May mummies and rainbows to be :)

Congratulations ladies :D xx I'm not sure what I'd prefer. I can see the pros and cons of both. However, since I was a kid I've always imagined having a little girl.
It's an amazing feeling knowing but I also wish I was strong enough to have been team yellow till the end.

Im starving recently, think my prince is having a growth spurt, seem to have got a bump over night. My other half has been sober the past two nights and says he is changing for the baby. Things are looking up and I'm looking foward to the future now. He also says I've gotten wider in my hips I don't feel it but he sees it every day xxx
I get a weird shudder through my belly when I stretch or yawn, or sometimes just randomly. It's been happening for the last few months. Anyone else?
Maybe round ligament pain? How are your hips now? Mine are awful, and now my ankles and my knees hurt too. I think it may be swelling? Think I'm going to call the midwife as all I can do is hobble around, pretty sure most pregnant women don't have to hobble! Pregnancy doesn't suit me! Xx
Ery and Emily congratulations on your girls!! So exciting :)
We have our scan at 3pm so just hoping baby is all healthy and definitely still a girl haha!
I've been in agony since yesterday. I think I've got spd and the coccyx pain I sometimes get at work was so bad yesterday between the 2 I felt as though my whole pelvis was seizing up. Didn't want to tell Work how much pain I was in so kept lying and saying I was ok when they were asking but think I'll have to tell them when I'm back on 9th as I don't know how I'll do another 4 months at work in pain like that :(
Is everyone ready for Christmas now? We've had our food delivered and just need to pop to the butcher today to get the meat then it's all done. Taking our little girl to see santa tomorrow too I can't wait she's so excited x
My stomach is killing me. I've had a cold for 11 days now and the thickly cough is just not shifting. My poor baby moust not be getting any rest from my coughing xx
I'm suffering with lower back/ coccyx pain. Sat in the floor and wrapped all the present yesterday then last night I could barely move. I don't even have a bump as such yet and I haven't put on that much weight god help me when I'm further on xxx
Maybe round ligament pain? How are your hips now? Mine are awful, and now my ankles and my knees hurt too. I think it may be swelling? Think I'm going to call the midwife as all I can do is hobble around, pretty sure most pregnant women don't have to hobble! Pregnancy doesn't suit me! Xx

Hmmm, no, it's not painful at all. My hips are waking me up at 5am every morning! Have you got bursitis too? X
Jd I hope you feel better soon. I know it's not your sinus but when I had cold vix rub really helped me. Trying putting it on your souls of your feet then put socks on before bed sounds silly but works a treat. Xx
Congrats Emily!

Sorry to read lots of you are in pain. I have PGP/spd too and it comes and goes. Some days I can barely walk but others I only really get any pain from it at the end of the day. The physio I used to have was great and could get me pain free for a week or two but she's on maternity and the one I have atm doesn't seem to help as much :(

We have woken up to storm Barbara this morning and not a single ferry on or off has run so need to nip out and stock up on milk and bread before it all goes out of stock! Looking doubtful any will run tomorrow too. Luckily all my family that are meant to be here are here already and we have all the food in but there are plenty of people stuck the wrong side atm. Praying the power stays on over Christmas! X
I'm trying to head up to storm Barbara! My folks live in Co. Durham but my car has broken down. Just an annoying end to a pretty rubbish month!

Dovekie all the midwife said was that it sounds like spd or pgp and that I'll be referred for physio. So who knows. I'm just in pain all the time :( xx
I'm in pain a lot too some days I can hardly walk feels like my pelvic joints are rubbing together!

oh is out tonight with his mates but he's staying out thank God lol I'm going to pop out and see some friends too but we are all set for Xmas now bought the last few bits today but shops are manic! won't be going out again lol
I've just had some bad pains all over my belly :/ It's difficult to describe the pain. I felt the baby move and kick a lot at first. It lasted for over an hour. I was out so I couldn't lie down. When I got back I lay on my side and it subsided after about 15 minutes. I haven't felt much movement since. I thought I felt two subtle movements, but can't be sure. Feeling worried!
It's probably a pulled or stretched myscle/ligament I hope the pain eases soon for you all x x x
I've been getting some pain in my lower back when I get up. I'm fine when I'm up and walking around. No pain at all when walking through Kew last night, which was beautiful (and got lucky as the rain stopped by our entry time)! But when I'm lying or sitting for an extended period of time, getting up causes pain. In the middle of the night, when I get up to pee, I feel like an old lady. It takes me a minute to get fully upright before hobbling to the toilet. It's the worst when getting out of bed.

Dovekie, it could also be gas or digestion pains. I can get gas very bad, lots of bloat and bubbles in there that just hang around. It happened after out work xmas pot luck. I ate lots of greasy food, which I usually avoid, and then was in excruciating pain all night. Lying on my side helps, but it was really bad that night, so any movement killed me. I went to bed with a hot water bottle. Felt better in the morning. The bloating wasn't completely gone, but the pain was. It's a pain I'm familiar with as I've has digestion issues for years, it's one of the reasons I stick to pretty healthy diet. I didn't feel as much movement from the baby that night or the following day, but the baby is moving and kicking away again. My dw felt the little one for the first time this morning. The lo was going crazy whilst I was making breakfast and listening/singing xmas music.

All set for tomorrow! Not too much going on as there's just 4 of us, but we'll have a dinner tomorrow and watch some movies after presents. I can't wait for my in-laws to open their presents. We got them these cute grandma and grandpa mugs where you can selects eyes, hair, face, ect. They will get a kick out of them.
I had really bad pelvic pains too for a week long. I could not get to the bathroom without support. Getting out of the car was horrible. I bought a pregnancy pillow which you can rest your head on like a pillow then it folds into your body. Your thighs and feet also rest on the sausage-like pillow. I started doing squats again after 3 weeks of no exercise. The pain started going away the day after I bought the pillow. I don't know whether it's the combination or the pillow and the exercising, but my pain is almost completely gone! It's worth a try if your pain is really crippling!
I work out 2-4 days a week, a mix of crossfit and swimming. I have had to reduce squats and lunges massively, volume and weight. My hips get too sore when I do those. I'm using pillows, but it's not helping. I will probably have to try a proper pregnancy pillow, but I've been trying to figure out which will be best for me. There are so many options.
incase I'm not on much over Xmas I hope you all have a lovely Xmas girls. my boys are over excited but my eldest has a sickness bug today :( just waiting for my mum to come over because we're not seeing her tomorrow and got lots of food for later :)
I got my appointment letter for the glucose tolerance test. I'm not liking the sound of this. First, I hate lucozade, that crap makes me gag. Second, I have to fast from midnight and then what? I can't eat until after my 2 hours of rest for this test. Lucozade (caffeine and sugar) and no food will make me so ill. I get light-headed if I don't eat within an hour of waking up.

Why would you make a pregnant woman fast?
Why should I have to pay for a drink (letter state I have to bring it with me) I find revolting for a test that is prescribed?
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