*March mummies Tri 3!*

I finish at half term, two and a half weeks away. Hopefully not officially starting mat leave until after half term to get a week extra of full pay:) I'll be 37 1/2 weeks then, hopefully will get a couple of weeks of rest before baby arrives!
Wow Dee 4 weeks that's not long at all! DId you have a section the first time around. Is your bump measuring big?? Mine is tihs time around which worries me as my son was 10lb and wasn't expected to be, I'd gained a lot the first time from living on junk food but bump was fairly average.

My hospital bag is the first thing on my to do list once I finish at 34 weeks, finding it hard to be very productive at work now find I am just day dreaming about the baby!

I find the more I try to think of names the more I can't so just hoping a girls one pop into my head, I'm convinced it's another boy - thought last time I was sure it was a girl so clearly not very good at guessing the gender.

My biggest headache is the best plan for my son when I go into hospital, my in laws have offered to have him but it's 1.5 hours away and I think he will feel like he's left out so looking at my mum coming to stay now. She lives 3 hours away but is thinking of staying at our house so my son can stay at home with his usual routine etc. So hard to know what's for the best.

Summertime - I ended up having an emergency section with my son after 36 hours of labour. He was 10lb12 but I was never told that my bump was big or anything but looking back it was massive! They just told me he’d be an 8lber. I had an appointment last week when I was 34 weeks and my bump was measuring 38weeks! They thought I had excess fluid so sent me for a scan. The scan showed that the fluid is normal and that the bump is all baby. She wouldn’t do any measurements though as she said they don’t do them for big babies when you’re booked in for a section already! She said the baby will be headed in the same direction, weight wise, as my son! No newborn clothes for her! Lol. What’s your bump measuring?

I was convinced I was having a boy too but she’s a girl so you never know! So exciting that you’ve kept it a surprise! I couldn’t do it myself, far to impatient!

It is hard to know what to do with your son isn’t it. My parents were going to come to stay at our house but I ideally want to have it cleaned and ready for the baby just as we left it. So he’s going to stay at their house which is about 40mins from the hospital so not too bad. Try not to worry about it too much, it’s only for a few days isn’t it.
Loveandpeace- The pressure you’re feeling sounds normal to me. My baby is now engaged so feeling a lot of pressure and head butting like pains down below! Makes me jump out of my skin sometimes as it’s such a sharp feeling! Baby’s also back to back so I’m feeling every single kick and punch on my tummy, looks like she’s trying to escape half the time as she stretches my skin with her feet etc :lol:
Merry - yes most people are shocked we haven't found out the gender and wonder how we can stand the suspense! I think there are quite a few of us on this board who are team yellow - exciting to find out what we will have! I'm finishing the same time as you and can't wait. Physically I'm not doing too badly other than the usual aches and pains but its the stress levels I can do without.

Dee - bump measuring 4 weeks ahead which is boarderline for being considered 'big', in our area standard procedure is to be sent for GTT [had 2 of these both normal] then to see the consultant at 35-36 weeks if not slowed down. I saw the consultant at my 12 week scan due to difficult forceps delivery with my son but had pre eclampsyia last time which complicated things, so far this time blood pressure if normal and nothing in my urine so they are less concerned.

I'm keeping an open mind and going to the active birth/water birth workshops over the next 2 weeks as still plan to go to the midwife led unit unless the consultant tells me otherwise, it's in a major hospital attached to the consultant led so just get transfered if need assistence like with my son.

I've just got one medium size pack of size 1 as don't want to be left with any. I would love 3 kids but my hubby is set that 2 is the limit (he was more than happy with just 1!) so we're going to be getting rid of all the baby stuff after this time.

Nursery decoarted just sorting through all the stuff out of the loft - got 8 boxes to get through! Tempted to just leave it until i finish work but doing it before at least will get more time to chill out once finish.

In a months time we are probably going to have some March babies here!!!
Morning ladies,

Yes Merry quite a few people are surprised at us not finding out the gender, I think its more rare these days? I am one of the last of my group of friends to have a baby and all of them found out the gender with their pregnancies. I understand why its preferable for practical reasons especially. However I'm really looking forward to that Hollywood moment too of either 'Its a boy' or 'Its a girl'! Maybe the anticipation of wanting to find out will help me push harder ha!

I have 2 packs of Size 1 nappies (one given to me by my sister) and a double pack of size 2 nappies and one pack of size 3 because they were on offer. Im not going to buy any more size 1s and might buy another pack of size 2 of a different brand to test them.

Really unsure how many sleepsuits and vests to pack in hospital bag, some say 3 of each others say 5? In a variety of newborn and 0-3 in case baby might be big? Whats everyone else doing? Also how many nappies to pack for the hospital?

For hospital bag, some tips given to me that I hadnt thought of was a notepad and pen, plastic bag for any washing, thank you card and chocs for midwives.
Ive almost everything laid out on the spare bed to pack but hubby wants to pack it all for me so he knows where everything is when I might be screaming at him to get me stuff lol.
Also packing music, aromatherapy oil for labour and led candles in my bag.
Hey girls

My colleague suggested to bring adult colouring book and pencils to the hospital. It's very therapeutic and relaxing.

Good tip which I did not even think about is chocolates for midwifes. How many boxes would you say 2-3?
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Hi girls, it’s been forever since I posted but have been a serial lurker! Growing twins is hard work!!

Glad to see everyone is doing well though and won’t be long until our babies are here.

We’ve got three boxes of chocolates ready, one for the delivering midwife, one for labour ward and one for the postnatal ward!

My other tip for the hospital bag would be dry shampoo, I’ve got crazy thick hair which just doesn’t dry without a hairdryer!
EVening girls,

Hope you’re all doing well. Sorry for being so quiet. I’ve got my c section date now; 2nd March. Seems weird to actually know when the baby will be here. I’m trying to get organised so have pretty much washed all of my son’s old newborn baby clothes and bought a few new bits for the baby. Due to the nub on my baby’s 12 week scan pic we are 90% certain we are having another boy and nub theory experts have all said they’re leaning towards us having a boy. I don’t really know why I asked what people thought as I wanted a surprise and also wanted a girl as already have a boy. It’ll be nice for my son to have a brother though.

Is anyone else really suffering from constipation? I did in my last pregnancy but I was on iron tablets so expected. This time I’m not. It’s blinkin awful!

Hope you are all doing well. Not long to go now!!

Ljd- wow, scary to think you have an actual date!

I've got ten working days left until I start maternity leave, and I cannot wait. Mainly because I've lost any sort of motivation, it's hard when you know you're not there for much longer! It's also crazily busy at the moment, I'm trying to rest as much as I can but it's easier said than done. I'm ok while I'm actually teaching, I'm spending a lot of time sitting at my desk and the kids are great at fetching and carrying (teenagers get such a bad reputation!) but as usual in education, it's all the extra crap that causes problems. I've got to mark two full sets of mock exams as well as assessments for every class I teach, and I have no idea how to do that in two weeks :) The parents evening in the last week should be interesting too!

Work aside, I'm not suffering too much...got my home birth visit from my midwife on Tuesday, when I'll be 36 weeks! It was supposed to be a couple of weeks ago but was cancelled because of the snow - apparently I am now a priority as I'm getting so close! Eek...
Ljd - it’s surreal knowing your baby’s birthday in advance isn’t it. Not long to go now! I’m booked in for my section 23rd of Feb, so it will be 3 weeks on Friday!
My baby’s nub and all of the “experts” said that I’m having a boy. 3 scans later and it’s definitely confirmed that I’m having a girl. So I wouldn’t be so sure of what you’re having yet!
Ljd401 and Dee83, wow you already know your dates. Its very real now.

Merry, 10 days of work, its not very long at all. I finish on 2nd March. So a month for me to go.

Im having a scan on Monday to check where the placenta is. I hope it has moved up! :)

Girls, are your babies head down already?
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Hello ladies
So glad to read that everyone is doing well. Ljd and Dee, I'm so jealous you already know when exactly you'll meet your little ones. It's amazing how time flies.
Charlotte- My midwife confirmed that my little boy is head down and I can feel it on my pelvis. So, do we all feel ready? Lol
Glad everyone is doing well, I’ve had my date since my 20 week scan. It was very odd add g it will n to my calendar:).

We cleared and stripped the spare room yesterday and lining it today, got all the wipes and nappies in the cupboard, made it all seem very very real!

My baby was head down a couple of weeks ago at my scan but I know she keeps switching to transverse as I can see her (and feel her) when she does it. But she is mostly head down. She always seems to be very low in my belly and I feel her kicking in to my bum a lot, which I really don’t like! Hiccups have started now too :).

Feel like I’ve doubled in size recently too and I’m struggling to bend etc. But other than that not too bad.
Hey girls

Having my scan tomorrow, will see where placenta is and also will check baby's position. He is mostly head up or near my ribs. Well midwife told me if he does not turn by 36 weeks then she will refer me to another scan.

Has any of you used these muslin cloths? Can't tell how soft they are by reading reviews.


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Hope all goes well and he’s moved around for you!

Never heard of the muslins sorry!
Is anyone else just exhausted?
I have a 3 year old and am still working full time. I keep telling myself I ky have 17 more wake ups until I’m finished!
Lozza I am totally exhausted, some days almost falling asleep at my desk! I've got a little boy who just turned 4 this weekend. I have been working full time but I'm taking 1 or 2 days a week leave now to make it managable and start mat leave next Friday @ 34 weeks, really don't think I can make it any longer than that!

This weekend was especially tiring as had a 4th birthday with 30 children at it and friends staying for the weekend! Luckily at home today but my son is still excited and wanting to get all his presents out etc, will be in bed when he goes at 8!
Summertime, I’m so glad I’m not the only one!

So I’ve found out that I have a low lying placenta. I also have group b strep and tore badly last time. I’m thibking they will recommend a section. I have the consultant in February so will find out then!
Morning ladies,

Hats off to all you Mummies of other kids or toddlers! Dont know how you keep up and cope with the tiredness!

I have had a bit of a burst of energy these past few days but think its just nesting going into overdrive and getting a lot done around the house and ready for the little one. Also this is my last week of work and I am excited to be on the home stretch of finishing work this week!
Have everything at home pretty much ready so have maternity leave to relax and indulge myself.

The midwife checked me over yesterday and said the babys head is halfway to being engaged so its good to know everything is going the right way!
I will be 37 weeks once I start maternity so really hoping baby doesnt go overdue or I have to get induced and wait almost 5 weeks! Thats one plus of a C section, knowing when you are going to meet your little one!

Charlotte I got a 3 pack of muslin squares in primark yesterday (Disney Dumbo ones) and washed them last night. They are so soft!! Would recommend those at a bargain of £4.50.
Hey girls

Hope everyone is fine. I'm still at work. Getting tired same as you girls. 5 weeks to go for me and then I will start my maternity leave.

Had my scan yesterday. Placenta has moved up and baby is head down already. He basically moved within a couple of days.

They also checked umbilical cord flow and it's ever so slightly lower than it should be. Doc said nothing to worry cause baby's weight is according to the chart.
They booked me in for another scan next Monday to check the cord again.

Well this technology causes unnecessary stress. Cause they did not check cord before. It's a recent thingy.

I sleep on my left or right side, take aspirin which helps and drink water.
Of course I googled it yesterday and some girls said that docs just keep an eye on the flow of the cord.

Did you get that checked out too?
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