I am so tired, I feel like I could sleep for a week. Christmas has been hectic, we were with OH family most of the day on xmas eve and then they came round on Christmas day too which I found too much. They are lovely but I find them a bit much sometimes, they talk so much and I am more of a chilled person, I don't feel the need to speak all the time, quite happy to have moments of quiet. They literally have TV off and talk for 6 hours straight!!! I wouldn't mind but the conversation is very different to what I would have with my family, for us it would be relaxed and chilled with lots of laughter, they talk about people from 20 years ago that I know nothing about but tell every detail, down to what they were wearing, what day it was etc and politics and things often come up too (not my thing). I am quite glad it is all over tbh. I have also realised that I don't want the care of baby shared between my Mum and his Mum when I am back at work as his Mum wouldn't even listen about how to approach our dog, he is quite nervy and my OH was telling her not to approach him from behind. He was growling at her so giving her warning and she still got in his face!! She didn't like my OH advising her, I hate to think what she will be like if we give rules about what we do/don't want done with baby. I am 100% against hitting or even tapping children and I would go mad if that was done but how would I know! I am sure she has said in the past that when children are in her care then its up to her to do it her way! (I don't think so!!). I know they used to smack OH when he was naughty and had the attitude that it didn't do any harm, its a different day now and I don't like it. I was never hit and I don't agree with it in any circumstances. I don't know how I am going to broach this, no arrangements have been made luckily as its so far away but I think we will just stick to my Mum. His Mum will be too firm I think, she moaned at my OH the other day because he ate too many peanuts from the bowl of snacks that she had out for people to eat!!! That has turned into a rant and a half, but please tell me I am not the only one to find the in-laws too much? xx