May mummies and rainbows to be :)

Nikki, I feel ya. We complete on Monday and my to do list with the move is so long. I get tired just thinking about it. Plus all the money that will be spent moving out and then setting up our flat, especially since we've been renting furnished flats. We have all that furniture to buy and then all the baby stuff on top of that. I'm still glad we decided to move ahead with the purchase though. I'd much rather start a family in our own home.

It's just a bit frustrating that will be spending more than planned as I can't do the work now. I could've torn up the carpets, painted the place and cleaned the carpets myself, but we'll be paying the professionals to do it now. I'm going to look locally and hope I can save some money that way.
So internet went crazy and somehow double posted. And you can't just delete a post on here. *shrugs*
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I also can't believe how fast things are moving. I track everything with the school terms. This one is only 5 weeks and the week of half-term, I'll be 28 weeks. I can't believe the 3rd trimester is that close. Then I'm back for a 6 week term before I'm off again for 2 wks at Easter. I go back to work after that for 2-3 weeks before I'm off on maternity leave. It seems much closer when I measure time this way.
Aww just googled that pattern and its lovely! It really does feel like ages till we get to use them. Hopefully it will fly in!

DH and I have been looking at baby names. I have suggested a couple of girls names which he hasn't said no to but we have no boys names that we even like in the slightest!! Was the same when we had our son apart from we had one name that we liked but not loved which we ended up having to use!! Obviously in hindsight it was the perfect name but there's none that I like even a tiny bit yet! :( x

We're not keen on any boys names either. We decided not to worry until we know the gender. Two days to go!
Kabuk I know it's scary I go on terms too and this is a really short one feels like I've been pregnant forever but at the same time it's flying by lol want to get everything ready by the time I'm 36 weeks in case I end up in hospital so that only gives me 14 weeks
We moved house a couple of months before I got pregnant and it was so stressful! I don't envy you ladies having to do it all now- hope it all goes smoothly for you.

I bought some more clothes today! Pink of course!! Lol!! We've go the big bits all sorted so it's just little odds and ends now like a changing mat, bottles etc. Biggest things we need now are a swing/ bouncer and a cot mattress but even that we won't really need until she goes into her own room.

We know we're having a boy and we're still finding it difficult to select a name. We have a list of names. We like the names, but nothing really grabs us. I don't mind if we don't settle on a name before he comes as long as we have a shortlist of no more than 3. Then we can choose one of those after he arrives.

I hear ya, nikki. We should be settled well before then. We really want to redo the bathroom and kitchen, but both are more than liveable so we're waiting until after he arrives. We're aiming for Aug/Sept for that. With my bleeding and placenta location, I'm not planning for anything other than a c-section a the moment as I don't want to get my hopes up, and if that is the case, then this little boy will likely arrive at the end of April.
We've not struggled with names this time found thankfully but when I had my son, my due date came and went and we had no name! It was a bit of a blessing in disguise that I went overdue!!

What names are on your list? Or are you keeping it secret?

I'm panicking due to time constraints. When son goes back to school I'll have a crack on with moving stuff. I'm putting lots of his old stuff up on ebay too. Already got a few watchers and bids. Been through bag 1 of his old clothes pulled out a few things for Erin. I don't remember my son's kicks being as hard as hers must be placenta potion I guess. Feel like she has steel toe caps on lol
I went through Cam's stuff but there wasn't an awful lot that would be any good for her, although I did find some lovely knitted cardigans which will be perfect for her.

I am so ill with a cough and cold, it is awful. I went to the doctor regarding fit for work note and asked her to check throat as been so sore and she has given me antibiotics for it. Given amoxicillen, its safe apparently but still scared about taking it.

Also, given fit for work note on phased return for a month, so will be back at work next week, hope this cold shifts by then because I feel dreadful xx
I'm moving out of my house in about 10 days! Until then I'll be having a good sort out. I'm feeling knackered already.

I'm also getting insanely paranoid. Baby kicked this morning but now I'm worried it hasn't since!
Dovekie I wouldn't worry, it's probably because your busy! They tend to be asleep whilst your moving around plenty and wake up as soon as you sit/lie down as the movement stops. Also as it's still early days it might have just moved to a bit where you can't feel it as well. Sure it will be booting you as soon as you go to bed tonight - that's what I usually get and it keeps me up for ages! X
Aw lisey that sounds rubbish, hope you feel better quickly now you've got antibiotics!X
Thanks missyeovil xx

Dovekie, I am sure bubs will be kicking away again soon, I often get paranoid when I don't feel her for a while but they sleep lots too so there will be quiet times. Try not to worry, if you are busy especially you are less likely to feel them xx
Awww no Lisey yay for back to work booooo for cold.
Yea my app says baby sleeps for 12-14 hrs a day usually when your moving.
I am nervous about going back though, been so long that I feel like I forgotten what to do lol. Plus I have terrible baby brain, I really didn't think that existed but it really does!! I do some silly things!! xx
lisey, you'll be fine. Hope that cold passes quickly. I tend to get a bad case of baby brain. It's been the cause of a few amusing moments in lessons, but nothing embarrassing. I've been really bad with drawing blanks on words. Being an English teacher, my students love catching me in those moments.
Yes, kabuk, sometimes I just can't think of the right word, I also went to open the car door, from the inside (passender side) with my house keys!! All I had to do was pull the handle! So many other things though, I just don't function the way I used to, at least I can just blame the baby brain xx

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