??May & June Mummies 2016??

I'm experimenting with expressing some milk in the late evening to then give to her in a bottle at about 11-12 as a 'dream feed'. Seems to keep her sleeping for longer after as she just falls asleep when I give her the boob at that time of night and doesn't take much! Sounds like you're doing fine anyway though with her long sleeping periods in the night :-) Rowan isn't too bad, but she makes so much noise in her sleep that she keeps us awake all night anyway gah...
Additionally, I wouldn't give a fig if people say thea's 'too big' - people keep saying Rowan's too small for 2 months, but I don't care -- she's healthy and smiley!
Glad Meryl's doing well too alrm :-)

My OH still sleeps with ear plugs and night mask on :) sometimes I throw raisins or grapes at him if I'm feeling particularly hard done by.

I've decided I'm not going to change routine until after her 16 week jabs - her feeding went out the window at 8 weeks.
My partner wears earplugs too! Says he can hear when she's properly crying, but I just feel like I might miss something if I do as he does lol
She has a way of just smiling cheekily at me in the morning after she's kept me up all night... can't resist that face, dammit!


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Hi girls! I do keep reading but never get round to posting often!! It's nice to read the stories of the babies developing. Robyn's doing well, but she's become a total mummies girl. Passed her over to daddy last night and her little face just crumpled, bottom lip came out and she properly cried! As soon as I took her back... Smiles! Monkey!

She's not sleeping great lately but I think it's because as we co sleep, she's smelling my (still leaking! Grr!) milk all the time and wanting mini feeds. I turned my back on her last night and we had a few extra hours. Maybe sometime soon I'll get her in her side carred cot!!

We've had further concerns about little miss' weight gain, she was 12lb 14.5oz last week which is now 50th centile, so another centile drop. We've got to get her weighed again next month and hopefully she'll maintain that centile or they're suggesting we do early weaning. Which I won't - because I don't think filling her up on fruit and veg so she takes less of the more calorific milk is really going to help weight gain. I'm hoping we can get referred to peads because my health visitor is really winding me up by not giving me any facts, just "because it is", so how am I supposed to make an informed decision for myself?

We've had a major holiday drama this week. We're supposed to be going away at the end of November but hubbys going for a promotion that means he wouldn't be able to go then. We realised a few days ago that we only had 5 days to change the dates without very expensive cancellation fees, so we've brought it forward to October! Little man is going to be spoilt - it's his birthday, then the following week were off to butlins just for tots week, then the following week were off to Lanzarote! I was hoping to have shifted a big chunk of baby weight by the time holidays came but it's not looking likely.

Haha StephyLou you did make me chuckle about you throwing grapes at your OH :lol:

Glad to read Rowan is also doing well Yorkslass - she has a proper cheeky smile :) I'd never thought about doing the dream feed by bottle, may trial that too...

Lovely photos of your babies Tigger :) I love Robyn's outfit - where did you get it from if you don't mind me asking? Sounds like you have an eventful few weeks planned!

Meryl had her first immunisations today. There was some crying involved, but I think that's partly down to the fact we woke her up after she had fallen asleep in the waiting room. And lets be honest, who enjoys been prodded with needles anyway :x I've tried to keep the rest of the day going like normal for her so that she doesn't think about it too much. When we got home I gave her a feed and some cuddles and then during a nappy change she was telling her favourite toy all about her morning ( :lol: ). I then gave her some calpol and another feed and cuddles before she finally fell asleep around 2 hours ago. Keeping an eye on her temperature but at the moment she's fine. :sleep:

Here's a photo of my cheeky miss :) She is starting to get really vocal with us as well. It's amazing how quickly you learn which noises to listen out for in regards to hunger etc! I can't believe she is 9 weeks tomorrow! :shock:


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I love reading everyone's updates; sorry I don't post much. I am still rather awed by how much easier this has been second time around. Kara is just the easiest baby, I'm forever wondering whether she is going to suddenly switch to nightmare child! Toddler is alternating between being an amazing big sister and a real challenge eg the long weekend she refused to take her afternoon naps (fortunately back to normal today ) and she can whine for Britain!. We're doing lots of baking, which isn't helping my post-baby weight loss plans but she really enjoys it (and so do I) - today was chocolate fairycakes with mint icing.

Alrm you've reminded me that I need to book our next jabs soon.
Aww... gorgeous pair, tigger!
Alrm, little Meryl has such a cute little face too... we all have such beautiful babes!
Glad to hear your two are well too Maud, even if big sis is having her moments! ;-)
Was thinking of trying to take Rowan to the swimming baths for the first time tomorrow... May I ask, for those who've done this, how do you tackle getting ready afterwards? Just not sure how to go about getting her sorted and dressed and then myself too lol
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Does your pool have family changing rooms with a changing table? I always dry and dress the little one first (with a towel wrapped around me to stop me getting too cold) then leave her on the table and get dressed quickly (staying in front of the table for safety). Still do it that way now she's bigger but she sits and eats a banana.

Some people take their pushchair/car seat to put baby in while they change in the teeny cubicles. If we ended up in one of those when she was little I would lie her on the floor on our changing mat and a towel (we use a big plastic mat for swimming so don't worry about it getting dirty).

Really need to take Kara for her first swim, but our local pool is very cold so not overly enthusiastic - her sister cried constantly the first two times she went swimming.
Was thinking of trying to take Rowan to the swimming baths for the first time tomorrow... May I ask, for those who've done this, how do you tackle getting ready afterwards? Just not sure how to go about getting her sorted and dressed and then myself too lol

Take a towell with a hood pool side and wrap it in a hot water bottle. Once she's dry you get changed first before her so your ready if she suddenly needs a feed. There was a talk about it today at latch on lol. Thea is having her first lesson on the 10th.
As the others have said I always get M dried and dressed first then put her on the changing table (most family changing rooms have them) then I kind of have to keep one hand on her at all times as she rolls. Some of the changing tables have a strap which helps.

Thanks folks - will have to try to find out if the local one has family changing rooms... was going to call tomorrow to ask the temperature of the kiddy pool anyway!
Ooh - additionally, do you use some kind of bodysuit for babies swimming? Was just reading about that. We just have a swim nappy... maybe we'll have to postpone if we need a costume too...
Depends on the pool - one we go to requires a swim nappy and a happy nappy over the top but the other one we just use a swim nappy and a pretty costume over the top.
I started taking her at 7 weeks and we only spent about 20 minutes in the pool and have gradually increased the time.

Unless your pool is really warm you will want a suit of some sort. We used wetsuits for the first year. Even with that Izzy would get cold. Now she's older she wears a normal suit, but it still has legs and arms.
Our swimming instructor recommends baby warma suits. Keeps them going a bit longer! I always strip robs out of her swim stuff and wrap her in the towel, lie her down on the middle bench (so it's bigger, she can roll without rolling off!!) whilst I chuck my clothes on quickly then sort her. She usually expects a feed as soon as she's dressed!!

Her outfit was from Asda - we ordered quite a few nice ones from there online the other week, I was very impressed!
Water babies lady said for babies under 12 weeks/12lbs to use a suit unless water is above 32 degrees as they cant regulate their temperture.
After not pooing from 5pm to 7am last night she is on her 6th substantial poo in the last 4 hours, should just put a bin bag down and let her go caveman for a couple of hours.
Longest Rowan hasn't pooed for is about 5 or 6 days ahaha (then sometimes it's horrific)
Glad we're not doing the swimming today - after initially sleeping from about half 8 to midnight, she's then been up all night, constantly on the boob and is now grouchy and clingy... hope it's not another one of these phases... waaaaaa
Longest Rowan hasn't pooed for is about 5 or 6 days ahaha (then sometimes it's horrific)
Glad we're not doing the swimming today - after initially sleeping from about half 8 to midnight, she's then been up all night, constantly on the boob and is now grouchy and clingy... hope it's not another one of these phases... waaaaaa

Isnt she about 12 weeks? Growth spurt time :) i always think it would be interesting to weight them just when it starts to see how much weight they jump.

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