Glad the scan went well nikki. Sorry to hear about the consultant. Whilst I haven't had a bad experience with a consultant, I have found them more distant and standoffish.
If my placenta moves and I don't require a c-section, I'm hoping to have a water birth at the hospital's birth centre and going it with just some gas and air. Luckily, I haven't been told any horror labour stories, and I'd rather not hear them. I know personally of one that ended well, but was very touch and go for a while for the mother. That was a twin birth. All 4 of my sisters have good stories, even the one who had 2 c-sections.
We haven't bought anything yet, but I'm sure we will after our scan tomorrow! I'm nervous excited- hoping all turns out well and the baby cooperates so we know the gender when we leave. So glad it's in the morning! I would hate to have to wait the entire day for it.