May mummies and rainbows to be :)

I tried to use a washing up bowl to bathe my son but it was too small really. We then bought a baby bath and used it for ages. I'd recommend one.
We used cotton wool and water to wipe baby for a few months before we moved on to wipes. We read somewhere that it's better for their skin.
I'd say you don't need a lot of clothes before baby is born. Probably 7 vest tops and 4 sleepsuits in size up to 1 month and a couple of blankets.
You can always go to the shop (or send oh) to get more once you know what size you need.
Obviously its fine to have more but if you were watching your pennies and trying to avoid buying things you don't need I'd say this is a good start.
I think muslins are an essential. About 5 as a minimum.
I'm planning to breastfeed too. I still breastfeed my son at bedtime, he's 25 months. If you do want to breastfeed but find you are having problems (I don't know anyone who didn't have one problem or other) La Leche league are a great support. You should be given their number by the midwife.
I like calmer and warmer colours, nothing to bright. We were thinking of mixing in some softer colours with a warmer shade of grey. I love autumnal colours best, especially a rustic orange. We are going to go with a cream or greyish white nursery set. Other than that, not sure. Maybe something Jungle Book like - like those colours - and it's one of my dw's faves.

Right now we are so focused on furnishing the new flat and all things associated with moving when it comes to what must be bought.

I really can't believe so many of us are nearing the half-way point- one already there (congrats Pebbles) and one a few days away. Whilst at times it seems like the days drag, things really are flying by.
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I will be usingg cotton wool and water at the start.
My 6 day week has just turned into a 7 day week. :(
Off scan day and day after and wirking boxing day and new years day. my shift pattern sucks
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I'll be using wet wipes from the start. I think anyone who can deal with those first meconium poops using cotton wool and water deserves a medal!!

I prefer muted tones too Emily. I hate all the bouncers and bedding that is the bright greens, yellows and reds. I saw a bambi nursery the other day, was beautiful. I have bambi stuff for her already as love it. We don't have a spare room for a nursery so she will be with us. I am having one part of the room as hers though so the wall where the cot will be will be made baby friendly and gorgeous xx

I am using wipes from the start too, I will use water wipes for few months but not doing the cotton wool thing xx
I'm not using cotton wool either. Although I've been told not to bother bringing wipes to the hospital as they will only use cotton wool and will likely give you a telling off.
I'd like brown and cream, maybe with woodland animals and spots of colour. If it ever happens!
I'm not using cotton wool either. Although I've been told not to bother bringing wipes to the hospital as they will only use cotton wool and will likely give you a telling off.

I used wetwipes from day one with Cam and nobody said a thing. Good luck to anyone telling me off!! Advising yes but telling me off- absolutely not!

Yes, good luck to them trying to tell me off. I know they do kick up a bit of a fuss about it but I won't be told. I have already told my midwife that I will not be talked into breastfeeding either!! I don't know who some of them think they are. Yes, they can advise but not be pushy xx
I couldn't imagine doing the first few poops with wet wipes :eh: where's the absorbancy? I don't know how that would work Lol top and tail bowl cotton wool and water I don't know I found it quite easy. I'm looking forward to may now after seeing my Dec and Jan rota lol. They have booked me in to work through 2 appointments but sod em lol. I'm not missing them! I don't know when I'm going to get chance to finish my Xmas shopping it's just a joke. I'm seriously considering handing in my notice after I've worked my compulsory time back after the birth. There's got to be something else I'm qualified for that pays a decent amount!

I've not even thought about nursey decorations. Still have front room and sons room to do. And now no time off on Jan to do it. It all needs to be done by March! I'm going into panic mode!
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I'm definitely going to try bf again. I had terrible supply issues when I had Cam so I'm hoping that my boobs will work a bit better this time round! Lol!

Is there a particular reason that you've decided not to bf? If we end up bottle feeding I'll def think about getting a perfect prep machine. Ready to go bottle in two minutes! Win!

Yea I'm bf too. If I can't then perfect prep too.
I don't think I can afford formula!! Lol but also I'm already high risk for breast cancer so anything that can reduce that risk I'm up for lol. (Short of cutting them off I may do that in the future though if they will throw in a boob job! who knows!)
I'm not planning on going back after but I'm not sure about my pay. How do I know if it's enhanced? I get full pay for a certain number of weeks, then SMP for a certain number of weeks and then the rest is unpaid. I'd better check with HR I think!

You should be able to ask for a copy of the maternity policy and that will tell you what you are entitled to and if it comes with conditions such as working a certain amount of time afterwards in order to get the full amount. I don't get anything other than the very basic but at my old place they had a tiered system depending on how much you said you would go back afterwards for.

I'm not doing a nursery as such. They will be having our spare room which is painted yellow with blue curtains and blue accessories, so I'm just going to swap the bed for a cot and job done. I may change some of the pictures, or may add some more. There are some ships (in blues) and some safari (in yellows) at the moment. Sounds like an odd combination but it works really well. The only other thing I will probably add is a toy box, probably a plastic one with a lid that I can carry downstairs rather than a heavier wooden one (although I think those are lovely, so if someone gifts me one that would be amazing!)
I'm definitely going to try bf again. I had terrible supply issues when I had Cam so I'm hoping that my boobs will work a bit better this time round! Lol!

Is there a particular reason that you've decided not to bf? If we end up bottle feeding I'll def think about getting a perfect prep machine. Ready to go bottle in two minutes! Win!


Truthfully, I just really didn't like it. I didn't find it to be a bonding or nice experience at all. I am also not feeding on demand as my son still needs lots of care, I need to be able to time things around both of them. The perfect prep is on my list. I will do a few feeds for colostrum and then go to bottle xx
And when I breastfed my son, he would of feed from one side so supply and demand meant one huge boob and one tiny one lol :) xx
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Looked a bit lopsided eh?

I feed every 3-4 hours through the day and would wake him to feed, but did on demand over night. I did breast and bottle for seven weeks and then moved solely to bottle. I'm not sure if you can do routine like that with exclusively bf though or if it needs to be on demand so as to not interfere with supply?

Yep lol

I think it does have to be on demand but don't know for sure xx

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