May mummies and rainbows to be :)

hope you feel better soon leigh apart from my growing belly I still don't feel pregnant either lol

just been out and bough 12 rolls of wrapping paper lol we have 3 kids plus family to but for so I'm skint till January and then it's my eldest's birthday lol
I used some Vicks vapour rub as well as paracetomol with my cold, its crap not being able to take the big guns like a simple lemsip.
I am wondering if I can feel movement, keep thinking its imagination and constipation? Feels like a ticking sensation under the skin, same side as I always find the heart beat but a bit higher, am hoping it is :)
Still no appointment for 20 week scan, don't know if I need to harass them again or speak to midwife when I see her on Wednesday. Am 17 weeks today!
see im not convinced my belly is growing apparently it is but i dont feel it right now. i think ive had a couple of pops on a night when ive been laid in bed, quite high up in my tummy. so wasnt trapped wind lol as it usually is!

i was using vicks yesterday it was a blessing haha! look like rudolph good job its Christmas.

they are interviewing people for my job today i dont know how i feel about it all!
Hi everyone. Happy 17 weeks gesic and happy 18 weeks nikki :)

My 20 week scan has been rearranged and it's now on the 13th Jan when I'll be 21 weeks. I had to call up to book it myself but I didn't realise until I called to arrange a time for the 5th (I was told when trying to register with a midwife that it was the 5th but I needed to call for a time) and they told me that it was just a pending appointment that I could book from the 5th...all very confusing anyway so I'd check with your midwife gesic.

I kind of expected more support with a pregnancy, I think my case is slightly unusual and I am out in the sticks, I just wonder how the rest of it is going to go, it's been stressful so far. I'm starting to feel like oh isn't that interested in me, the baby or our home and I feel quite sad and lonely these days. I broke down in tears (pregnancy hormones probably not helping!) the other night as he does nothing in the house, has no affection towards me and forgets appointments. The same morning I had the midwife 16 week app. I told him, when I called to tell him how it went he had no idea what I was talking about! He earns good money but has a spending problem and so we have nothing for the baby, and its looking like because I'm self employed i wont be able to take any time off at all, not even around the birth! So between the mess of the NHS and my oh having no interest I feel like I may as well be single! I need a break!

I had friends round yesterday, and one of them is so happy I'm pregnant and was paying me and my tummy lots of attention and it just made me sad as it's more than I've had this whole time from oh, in fact he has not acknowledged it at all! I just keep hoping it will change as time goes on but I'm just struggling on my own.

Sorry for the rant, just feel like I need to get it off my chest. I've been thinking about maybe asking for some counselling as I just feel like I'm on the edge all the time, having to work my little socks off even when I'm exhausted and in pain whilst he sits there on amazon all night buying himself things. I'm not really enjoying being pregnant even though it's all I've wanted for so long. I've held back talking to the GP as I don't want them to think I am not fit to be a mum, I am definitely that, I'm just tired sad and lonely when this should be a happy time. What do I do?! Xx
Yes that sounds about right for movementa my more common movements feel like someone's put popping candy in my belly. I'm worried I'm too big lol a huge baby will scarce I'm only little! I hope this one is like my son where I looked big but he was only 7lb 2 they told me he would be a 10lb baby /hide and wince lol

I'd be tempted to phone the hospital and ask if they have you down for an appointment.
I would far rather work got in a replacement for me than discover they could manage without me lol. My bump is much more a redistribution of flab I think! Its all been shoved up the way so not a convincing pregnant lady look. I have ordered some cheap maternity trousers from George at asda as my usual ones including the leggings are feeling quite tight.
My morning sickness returned with the cold so suffered more as was probably a bit dehydrated, so try and drink plenty as should make you feel less achy x
thanks betty :)

if you think it would help then definately talk to someone hun my oh isn't involved at all and I feel alone most of the time I'm hoping it's just that men find it harder than us to bond to the baby and that once the baby is here things will be a lot different but my midwife gave me details for counseling as well x
I had a melt down too last week Betty, I had had a rotten day at work which I think pushed me over the edge. I ended up at the doctors in tears and have subsequently been given a week off with stress. Its more than likely hormones (evil things) but you cant bottle things up as its not good for you or baby. Have a melt down and don't feel bad about it, there's a lot of change going on and its quite an emotional journey x
I had a similar experience with my hubby first time round he went into a denial shock mode. He still cane to every appointment though x
He was so different when son was born. This time hrs much more involved it's me who's been more distant lol!
see im not convinced my belly is growing apparently it is but i dont feel it right now. i think ive had a couple of pops on a night when ive been laid in bed, quite high up in my tummy. so wasnt trapped wind lol as it usually is!

The flutters I had were quite low, well below the belly button, sort of halfway between that and foof! Pretty central too.
Aw betty I'm sorry you are feeling that way. If you think speaking to someone will help you definitely ask for some help! Pregnancy is bloody hard and you need some support from somewhere. I really hope your OH starts showing an interest. What is he buying all the time? Could you write him a list of things that you actually need and he can be in charge of buying the stuff and maybe he will spend lesson himself?

I was feeling some decent movement last night and DH felt it too :) this is the best bit of pregnancy! My PGP has been really bad the last day or two though so that's putting a dampener on things. I have so much to do for Christmas but I need to take it easy do I can still walk at the end if the day :( x
I'm starting to worry it won't change when little one is here :( I really have been thinking the last week or two I'd be better off financially and emotionally if I were on my own. I love oh and don't want to leave, but I'm not happy. I have so much to be grateful for though I feel bad for not feeling happy, maybe he is right and I am depressed. I'm not sure I want to admit this to a health care professional in case it is made a note of and they come to the conclusion I'm not fit to look after my child, it's really not that bad! Xx
see im not convinced my belly is growing apparently it is but i dont feel it right now. i think ive had a couple of pops on a night when ive been laid in bed, quite high up in my tummy. so wasnt trapped wind lol as it usually is!

The flutters I had were quite low, well below the belly button, sort of halfway between that and foof! Pretty central too.

mine have been above my belly and on the right hand side just little pops!
Betty i feel the same about asking for help, some days i cope really well, other days ill have an argument with my OH generally when hes had a drink and the next day i cry feel lonely and worthless. i am Consultant led anyway with suffering from depression etc so i may bring this up with them on Wednesday.

sometime he can be really nice and he will lay in bed rubbing my tummy but other times its like he wants nothing to do with it. i just want support from him, its my first i dont know what to expect or how to feel with the pregnancy
Betty, they wouldn't think that. You would have to be very emotionally unstable and pose a potential risk to baby for them to think that and it is clearly not the case.
If you depressed then it will make everything feel a lot worse and magnify everything that bothers you even more. Try not to make any hasty decisions when you are feeling like that, I always tell myself this when I am depressed as I know when I feel better, I might regret it. Regardless though, your OH should be showing you some support, shopping on amazon whilst you are working doesn't seem fair esp as I am sure you said before that he does nothing around the house? Hope you're ok lovely xx
Thanks all. I'm OK, I suppose I need to either accept this as my lot or change my life so I am in a happier situation. I try talking to oh and he either denies that anything is wrong or walks away so I can't seem to gain his understanding. I guess I just thought pregnancy would be a happy time, and after what I've gone through to get here I deserve to enjoy it. All I do at the moment is work hard even when I'm sick and exhausted, keep a nice home and look after oh and get nothing at the end of it, no affection, no time off, no help or support, not even an affectionate tummy rub! I work hard and pay more than half the rent and bills when I earn a fifth or less what he earns in a week as he said he wants to save to buy a house, a year and a half ago he said he'd have enough for a deposit by now and he's as broke as I am so I've poured everything I can into him for nothing. I think I've decided to talk to the GP about how I feel and see if there's any support available, you're right Lisey and thanks for the advice. Really appreciate you all taking the time to support me. This forum is so lovely and such a saving grace sometimes xx
I wonder if it's just different for men. I had a go at my boyfriend yesterday for not showing as much interest as I'd like him to. I seem to be planning for the arrival of the baby now, and making it a priority, but he isn't. He just keeps talking about buying stuff that's unrelated - new car, a camper van, and seems to want the baby's room to be an office now. He even asked if I wanted to go to India in April!

Are they just so far removed from the situation because they're not experiencing pregnancy?
these girls have helped me a lot through my problems with my oh lol I've had a lot of counselling after my sons dad was abusive to me and I think a lot of it is pride and worry about opening up but don't even think they will think your an unfit mother! they try and help as much as they can so it's worth a go and see if it helps xx
i dont think they realise what we are going through and the changes that are happening.

you've got a lovely bump Dovekie.

me and the OH havent dtd for 2 weeks and im starting to get worried, yes ive had thrush and now we are full of cold but i worry!
Haha India in April dovekie!!? Is he mad! Im not even going to my friend's wedding in April. Men are a funny bunch x

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