroad for work. Before then, she'll gladly go for 2 weeks, if needed.
I wouldn't be happy either. My OH has said he may visit his friend in Spain which I don't mind but the latest he would go is March. I wouldn't be happy him going even if baby was born by then, you need that help and support in the early days. Hope he rethinks it xx
The stuff I ordered in the sales has arrived... in four boxes! Only small ones I'm not quite sure why they didn't put them together as when I've opened them they are all half full of packaging. Still it is like Christmas all over again.

I've started taking down my Christmas decs too, by tonight they will be down and heading for the loft.
Snowbee, its exciting when it all arrives isn't it. I am going to 'try' my hardest not to order any more clothes for bubs now. Or at least not in the smaller sizes but it is so hard when they are too cute!!

I took all the decorations down already, it is actually nice to get back to normal again, need to get OH to put in the loft though, I did it myself last year but obv can't this time xx
I told him and he was nice and said he'll change it to July, which would be better :)
Aw good I'm glad :) my partner wants to do a marathon in September for the weekend so he will be away but we should be a bit more settled by then lol
I haven't got anything anything planned this month so I think it's going to drag lo well unless the move goes through and then it will be manic!l oh suggested going for a meal on Saturday tho which will be nice we haven't been out for dinner in ages!
Kabuki I'm 75% convinced im going for the hauak it's a pushchair carry cot and car seat for under £200 it's lightweight and easy to steer it just looks a bit fiddly on the taking apart but then I've not been shown how to do that yet.

Have you got a link for it please?

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