I'm experimenting with expressing some milk in the late evening to then give to her in a bottle at about 11-12 as a 'dream feed'. Seems to keep her sleeping for longer after as she just falls asleep when I give her the boob at that time of night and doesn't take much! Sounds like you're doing fine anyway though with her long sleeping periods in the nightRowan isn't too bad, but she makes so much noise in her sleep that she keeps us awake all night anyway gah...
Additionally, I wouldn't give a fig if people say thea's 'too big' - people keep saying Rowan's too small for 2 months, but I don't care -- she's healthy and smiley!
Glad Meryl's doing well too alrm![]()
My OH still sleeps with ear plugs and night mask on

I've decided I'm not going to change routine until after her 16 week jabs - her feeding went out the window at 8 weeks.