May mummies and rainbows to be :)

Oh Betty. Snuggle up in bed and get a good night's sleep. Can you take day off work tomorrow? Xx
Yay I'm not the only one to throw up in the bath! Lol I've done exactly what you've done lol. I'm currently slowly munching oxo cubes as it's the only thing keeping my sickness at bay. Not looking forward to my 6 day week :( first time I've ever worked my birthday it sucks :( so glad your scan went well pebbles congrats on staying team yellow lol
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Well that's my anxiety through the roof! I fell over!

Was running the dog at agility and fell. Landed on my hands and knees thank goodness and did feel a kick a short while afterwards but it's really frightened me and shaken me up. Got back ache now and slightly skinned knees!

I run two dogs. One runs at champion level so I can pretty much just walk and point and he has the experience and independence to do it so working him isn't a problem. My younger one however, needs more guidance round the course but is very fast so I really have to run to keep up with him which is where the problem lies. Definitely not running him anymore but may just do weaves and contacts so he can still work but I don't have to run. We're breaking for Christmas next week so I'll make a decision on it in the new year when I can think rationally and not just panicing and thinking that I could have squashed my baby!

Oh hun I'm sure baby will be OK. They are well cushioned in there anyway! I remember falling with my son at 30+ weeks I slipped on a grape in a supermarket proper cartoon type falling over it seemed to take ages for me to land. If it wasn't embarrassing enough falling over... I fell over in front of like 15 people.... and to top it off an 80yr old lady with a walking stick helped me up :rofl: at least you were doing something energetic and pretty awesome! I just failed at walking!
Lol! I ran my dog all through my pregnancy with Cam. In fact I did my last run at 40+3!! Never had a fall though. I don't want to give it up all together as it's about the only exercise I get! Might just need to go a bit more steady with the younger dog I think as I don't want to risk falling again. It totally shook me up... And my knees bloody sting! Lol!

The stinging is the worst it's a painful reminder of the embarrassment lol!
Well done you for being so energetic. I'm more potato than duracell bunny lol.
Betty, my doctor referred me to the Emotional Wellbeing Service for treatment due to my depression. They can help you out pretty quickly when you're pregnant.
Emily. I am sure bubs is fine. I fell over when 30 + weeks with my son and fell backwards. I was scared but he was obviously fine as he is a very noisy, demanding 15 year old now :) xx
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Had a mad dream I was at a safari park and the lions escaped and I had to get as many people into my car as I could and drive away. Then we all had to sleep in the car coz they couldn't find them lol
I had a dream all about labour and birth last night! Had the MW round to do my birth plan and we both lay in my bed to discuss it. Then I was in labour but my whole family was there with me! I had about 4 contractions and got to 8cm! Then I was off on a walk trying to find a birthing ball, but whenever I blew them up they were all weird shapes! Lol!

Aw hope your ok Emily. I'm sure bubs is fine :) I walked bump first into a bollard when I was pregnant with my daughter and worried for weeks she would come out with a dent in her or something but obviously she was fine! X
I've (obviously) got straight on the Doppler this morning and feeling a few little kicks too so I'm sure he/she is just fine in there. I landed on my hands and knees so there was no impact on my bump at all. If I'd landed on my bump, I'd have been straight down the hospital last night!

I'm feeling much better about the whole gender thing now too. I really really love the name we've chosen for a boy so would be happy to get to use it! I must say it's such a relief to feel less guilty about it all!

Glad all is okay Emily.

Baby is getting more active by the day. Love it, but at times it seems a bit creepy too, like a little alien wanting to get out. I watch too much sci-fi.

I feel like I need a few mental health days. These boys are trying my patience. I can't wait for this term to end. I have never worked with such a disrespectful group who seem completely apathetic, not even when I taught at a young offenders institute. May and maternity leave cant get here quick enough. I want to meet this kid and get out of here. I think I'll be changing jobs after maternity leave.
lovely news Pebbles on your scan! well done on staying team yellow!

i cant wait to see what team i am
not long now leigh! so exciting :)

tried to talk to oh today about writing a list of what we are going to get for baby each month but he's not interested. were not buying rill Jan by which point I'll be like 22 weeks and I have a habit of ending up in hospital at 36 weeks so that gives me 14 weeks to buy everything and I'm normally so organised I'm panicking lol how many vests, sleepsuits, clothes is everyone buying? got my eldests birthday beginning of feb so don't think I'll have much spare money in Jan. may is going to come round so quickly lol don't know how I'm going to afford it all might have to get the pram on finance
i know, feels forever! luckily have the midwife on monday so hopefully hear the heartbeat and see if everythings okay!

i have no idea what to even buy or look at first haha! im terrible! i know when i start tho ill have one of everything lol
We've got a crib, a blanket, two onesies, a packet of muslins and two packs of nappies.

I've got a load of clothes left over from my son but it's been picked over by three different people so no idea what's left. Obviously if bubs is a gir I'll be shopping my little socks off for all things pink and pretty!!

Travel system is the biggest thing we'll need to buy and I'll sort that in January.

well oh isn't talking to me now lol he wanted to go and buy some djing decks after work which are like 700 pound which I outright said no too I already told him we cant buy any luxuries now till we have all the baby stuff considering he won't let me spend over 200 on a pram! now he's sulking

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