May mummies and rainbows to be :)

Lol sounds like my hormones I'm constantly on the verge of tears or shouting. I font remember bring this way with my son lol
Ery, it's nice when you can call them by name x

I have had the worst eve with my son. Autism meltdown at its worst. I was worried about falling over when trying to calm him as he was getting aggressive. Luckily OH was around to help. He is fine now thank goodness, think Christmas is just too overwhelming for him. Made me scared how I will cope with that kind of outburst when baby is here even though in some ways it might be easier as I can safely put her in the playpen whilst I deal with him. At the moment I feel vulnerable because if I fall it could be so bad for baby. Haven't stopped crying for ages. It's so horrible to see him in that state, esp when most of the time he is just so loving. He didn't like seeing me upset and he is calm now. Hopefully I can snap out of this feeling as for now I just want to curl up and cry xx
It is :)

Aww bless him I know how much he looks forward to Xmas it must have just got too much.
Sorry you had to go through that it's tough with autistic children at times.
I'm glad your oh helped you though x
Awwww hope you feel better soon lisey. Christmas is an emotional time even when not pregnant! Big hugs xx
Thanks ladies. He is asleep now. Hopefully a better day tomorrow xx
Aww lisey, that sounds exhausting. I hope the coming days are much calmer!

Ery, this kid doesn't kick so hard so much that it hurts, but the little one sure does like to kick in unpleasant places. I've felt kicks on my cervix and bowels. They don't hurt, but boy are they unpleasant.

Betty, I hope things get better. Not sure what I'm having yet (I'll hopefully know on Thursday), so I can't say for sure what my moods correlate to, but I've had my mood swings, but haven't been on the edge like some of you. I've had my days, which usually were linked to the stress levels at work, but most days I'm fine. I find myself getting antsy more than on the verge of tears.
hope everyone's had a nice Xmas. looking forward to my scan tomorrow. my oh's mum bought bump a box of bits for Xmas surprisingly of baby grows, muslin, mits and a blanket. oh has gone back to his normal grumpy self today tho. at least I'm looking forward to our scan tomorrow!

Betty I know how your feeling I hope things get better soon for you xx
Hi ladies, hope you all had a nice Christmas. Do Any of you know if reduced movement at this stage is ok? Iv barely felt baby since yesterday and not at all since this morning (even that was much fainter/ less time moeving than normal!) thanks in advance x
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I think they only find a pattern around 24weeks there's still lots of space before that. But if in doubt phone your midwife!

I told the guys at work about my Xmas eve pervert. They've all become dead protective and told me to point him out should he come in again.
Had to pop to Tesco for milk and all the pink just fell in my trolley!! Eeeeek!!! So cute!!!



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aw Emily they are lovely :)

mayday I don't think there's a pattern till about 24-25 weeks my mw said to watch movement's after 28 weeks. my one still has very quite days
Yes I think you really start monitoring around 28 weeks.
Emily I love it, pink things tend to fall into my trolley all the time too :) xx
Hi ladies, hope you all had a nice Christmas. Do Any of you know if reduced movement at this stage is ok? Iv barely felt baby since yesterday and not at all since this morning (even that was much fainter/ less time moeving than normal!) thanks in advance x

I've been worried today too! I felt a tiny flutter early morning, then nothing all day, until about an hour ago when I felt some kicks low down. My mood instantly improves when I feel them :D
I am so tired, I feel like I could sleep for a week. Christmas has been hectic, we were with OH family most of the day on xmas eve and then they came round on Christmas day too which I found too much. They are lovely but I find them a bit much sometimes, they talk so much and I am more of a chilled person, I don't feel the need to speak all the time, quite happy to have moments of quiet. They literally have TV off and talk for 6 hours straight!!! I wouldn't mind but the conversation is very different to what I would have with my family, for us it would be relaxed and chilled with lots of laughter, they talk about people from 20 years ago that I know nothing about but tell every detail, down to what they were wearing, what day it was etc and politics and things often come up too (not my thing). I am quite glad it is all over tbh. I have also realised that I don't want the care of baby shared between my Mum and his Mum when I am back at work as his Mum wouldn't even listen about how to approach our dog, he is quite nervy and my OH was telling her not to approach him from behind. He was growling at her so giving her warning and she still got in his face!! She didn't like my OH advising her, I hate to think what she will be like if we give rules about what we do/don't want done with baby. I am 100% against hitting or even tapping children and I would go mad if that was done but how would I know! I am sure she has said in the past that when children are in her care then its up to her to do it her way! (I don't think so!!). I know they used to smack OH when he was naughty and had the attitude that it didn't do any harm, its a different day now and I don't like it. I was never hit and I don't agree with it in any circumstances. I don't know how I am going to broach this, no arrangements have been made luckily as its so far away but I think we will just stick to my Mum. His Mum will be too firm I think, she moaned at my OH the other day because he ate too many peanuts from the bowl of snacks that she had out for people to eat!!! That has turned into a rant and a half, but please tell me I am not the only one to find the in-laws too much? xx
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Lol I feel hun x I love my Mil to death but she can be a bit much. I struggled with my in laws as they talk so much but.. all over each other I was trying to hold a different conversation with 3 diff people. I just gave up and made a brew lol. I'm sure my oh feels the same about his fil too! Nice buto a bit much!
Lisey I hear you. I have a few concerns that are slightly different but I can sympathise with how you feel. If anything makes you feel uncomfortable it's your choice. Are you able to talk to your oh about it all? Xx
Ery, they are the same. They all talk at the same time! It's the opposite to how my house has been growing up. They really are lovely and so good to me but it's just differing opinions and approaches.
Betty, my OH knows how I feel about smacking so that won't be a shock. He will be offended if I say I don't want his mum watching her whilst I am at work but I am going to skirt around that one. They drive him crazy and he finds his mum so controlling, constantly moans about them so he shouldn't be surprised that I find it too much, esp as it's polar opposite to my family. We are more laid back, take it easy and have a laugh people (and let eachother speak lol) xx
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I'm really lucky with my in-laws. I adore them. There is a lot of talk when they're here, but then we only see them a few time a year. They are also sympathetic if I feel the need to step back and take some me time. I enjoyed the quiet when they went for a walk with my oh this afternoon. Since I did crossfit this morning, I chose not to join. They can continue their convos and I'll get my laptop and headphones and watch something or listen to music and read. My mother-in-law shares the cooking when she's here, so that is great! It is tiring because they stay with us, and whilst we do have a 2 bed flat, it is London, so limited space, but it's still very enjoyable. Even with the switching between Dutch and English, I never feel left out. There's been lots of laughter this week. I wish everyone could have this relationship with their in-laws, but then again, I don't have a great relationship with my mum and my family is in the US, so I'm very grateful I get on with them and the entire family.

Just two more get ups until my scan. It's a 10am on Thursday. Glad I double checked the time in my notes because for some reason I had it down for 2pm in my calendar.
See I wouldn't be able to put the laptop and headphones on. They would be offended. She doesn't think people should even have the TV on that much. Very her way or no way. I used to think my OH was exaggerating but I am starting to see it now.
I think most people do struggle a little with in laws in some ways as it's different to what they have experienced in their own families. Although it sounds like it's all good for you kabuk which is great :) I am thankful that we do have a good relationship, I just have to bite my tongue sometimes and smile and be polite.

Exciting that there are some scans this week, are you team yellow kabuk or finding out? Xx
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I know. I always feel for my dw and my brother-in-laws when it comes to dealing with my mother. My dw thought I was exaggerating until she met my mother. My mother is eternally a narcissistic teenager. As a person, she isn't all that bad, has a big heart, but dealing with her as a mother, that's completely different. It took me until I was about 30 to finally be able to separate the two. But understanding that doesn't make things all that much easier. It's one of the biggest reasons I'm so grateful to have married into a fantastic family.

I've convinced my dw to find out. I've told her that when she carried, we can stay team yellow. Plus, I convinced her that it would be a nice treat for her parents, who will be with us at the scan, so they'll find out at the same time. They're excited. I don't care what the gender is, but I want to know. My mother-in-law thinks boy and my father-in-law thinks girl. We watched The Secret Life of 4 year olds/ 5 year olds/ 6 year olds, and I think my dw is now holding her breath for a girl. She's worried about me having a boy with all my energy. Ha. I don't think a girl would be any different.

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