May mummies and rainbows to be :)

I don't really know what labour I want. I haven't thought about it too much. My choices might be limited due to blood loss last time. Just gonna go with the flow I think. I am not nervous about the pain but the bleeding concerns me xx
Glad scan went well nikki, hope the consultant is a bit more supportive next appointment.

I'm in the ignorance is bliss camp about labour and birth! I'm probably going to choose to go to a MLU but to one that is attached to a consultant ward, so that gives me the choice of two. There are three closer MLUs but you have to transfer to one of the others if there are problems. I just want little one here safe and with as little pain as possible!
Have any of you found people are telling you the labour horror stories of the people they know. My OH sister was telling me a horrific story (which turned out ok in the end thankfully) on christmas eve. I think she realised half way through that it wasn't the best thing to be saying. I don't get why people do it. I never say to pregnant person how awful it is or fill them with dread and anxiety xx
Congrats nikki :) lovely pic :) my friend had the other problem they kept insisting on a vaginal birth after her son got stuck and ended up as a traumatic C section so she wanted another C section but they kept pushing for a vaginal birth.. At the end of the day it will be down to baby on the day and if u run into problems then they will switch to a C section... As long as they monitor u well it's important u feel comfortable with the situation...

My labour with Harrison was super quick!! Total labour 1hr 30 mins! I had diamorphine but I think I could have done it with just gas and air, hoping for a natural birth again but if baby is struggling or placenta not functioning properly then think it will be C section, I really don't care as long as they look after baby and she comes out crying.. I never want to go through a silent birth ever again!! I can't wait until she is in my arms, can't come soon enough.

Nearly bought some pink stuff today but I got scared and decided I would wait until after next scan and I know all ok still! I am still so nervous some days.. Maybe I will look again on a day when she is kicking me lots! X
Have any of you found people are telling you the labour horror stories of the people they know. My OH sister was telling me a horrific story (which turned out ok in the end thankfully) on christmas eve. I think she realised half way through that it wasn't the best thing to be saying. I don't get why people do it. I never say to pregnant person how awful it is or fill them with dread and anxiety xx

Yes, I have heard enough to last me a lifetime!! My labour with Harrison was fine and I was terrified! But it really wasn't that bad at all! X
Sorry the consultant was off Nikki but good news baby is healthy :)
We were going to keep our name a secret as we did with our little girl but I know 5 other people having a girl around when I'm due so hubby wants me to tell people our name so that none of them use it haha. I don't think he realises it won't stop them but we had this name chosen from when we discussed babies on our honeymoon, didn't use it with our little girl as it was so popular at the time, and it seems fitting to use it for this little bean seeing as she's due on our fifth wedding anniversary:)
I'm hoping for MLU this time but due to my little girl coming at 36+6 they're saying if it looks like this bean is going to make an early appearance I'll have to go consultant led. So fingers crossed I get to at least 37+1 so I get the choice this time as I hated being strapped to a monitor and stuck on a bed last time. But as long as she gets here safely and I'm ok I don't mind.
Lisey I had that when pregnant with my first but people aren't feeling the need to tell me horror stories this time thank god!
MrsLM, when I found out someone I know (who happens to be the mother of my sons half-sister..confusing lol) was pregnant a few days ahead of me I was nervous about picking the same name. She is having a boy though so not a problem. We have told people our name. It is hard to pick a name for me as my family is HUGE and I didn't want to use one that was already in family. We have a Sophia but my baby is Sophie and Zosia in Polish (OH is polish)

Lou, its a shame people feel the need to do it. I don't mind stories about pain because I don't see point in worrying about that but when its about the mother surviving, then I really don't want to know!! I mean, come on...common sense!! xx
When i was pregnant with my son everyone told me horror stories and the burth was so smooth and good i almost enjoyed it! Thats precisely why i make a point if telling heavily pregnant women a good birth story to try and ease some worrying. I had one woman burst into tears thanking me coz all she had heard was how awful it was and she was begining to freak out! (She was 41+5 at the time!)
Glad the scan went well nikki. Sorry to hear about the consultant. Whilst I haven't had a bad experience with a consultant, I have found them more distant and standoffish.

If my placenta moves and I don't require a c-section, I'm hoping to have a water birth at the hospital's birth centre and going it with just some gas and air. Luckily, I haven't been told any horror labour stories, and I'd rather not hear them. I know personally of one that ended well, but was very touch and go for a while for the mother. That was a twin birth. All 4 of my sisters have good stories, even the one who had 2 c-sections.

We haven't bought anything yet, but I'm sure we will after our scan tomorrow! I'm nervous excited- hoping all turns out well and the baby cooperates so we know the gender when we leave. So glad it's in the morning! I would hate to have to wait the entire day for it.
yeah hopefully next time will be better like I said to him if I run into problems and me or the baby are at harm then obviously I'd have another c section but my recovery with my last one was a good 5-6 weeks so if I can avoid having one I will and this is my last baby so I'd at least like to try but if it end's up in a c section then so be it. I need to book my whooping cough now and I can book a tour of the hospital which I didn't do before as I had c sections. it's all feeling a bit more real now lol then just need to book my 28 week appointment with the midwife a bit closer to the time
Glad you had a good scan Nikki :)

Does anyone else hate the feeling when the baby turns over? I assume that's what's happening. It makes me feel ill. :/
No, I love it but then it doesn't make me feel sick xx
Oh no. Ive woken up and my itchy ear seems to have gone into a full blown ear infection :( ive lost balance and hearing.... in my good ear! Last tune i had an ear infection it was my other ear and my eardrum completly burst and i lost all hearing in my ear for over a month. Even now i suffer hearing loss in that ear years later. Apparently at my hearing test i was 1 decibel of needing a hearing aid. Now my other ear!
Oh no Ery:( get yourself to the dr first thing this morning lovey. I've been up all night with a horrible chesty cough. Hubby thinks it's a chest infection so I need to get myself to the dr just in case too. Hate that you can't take anything whilst pregnant! I've just had some paracetamol and hubby has made me a hot squash to try and ease the cough but my chest just aches and feels constricted.
Dovekies I've got an anterior placenta so am not feeling the baby as much as others but I remember with my little girl I liked it but sometimes if she done it really quick it would make me feel a bit queasy lol x
The nhs website says they wont do anything for the first 3 days. Im working now until some time in jan i may give them a call though x chest infections arent good either!
Ery they might do something considering your history and also that you are pregnant. Definitely worth a wee phonecall. Ear infections are miserable :(

Hope docs can sort you out too mrslm! Poor you xx
After waking up i have my gum pain back so I think it's sorting itself out. If it's still bad tomorrow I'll give a ring but hoping it will be sorted by the morning with luck. Still lost some hearing though. Not good when it will be pitch black when I leave work :(
Ah bless you Ery hopefully it'll pass soon and if not definitely get a Drs appt to be safe :) I'm just back from the dr and have a viral chest infection :( Feel so poorly and all I can have is paracetamol and lots of rest unless it gets worse. Doctor said it'll take 2-3 weeks to clear, fantastic! Luckily hubby is off until Tuesday so he can do all the childcare for me but I just feel like I haven't spent any proper time with my little girl lately I miss her. Hubby has taken her to the zoo with friends today so I can rest so might just do a film day with her tomorrow so I can feel like I am spending some time with her x
It's been an emotional morning. Baby looks to be doing fine but they found some blood in the stomach. They said it could be an infection, or swallowed as I've been bleeding or chromosonal. That combined with the small amount of fluid found around the baby's heart at 12 weeks raised some concerns. My dw wanted the amnio, so I went with it. Hopefully we'll have the results in a week and everything will come back normal. I've also been told that I will need the anti-d more frequently as I bleed daily. But other than the little bit of blood in the stomach- baby looks very healthy and right on at 21+1!

Just sitting at the hospital waiting for further instructions now. No workouts for 3 days now as I've been told to rest after amino. I'm sure my MIL will insist on taking over cooking duties too. Now the wait for results will linger. I've got another scan booked for 28wks to monitor my placenta which is still low and partially over the cervix.
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Hope you are feeling better soon Ery and MrsLM.

Gosh kabuk hope you and little one are ok, take it easy.

I get really uncomfortable now and then and I think it is when baby moves and faces front/back rather than side/side but I don't know. I like that I'm feeling a bit more movement now, hopefully we will feel from outside soon :)

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