??May & June Mummies 2016??

Wow! That's amazing!

I only get 5oz a day at the moment, from two sessions. If I try to pump for longer my nipple gets sore, and finding time to express more than twice is hard lol. But I have around 50oz in my freezer too, 10 bottles of 2-3oz and two or 3 with 5oz in.
I woke up at about 3.30 this morning and both boobs were full so I grabbed a storage bottle and hand expressed 2oz off my left and then put it in the fridge and fed Phoenix from my right boob lol. Then around 10am she was asleep so I used the pump and got 2 and a half oz from my right.
Holy crap, I'm lucky to get 3oz in a pumping session lol
Rowan's back to cluster feeding - every hour since 3am today! When's this gonna end?!?
I took this on Tuesday



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Jabs done, she was very brave managed to get to the 3rd jab before the crying started. Fed her straight after and she left the doctors happy. Really happy with the nurse practioner; Thea had a 15 min feed which must have made the next appointment late but she didnt once ask me to finish up or tut at me.

She's been sleeping ever since on her dad, seems less boistrous but not unhappy.
Wow that expressing amount is Crazy. I've just started expressing and get 1.5oz atm after a feed - hoping it will increase over the next week or so as like you Phoenix I've only time to express twice a day. I'm hoping to have enough to give 2 feeds a day expressed eventually. How many oz so u think a feed is?? I've no idea how much to take out with me tomorrow which will be the first time doing it
Phoenix is so cute! What expressive little face :-)
Sounds like jabs weren't too bad stephylou - hope it's nothing worse than having to sleep it off, Rowan was in a right state after it! Good she let you take time and feed too...
Ttc, I'm never sure how much is a feed - you can't really tell with bfing! I just split expressed milk into 50ml portions and will top up with boob after it for the bedtime feed. Lately upped it to 60no as she obviously wanted more at 9 weeks, if that helps.
She's been asleep or lying on me since we got back. Not wanting to drink much
Feel like i should have started a box set. Poor girl whimpering a bit so no playmat or bath tonight i think.
Aww... sounds a bit how Rowan was, stephylou - just flaked out and crying or whimpering pitifully, was so sad to see... calpol helped though, and she was better by evening, having had the jabs in the morning ;-)
I never find time to express! I try to once or twice a week but only get a couple of ounces as my supply is really settled.
Once my son starts school in September I'll have more time as I go back to work November so need to build a stash up!

Aww... sounds a bit how Rowan was, stephylou - just flaked out and crying or whimpering pitifully, was so sad to see... calpol helped though, and she was better by evening, having had the jabs in the morning ;-)

She's had 2 lots, last bit at 8.40 to hopefully help her through the night. She looks like she's on a massive comedown, been feeding off and on for an hour but seems a bit spaced out to get through it :(. We're usually in the middle of our night routine so hope she isnt too confused.
Hello ladies glad everyone is doing well.
Stanley is now nearly 18 weeks old. Time had flown. Last weighed in last week at 12lb 6.
He's still receiving regular check ups at the hospital given his bad start but they are pleased with him. He is on a course of physio as he is very tight across his shoulders and holds his arms and hands in against chest. At first, but never told us, they were extremely worried about this as were thinking signals from the brain weren't reaching them correctly but the MRI he had at a week old indicated everything was fine. Any way he's doing really well on the physio and are no longer concerned about it being brain damaged just more likely an after affect of the cooling.
He's a very content baby and rarely cries. He's not a huge eater and is following his own line of weight gain and everyone is happy with that
Well she's absolutely recovered, had a nice long feed at 1.30am and then poo'd what felt like her body weight in 5 different lots. Not trying to get me to play at 3 in the morning by using her best smiles. Have had to turn off the lights and try ignoring her for a bit to see if she'll drift. The gale force winds outside not helping.
TTC, at this age 3oz is about right, but as Yorkslass says you can't really tell. At 1 or 2 months they can take between 2 and 5oz per feed and it's believed breastfed babies don't increase their amounts like with formula, the composition of the breastmilk just changes as they grow/age.

I'd aim for 3 or 4oz and that should be plenty.

Also the baby can get the milk out much better than the pump can so you may be better expressing before a feed and then feeding him.

And I'd store the milk in 2 or 3oz portions so you don't waste too much. I don't think I'd warm up breastmilk and then put it back in the fridge if not drunk. Better to save smaller quantities and warm up 3oz and then if he's still hungry you can warm some more, but chances are he'll only want 3oz at a time.
Thanks Phoenix. He had 4oz for night time feed last night. Going out today and taking 3oz so will see what happens. I've just got 2.5oz after a feed this morning on pumping so quite chuffed with that. So sad what makes me happy these days lol
Haha, I can totally relate to that, I love seeing a full bottle of breastmilk :D
Meryl was weighed at the Dr's on Friday during the 6-8 week review - she weighed 10lb 1oz and is still following the 25th percentile. :)

We've started a bit with sleep training so we can get a bit more of a routine going for her. DH and I have said we want to start pulling the time back gradually because 11pm is a bit late! :lol:

We've got a bit of a busy week this week, my mum and my aunt are coming round for a visit tomorrow afternoon, then my sister and her fiance are coming Wed afternoon to meet Meryl for the first time (they live in Australia and are back for a visit! So excited...) and then on Thur we are going to go shopping, go to the children's centre for stay and play and weighing and then Sat we're going to a BBQ!
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Had a lovely sleep last night, Thea went from 9pm to 5am (she then fell back asleep after a feed until 8.30am) and I went to bed with her. Did wake up with both breasts ready to explode though, so I put her down at 7.30pm, she woke briefly at 8.15 but settled back down straight after. I think it might be her size.

I have to say I'm getting fed up with people commenting on how big she is, I had one women allude that I'm overfeeding her. considering she's down to 5 feeds a day, I don't how that would be possible, it's also blatantly her length not chubbiness.
I dont blame you StephyLou! Tell them to bog off next time :wink:

Slightly jealous of your 9pm - 5am sleep! Meryl is currently doing 10pm - 3am then 4am - 6am. I guess its still 8 hours sleep, but wondering if and when she will drop the 3am dream feed and cuddles.. Still its quite good going only a week or so in to sleep training..

She's been sleeping loads today - I'm currently sat on the sofa with her cradled in my arms. She is either having another growth spurt or yesterday was a very busy day because Auntie came to play :lol:
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Im currently researching dream feeds. I reckon in about a month if i fed her at 11pm she might be able to sleep through to 7am but unsure if DF's work as well with breastfeeding.

Im 100 per cent certain the reason her sleeping pattern has worked like this is because she's cottoned on to darkness = sleep as she went to sleep at 8.30pm last night which was in line with when it got dark so i might just let her naturally move forward.

I think i started a routine at 5 weeks but wasnt expecting results, she now wakes from nap around 4ish, has a quick feed followed by 30/45 mins of play, i then pop her in the pram to nip to the shop or try to keep her entertained, bath tkme is 6.30pm so by 7.30 she wants to go down.

Havent quite got the hang of her earlier naps, they tend to be shorter round 10 and 12 but these are easily missed because its the times of the day we have bany groups/appointments.
I'm experimenting with expressing some milk in the late evening to then give to her in a bottle at about 11-12 as a 'dream feed'. Seems to keep her sleeping for longer after as she just falls asleep when I give her the boob at that time of night and doesn't take much! Sounds like you're doing fine anyway though with her long sleeping periods in the night :-) Rowan isn't too bad, but she makes so much noise in her sleep that she keeps us awake all night anyway gah...
Additionally, I wouldn't give a fig if people say thea's 'too big' - people keep saying Rowan's too small for 2 months, but I don't care -- she's healthy and smiley!
Glad Meryl's doing well too alrm :-)

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