I've been getting some pain in my lower back when I get up. I'm fine when I'm up and walking around. No pain at all when walking through Kew last night, which was beautiful (and got lucky as the rain stopped by our entry time)! But when I'm lying or sitting for an extended period of time, getting up causes pain. In the middle of the night, when I get up to pee, I feel like an old lady. It takes me a minute to get fully upright before hobbling to the toilet. It's the worst when getting out of bed.
Dovekie, it could also be gas or digestion pains. I can get gas very bad, lots of bloat and bubbles in there that just hang around. It happened after out work xmas pot luck. I ate lots of greasy food, which I usually avoid, and then was in excruciating pain all night. Lying on my side helps, but it was really bad that night, so any movement killed me. I went to bed with a hot water bottle. Felt better in the morning. The bloating wasn't completely gone, but the pain was. It's a pain I'm familiar with as I've has digestion issues for years, it's one of the reasons I stick to pretty healthy diet. I didn't feel as much movement from the baby that night or the following day, but the baby is moving and kicking away again. My dw felt the little one for the first time this morning. The lo was going crazy whilst I was making breakfast and listening/singing xmas music.
All set for tomorrow! Not too much going on as there's just 4 of us, but we'll have a dinner tomorrow and watch some movies after presents. I can't wait for my in-laws to open their presents. We got them these cute grandma and grandpa mugs where you can selects eyes, hair, face, ect. They will get a kick out of them.