May mummies and rainbows to be :)

I've got about 5/6 vests and 3-6 sleepsuits in newborn, upto 1 month and upto 3 months as I've no idea how big I'll grow this one. I'm also going to get 1/2 cardigans in each size just in case it is still chilly. I figure that is plenty to start with and once they are here if I'm short of things in any size you can buy pretty much everything online with next day delivery... I've also got a hat that came with one of the sleepsuits and two bibs.

I've also got moses basket and sheets for it as that is the only thing that will fit on our room, blankets for cot and pram (may need a smaller one for the basket).

Things we need to get are car seat/s and pram. Something for baby to sit/sleep in during the day if I don't want to carry the basket downstairs. I'm told I need muslins, not got any of those so far. I was also told to try one of those bath seats for the big bath rather than a baby bath. I've got loads of hand towels and small towels so don't need any more of those.

I've not got anything to do with feeding, I'm hoping to breast feed but I'll buy a couple of different bottles just in case. Working on the next day delivery theory again with those if required. If I can breast feed I would like to try to express at some point so my husband can feed and so I can do stuff but I don't think I need that right away.

I've not got any nappies. I am tempted by reusables but after reading lots of info about them I think I'll start when they hit a certain weight to make it easier to get one size that will last longer so will need disposables to start with. I assume I also need wipes or something!?

Hoping to get some of these things in the sales.
Nikki I totally agree with you! He can't spend that much on himself until you are more set up for baby.
Oh Betty. Snuggle up in bed and get a good night's sleep. Can you take day off work tomorrow? Xx

I'm currently at work on lunch but had a good nights sleep. Went to the gp this morning but unfortunately i saw the lady dr who isnt very nice or supportive so in her opinion i'll be fine. I can't bear to read about what everyone has already bought for their babies! I can start an extra contract after xmas so should be able to buy what i need then, it just means working longer hours which I'm kind of dreading.

Emily hope youre feeling better today. I'm sure baby is well cushioned. Xx
well oh isn't talking to me now lol he wanted to go and buy some djing decks after work which are like 700 pound which I outright said no too I already told him we cant buy any luxuries now till we have all the baby stuff considering he won't let me spend over 200 on a pram! now he's sulking

This makes me very sad. I know how you feel though if it's any help. I don't tell my oh not to buy himself things so i don't get any moodiness about it at least but i just get sad about having to work so many hours to support myself and buy it all myself xx
see I only work part time on minimum wage so oh is going to be paying more than me as I have my boys to buy for aswell but considering all we have is 1 sleepsuit and 5 vests in newborn we need a lot of stuff still and he thinks it's OK to spend 700 pound on himself. to me it's selfish but I have to say no or he would just keep spending money on himself and I will be left to try and pay for everything which I am not going to do. it's a joint responsibility and I've had enough he doesn't even want to talk about buying stuff and I'm finding everything really hard at the moment planning it all on my own. he's come to the appointments with me but he's not really that fussed.

I've got a set of sleepsuit, vest, mittens etc and I bought a pack of 3 vests today. might get smaller stuff next month like bottles, nappies, wipes, blankets etc I'm planning on breast feeding but don't know how long I will last for and then cot one month and pram the other month then April will be everything else plus hospital bag stuff plus were meant to be moving next month aswell lol
I am impressed you have the energy for agility training Emily, I wish I was half as fit and yes like the others have said your baby is well padded and should be absolutely fine :)
Not bought a thing yet but am putting deposit on pram etc (ex display so too good a bargain to miss) I was hesitant due to not having done the 20 week scan (just hoping alls ok!!!). Other than that will wait till after as hoping to get Christmas money to spend on stuff.
20 week scan confirmed as 6th Jan and consultant scan 2nd March, ages away.
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Nikki, I would be furious if my OH even suggested it. Does he really need them? I take it its not his career? I can't believe he would spend that on something so pointless but refuses to pay 200+ on a pushchair??? The mind boggles!!

Betty, I am sorry the doctor wasn't better and more supportive, if you feel you need it then go back and request to see another doctor maybe.

Snowbee, even with a support seat, I think it will be hard to bathe baby in normal bath. I am getting a baby bath and the support thing too. It may be ok but from what I remember with bathing my son as a newborn, would be hard to do in a big bath. Its nice to start buying all the bits and bobs, I am not sure what sizes to get everything in and its a changeable season too so hard to know what we'd need. My son was 9lb 1 so its likely I could have a big baby again!! Newborn things fit him for about a week!! xx
I can't wait to start buying things. We have created a list of things, but since we'll be moving, we will wait until we move before buying big items. Once we know the gender, at the end of the month, we'll start buying some clothes and little things that are easy to move.
no its not his career he's decided he wants to train to be a sound engineer and is paying 300 pound next month as it is to go to college but he doesn't need the decks for it they are because all his friends are into djing and now he wants to do it which is fine but not yet all I said is to wait till we have all the baby stuff and then he can buy what he wants. he's selling his house and will be making 35k on that but he's literally going to waste it all
Oh Nikki hun I would be so cross too! Once you've got all the bits for baby sorted then fair enough but I couldn't justify it myself. I hate spending lots of money, especially on myself!

Gesic, I've tried to just carry on as normal really as much as I can. I'm not one to use pregnancy as an excuse to not do things and I figure while I feel well and able I'll just carry on as per normal.

Nikki, that's awful and really thoughtless. I really hope he comes around and starts prioritising you and the baby.

Emily, I'm with you there. Some people at work think I'm crazy for continuing with CrossFit, but I was doing it beforehand and have scaled when and where needed. As long as there are no concerns for your pregnancy, continuing with exercise is great for both the mother and baby. I'd lose my sanity without it. I have added swimming again as it's also therapeutic.
my point exactly lol

I feel like a whale today lol its an effort getting off the sofa but I am feeling baby a lot more now so thinking my placenta might of moved or baby is just getting stronger
I seem to be feeling more and more movement each day. I love it!

Me too. Baby made me jump earlier as was curled up (as much as I can) and felt the kick on my leg xx
I cant wait to feel a bit more definite baby movement, still cant decide if what I feel is gas or baby.
I still can't really believe it sometimes! That there's actually a little person in there and that it might actually all work out OK!!!!

Congratulations peebles on being the first may mummy to hit 20weeks :) i would have said that yesterday but i was too busy being miserable sorry! Who's next? Lisey you have 2 more days :) AND...there's a march thread in the 3rd tri thread and an august mummies thred in tri 1! Eek! Xx
Thanks lisey I'll see how it goes, if this isn't a stupid thing to say can I use the bathroom sink? It is shaped just like a baby bath and the taps turn right around the back out of the way? Plus it is on the worktop so handy to put towels and things down.

I'm still riding, I'm competing next week and that will probably be my last competition as the league ends and a new one starts Jan, which I'm not going to enter. I'm not really showing at all and noone there knows at the moment so will also tell them. I'm not sure when I will stop, probably when I show and could knock my bump, so maybe another month. I'm only pottering about on them anyway and they are sensible, I also love the relief it gives my back.

We still have so many people we haven't seen to tell yet. My husband is gradually telling his friends, I should really tell some more of mine too. I've also got some family members we haven't told yet. Must start!
Anybody got any ideas for their nurseries yet?

I saw someone on here suggest a Beatrix Potter nursery and I'm loving that idea so far! I don't want anything too bright and in your face. I'm more into pastels, neutrals and muted tones -especially in a room that I want to encourage sleep!lol!


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