May mummies and rainbows to be :)

My goodness, these men!! I am lucky in that my OH is super supportive, will do anything for me, very attentive etc He was planning on a short trip to Spain in the new year but has said he doesn't think he will as it's extra expense. I wonder if it's an age thing, my OH might be a bit older than some of the other men. He is 37. When I was with my sons dad, he was early 20's at the time and it was all about him, he gave me £70 in total towards baby through whole pregnancy...that was to buy everything!! Xx

My oh is 36!!!! I think it's more a mental age thing! I've booked a gp appointment for tomorrow so we'll see what he says. I forgot to mention that we have found a pram set for free that we are picking up on Wed, so at least I'll have something towards it. I don't know what it is or if it's any good but hey, it's free.

I think it's because I'm feeling negative lately but I've just got in from work and feel really shakey and definitely not up for the usual routine of cooking and cleaning. Would so love to just not have to tonight! Xx
I'm planning on getting the big things first mainly cot and pram and then all the little bits lol
My Oh is 30 next month and I'm 24 next month but we act like we're in our 70's haha x
Lol. I've got the moses basket I need a stand but I'm waiting til pink or blue for most stuff. I need a cot but thinking that's not crucial yet at moses basket will be used for a while
I agree the pioneer is a bit wider and less maneuverable around tight corners. I did like the size of the basket on it though! The egg is easier to get about. It is also compatible with lots of different car seats if I wanted to turn it into a travel system, I had the lady in mothercare attaching all the different ones to it for me lol. I like the car seat that lays flat, that could be really handy for us.

I bought a pack of newborn sleepsuits too :)
Yay. Hope it goes well!
I hope my crumpet doesn't gave it's legs crossed mind you I think it's a very active bean too. Any tips to try and make it as easy to find out as possible?
have something sugary before you go in lol or a cold drink to wake them up! I had to wiggle my bum around because little miss had her legs crossed! good luck snowbee! I've bought a pink clothes set and a vest that's it lol
I agree the pioneer is a bit wider and less maneuverable around tight corners. I did like the size of the basket on it though! The egg is easier to get about. It is also compatible with lots of different car seats if I wanted to turn it into a travel system, I had the lady in mothercare attaching all the different ones to it for me lol. I like the car seat that lays flat, that could be really handy for us.

I bought a pack of newborn sleepsuits too :)

I loved the size of the basket too. so much more practical. I just found it a bit more cumbersome, and as I am pretty clumsy to start with I figured I might find the others easier and forego the basket space.
As far as car seats go we where going to go with a maxi cozy pebble and the 2 way adaptor as its compatible with nearly all prams (so no need for a travel system) and will last a lot longer (up to toddler I think) which for me means yes more initial cost but I don't have to buy another later on x
Im hoping to go pram testing next week x but may end up being g in Han now!
My goodness, these men!! I am lucky in that my OH is super supportive, will do anything for me, very attentive etc He was planning on a short trip to Spain in the new year but has said he doesn't think he will as it's extra expense. I wonder if it's an age thing, my OH might be a bit older than some of the other men. He is 37. When I was with my sons dad, he was early 20's at the time and it was all about him, he gave me £70 in total towards baby through whole pregnancy...that was to buy everything!! Xx

My oh is 36!!!! I think it's more a mental age thing! I've booked a gp appointment for tomorrow so we'll see what he says. I forgot to mention that we have found a pram set for free that we are picking up on Wed, so at least I'll have something towards it. I don't know what it is or if it's any good but hey, it's free.

I think it's because I'm feeling negative lately but I've just got in from work and feel really shakey and definitely not up for the usual routine of cooking and cleaning. Would so love to just not have to tonight! Xx

I hope you get some support from somewhere Hun xx good u r going to the GP :) big hugs xx

I think men are more immature and take a longer time to mature.. ! Pregnancy affects us in so many different ways to them they really just don't get it! It does not mean they don't care.. Sometimes a good threat of leaving them is what it takes for them to sort themselves out!

Snowbee can't believe its your 20 week scan on Friday!! Soooo exciting :)

Mine can't come soon enough... Constant worry is exhausting me!!

Any of you guys looked into slings? My friend has just given me a newborn baby wrap, it's huge but she said it was so useful when baby was first born, there are sling library's where u can go and try them out! She also gave me this white noise comforter for the cot and said it really worked..

Lou x
Lou, is it ewan the dream sheep she gave? I am buying that. I am not sure about slings? If anything I will get a carrier but I am scared I will fall over with baby in it xx
Thanks Ery. Yeah my Scan went fine thanks. Little one was wriggling around all over so it took a while for the sonographer to see everything she wanted to. Baby was in a strange position too so we didn't get any good pics. Just a few of the head.
I'm so relieved now though. I know it's silly but even though I heard the heart beat on my doppler last night I was still worried for the worst!
It's officially a yellow one, I managed to stay strong and not ask the gender.
I've nicknamed it Marty cos it was lying with one hand by the face, one hand by the bum with the head tipped back, which reminded me of the way Marty sleeps in Back to the Future. (I'm a bit of a fan)


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Glad your scan went well Pebbles :)

I'm very interested in trying some slings and carriers, luckily a new one has just opened in the next town so I will certainly check that out. Stupid question but I assume it is best to wait until baby is actually here to test out what we would want?
aw pebbles how cute our first 20 week scan :) glad all went well and well done on staying team yellow you have a lot more willpower than me lol
Glad all went well Pebbles, I have mine next Tuesday, am a bit nervous xx
I'm planning to use a sling more this time. I bought one last time but was a bit afraid to use it.
Thanks Ery. Yeah my Scan went fine thanks. Little one was wriggling around all over so it took a while for the sonographer to see everything she wanted to. Baby was in a strange position too so we didn't get any good pics. Just a few of the head.
I'm so relieved now though. I know it's silly but even though I heard the heart beat on my doppler last night I was still worried for the worst!
It's officially a yellow one, I managed to stay strong and not ask the gender.
I've nicknamed it Marty cos it was lying with one hand by the face, one hand by the bum with the head tipped back, which reminded me of the way Marty sleeps in Back to the Future. (I'm a bit of a fan)

Ahhh the first 20 weeker :) so glad all good and well done!

Lovely head pic :)

I think the sling library just gives you ideas on which sling might suit your lifestyle the most.. I want one to walk baby as a newborn with the dog ( with the hubby so he can have the dog!!) my friend used it to do things whilst feeding and wandering around the house, she preferred the sling to the babybjorn carrier although she uses that loads now baby is 7 months.

ive not bought anything either, think we are waiting to see if we are pink or blue first.

i dont even know where to start

Yeah, I don't feel as though I can buy anything until I know.

My boyfriend is 40 next month!
So I had a cry in the bath, threw up in it, got out to get to the toilet for the next heave, missed and got the floor, then the sink, finally the toilet. I am having a good day xx

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