May mummies and rainbows to be :)

Yeah, I was thinking of just getting one pack just in case. Tesco do tiny baby clothes and they're not very expensive so won't have wasted much if they don't get worn. I've got some newborn and some up to one month too although only a couple of each. I'm sure we'll get more from people once she's here and no doubt I'll pick up a few more bits! Got a couple of little hats today, they're so cute!!

I moisturised religiously when I was pregnant with my son and still ended up with loads of stretch marks. I don't think there's much you can do to stop them unfortunately.

It seems this tight tum feeling is normal then. I am using cream too, I didn't get one stretch mark with my son, and he was 10 days over. Hope I manage it this time too. I was better with cream application then though.
I am not buying any tiny baby stuff. Just newborn. My son was 9lb 1 though and have a family history of big babies. My OH was prem though and tiny. I do not want that!! Xx
I agree Emily. I think if you're going to get them then you're going to get them xx
I was a preemie, weighed 3lb5oz.

I'm hoping she's ickle if I'm honest! They grow so quickly so it might take longer if she's littler to begin with!! Lol!!

I've not even moisturised my bump once yet this pregnancy. I put moisturiser on twice a day with Cam and still got loads so I've not bothered this time at all.

I'm insanely uncomfortable today, everything feels too tight, my back and my front hurt. I think they have moved which has made it feel this way, hopefully they will turn around again!

I've not got any tiny baby, I've got some newborn and some upto 1 month, the size difference between the different brands is huge though in the same sizes!
It doesn't feel tight just yet although sometimes it feels hard. I'm only 20 weeks though.

I'm feeling a lot of movement now too. There's no denying there's a baby in there now! Sometimes the kicking makes me feel sickly, but the gentle rubs are nice. I'm finding it pretty freaky too, to be honest.
I haven't felt any sort of movement for about 2 weeks now, also a few have remarked I am not that big :( I know I am a bit tubby round the middle which may absorb some movement but was sure I should feel some stronger feelings by now.
I know they are still in there, and can hear movement but concerned its stopped growing or some issue, have my 20 week scan Friday and as much as I want to know what going on I am really worried we will be told something is amiss :(
Gesic. Your placenta may be cushioning things. With my son, I didn't feel flutters until about 20 weeks so I don't think it's unusual with first baby xx
I'm sure all will be fine hun. We're a few weeks ahead of you and a lot of us already have had a child so feel things earlier. In a fortnight or so you'll be like ohhhh I get what they mean!
Lil miss I'm sure is a gymnast! I get tight belly at the bottom or top but apparently she likes to stand up in there. Hubby thinks they have dates wring and she's trying to get out lol but hopefully not!!!
My boss has a meeting with me a few days ago. She was like soon you're going to be too big to waddle round the store and continue... I was like... erm.... planning on being here til may 10th if I can lol. Still 5 months yet..... lol she's on a mad rush trying to rearrange meetings so I can attend and help out i don't know I'm more chilled and I'm like no rush. Lol I'm just hoping I may be able to change shifts soon to drop weekends and do weekdays that would be good.
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Gesic, try not to worry. I'm sure the baby is fine. What time is your scan? I can't remember the time so I'm trying to call the hospital.
Ibe just had my first car accident. Luckily it was very slow in a car park!
Hope your ok ery! Can't believe I'm 21 weeks already where is the time going!
Gosh Ery, hope all is fine. What a nerve wracking time to have that happen.

Gesic, I'm sure all is fine. From everything I've read, I'm a head of schedule with feeling my little boy. Most literature states that you'll probably start to feel movement between 18-20 weeks, but with your first, it may be 20-22 weeks. I think I can feel it because of how small I am. He also seems to like to stay towards the front for the most part. Everyone at work can't believe I'm half way through already. Whilst I have a noticeable bump, I'm smaller than the 3 other pregnant ladies at work, although for 2 this is their second, but the other one, it's her first and she's a week behind me and rather small, but she looks far more pregnant than me. One of the ladies I work with never felt much during her first pregnancy, but all was okay. She does have fibroids though, so this can cushion things.

Hope you feel some movement soon though. I know just how comforting it can be.
Eryinera hope you're ok and not too much damage on your vehicle :(

I'm not really feeling any movement yet at 19+3. I keep thinking there are tiny movements but it could be something else. Also I'll feel something tiny one day and then nothing for a couple of days. I am trying to not worry about it! My scan isn't until next Friday so quite a while to wait still xx
Yea im fine snd ive felt a few kicks since it happened. Im bit tearful and in shock. My car is bigger than his and his came off a lot worse. But need to phone insurance tomorrow
It is always a shock when you are in an accident and I imagine it is way worse when pregnant. I am very nervous when in the car as a driver or passenger at the moment. I want to cover my bump in pillows.

Ladies, we need to redecorate our room as we are changing colour scheme and doing one wall for baby where her cot will be with a mural wall decor thing on the wall. Is it safe for me to help with the painting? Not gloss, just emulsion xx
I would paint lisey. As long as room is well ventilated and you aren't going to sleep in there I don't see it would be an issue with todays low emission paints.

Hope you are ok Ery and get it all sorted soon.

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