May mummies and rainbows to be :)

I hope I don't need a note of some sort to fly. We are flying out on Friday for a weekend in Berlin. I was told that airlines have issues once you're 28 weeks. I need to double check my travel insurance to make sure if there are any pregnancy related issues that they are covered.

Thanks, missy. I never realised how many can become tandem until I spoke with a sales persons when we went to test various prams. I don't necessarily want an iCandy, but I've found some good deals on used ones that are the complete bundle, but I think my dw will want something new. But even for one, I'm wondering if 15kg weight limit is enough or if I should prioritise one with a higher limit.
I think it is for insurance purposes kabuk, if you are covered on your policy anyway then you should be fine.
Kabuk, once baby is 2-3 you will likely want to change to a lightweight stroller anyway which are quite cheap. I remember I got one when my son was around 3 from mothercare, it was only £40ish I think. Just something super light. I am not great with weights so not really sure what age a 15kg would cater for xx
My son is 2 years 8 months and about 13.5kg I think. He's pretty average sized...maybe a wee bit taller but slighter round the waist than other boys his age. My daughter, again tall but slim was around the 15kg mark at a couple of months over 3 I think.

My son has just got to the point where he wants to walk everywhere. That's fine most of the time but obviously if we were going far or if I was in a town/city I would have him in the buggy for safety/practicalities so I think a buggy up to 15kg would be totally fine for most people as a starting point. X
Thanks, so it seems 15kg limit should be okay. Of course, that means no tandem option for later, but that's okay. At least I won't rule those out immediately.
Has anyone found a car seat which lies flat but doesn't cost the earth? I have a perfectly good britax babysafe from the other 2 but I really want a lie flat one but the one I found and liked cost approximately a million pounds (£359) and DH is not budging on this one. My sons car seat is a super duper ERF one (although not lie flat) which cost £300 and is suitable from birth so he's not letting me pull the safety card because he says I could use that one for bubs and shift my son but I want a carrier for the early months. I do see his point though...£359 is an awful lot for something that won't be used for that long. I don't have space for one of the carrycot car seats either so that's a no go. Just wish I could find one it bit more in our price bracket! X
Well I bought it lol my first big purchase :)


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And in stroller mode lol


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Thats so cute! Argh i need tonstart buying stuff soon ive not even started but i have got to do my front room first and then the spare room. Im getting on eith selling stuff. If it doesn't sell first time ill charity shop it. Go so much 3-5 yr boy stuff then need to look at the other stuff i have.

Hoping to save the money i make from selling stuff to buy something nice for baby.
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I asked my GP about fit to fly, she looked it up and said as long as I was back by 28 weeks I was fine without. I'm only going to France, so not far and not very tropical lol (and currently still covered by the EU health card). I'm ringing about travel insurance later this week as mine expires at the weekend so will need a new policy anyway.

I looked at loads of lay flat car seats, they do seem more expensive than others, I did see some around the £200 mark though. I've deleted it all now as we have decided to go with a 0-4 year seat instead and they don't lay flat (still expensive though, the one I like is £300!). As we got our pram with a free carrycot I now don't need the lay flat car seat as I was thinking of using that instead.
Missy, I don't know much about the lay flat carseats, but a friend of mine has a Jane pram and the carrycot for it is also a lay flat carseat. It's around £200. It's the Jane Transporter 2.

That's good to know snowbee. I thought it was 28 weeks. So I'm good to go this weekend!
My travel system arrived today, minus the car seat and isofix base. I called mother care to find out where the rest of it was and it turns out that the carseat and base isn't included because we purchased a different colour. When I told her that we were told it was all included and that I had specifically asked about the isofix base, she said they would honour it all so I'm getting a free car seat and free isofix base!! I've been playing about with the pram for hours! Lol! Can't wait to have a tiny someone to put in it!!!

What one have you decided on snowbee? £300 is a lot of money but then you are only buying one car seat until they're 4 so I guess it can't work out that much differently! I stupidly didn't buy our 0-4 seat until our son was 1 so I saved nothing haha. I think that's why DH is probably saying I need to make do. But as I always tell him you can't put a price on safety. Except you can if it's gonna bankrupt you haha.

Thanks kabuk, just had a quick Google and I have seen it. Can't remember why I ruled it out though so will check again! X
Pram looks great nikki, lovely colour!

Emily lucky you on the car seat! What pram did you get in the end? I haven't got ours out the box yet. We are in the city this weekend so will take DH to see it in a shop and get a quick play as he hasn't actually seen it in the flesh haha.

Hoping to check out a few other baby bits in store before I come back and buy them...but also I'm getting a pregnancy massage and staying in a posh hotel so may never make it to the shops! X
Missyeovil that sounds so good I could do with a pregnancy massage lol
We got a cossatto giggle 2 in the colour fox tale.

It's so exciting!! Feels like ages until I'll get to use it properly!

Aww just googled that pattern and its lovely! It really does feel like ages till we get to use them. Hopefully it will fly in!

DH and I have been looking at baby names. I have suggested a couple of girls names which he hasn't said no to but we have no boys names that we even like in the slightest!! Was the same when we had our son apart from we had one name that we liked but not loved which we ended up having to use!! Obviously in hindsight it was the perfect name but there's none that I like even a tiny bit yet! :( x
I hope the next 4 months fly by! We will be in tri 3 soon:)

Bit worried about all these scans I have to have wish he told me at my appointment
It seems having lots if growth scans is a lot more normal than it used to be. I've not spoken to many women who haven't had at least 1 scan in tri 3. They have changed guidelines and rules and how they measure babies growth recently.
I'll try not to worry too much then lol every 4 weeks just seemed a bit extreme. This house move is stressing me out there's loads of stuff I need to do before the council will let me move and I haven't got the energy for anything lol
I know that feeling. We have 3 rooms to sort out before the baby arrives. And then the hall to do after she's here
We need to buy a whole new bedroom for my son.
Plus I need to replace the washing machine with a washer dryer
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