Can anyone do anything about it now though eryinera? God the way I'm feeling right now I would have broken his arm for you!
Going to my folks for Xmas hasn't helped. I've just been repeatedly told that I need to lose weight whilst pregnant, been called a ****** and hardly had any contact from oh so not sure where he is or what he's up to. I've been made to feel like it's my fault I have a few pregnancy issues that are giving me pain which has made me retreat into myself and feel like I have to lie and pretend there's nothing wrong. Oh also said just before holidays that he gets cold with me because I'm in pain all the time, that he doesn't see the need for another scan and I'm now thinking I don't want him as my birth partner if that's how he feels. It's only the last few decades that have seen men in delivery rooms anyway, I think he'll just end up stressing me out with his coldness.
I guess I was expecting support from my mum this Xmas as I'm lacking it from oh but I've been made to feel like I'm doing it all wrong and all she can focus on is having a snip at me for my weight and my pain. I feel absolutely awful and like crying all the time. I feel like buggering off to live somewhere away from all this. Xx