*March mummies Tri 3!*

Hey Charlotte,

I've never heard of the cord flow being checked before. Mines never been mentioned. I dont even know where my placenta is. I am only assuming its all normal.

I suppose they check the cord at scans but at my midwife appointments she only ever has a feel around my tummy and checks the heartbeat.

I didnt know you could take Aspirin when pregnant either.
Try not to stress about it too much, its good the baby has moved down and placenta up and you are in good hands.
Loveandpeace, you can take aspirin in pregnancy and a lot of girls do but only small dose 75 mg.

I had low placenta at 21 weeks scan and that's why they referred me to another scan at 34 weeks. So yours is ok as otherwise would of been mentioned at the gender scan.

Cord checking is only very recent thing. Well I think I'm calm as it's only ever so slightly lower reading than it should be. Look forward to Monday now.
Yes its good they are seeing you again so soon to keep an eye on it.

What is everyone doing or what are your thoughts on a mobile for crib/cot/moses basket? Is there any point getting one for a newborn or better to get one once they are a few weeks or couple of months old?
Yes its good they are seeing you again so soon to keep an eye on it.

What is everyone doing or what are your thoughts on a mobile for crib/cot/moses basket? Is there any point getting one for a newborn or better to get one once they are a few weeks or couple of months old?

I know newborns don't see very far / in much detail (perfect distance is from your breast to your face apparently, which makes sense!) but it's not as though it will do any harm! I've not bought one but am planning to make one or two, whether that's in mat leave or after baby is born, who knows :) I'd say if you want one, go for it! There are some lovely ones out there.
Also, I had my home birth midwife visit today. It was really good, lots of useful tips and advice from my midwife and nice to run through our ideas and clarify what happens when. Even though we've been planning this from the start it's really brought home that this birth is going to happen!

Slightly scarily, she reminded me that from one week today I'm full term and the labour ward will have my details to hand, expecting me to ring! Only a week...that's crazy! Hold tight for a couple more weeks please baby, I'm not quite ready :)
Also, I had my home birth midwife visit today. It was really good, lots of useful tips and advice from my midwife and nice to run through our ideas and clarify what happens when. Even though we've been planning this from the start it's really brought home that this birth is going to happen!

Slightly scarily, she reminded me that from one week today I'm full term and the labour ward will have my details to hand, expecting me to ring! Only a week...that's crazy! Hold tight for a couple more weeks please baby, I'm not quite ready :)

We are pretty much due date buddies Merry as Im 26th Feb (moved from 1st March at 20 week scan). Oh its exciting as of next week we'll be full term and just having to wait!
Are you having the pool at your home birth? Will there be just one midwife or two?
Next week is my first week on maternity leave and Ive loads on with car MOT,hairdressers,labour workshop at the hospital,lunch with a friend plus dogsitting for my in laws so keep thinking what if baby comes in the middle of it all but Id be more than happy as really dont want to go overdue.
I’m a little jealous of your home birth Merry! How magical will that be!
On the subject of mobiles - I've picked up a ssecond hand one to go on the cot, don't think one will fit on our moses basket and by the time baby is in the cot might be sitting up then there are no good as they pull them down.

I've gone for one this time that double up as a projector for the celling for when the baby is a bit bigger. Managed to find a jungle theme one on local facebook page that fits in perfectly with our nursery, saw some on Amazon that over 50quid so staying away from those!

6 working days in the office after today - trying to stay focused but bump and back killing and just can't wait to finish. Not 33 weeks until Saturday - think I am going to be a nightamare the last month!!

Midwife tomorrow, be interested to see what they say - was measuring 4 weeks ahead last week which is the most I've been so they want to do another measurement tomorrow and see if it's still the same. Got all day NHS Antenatal workshop on Sunday so a busy week of appointments.

Hope everyones well, tomorrow we will be able to say some of us will have babies here THIS month!! xx
Hey girls. It's amazing how time flies and tomorrow is Feb already.

Are your hospital bags packed? I pretty much have bought everything just need to put into the bag.

Had appointment with midwife today and she told to carry on taking aspiring until the the day contractions start. I though usually aspiring should be stopped a couple weeks before. But she said no carry on.

Ordered cot mattress yesterday. Was hard to choose. Went for little green sheep natural one.

Are you planning to breastfeed? My class is on Friday. Looking forward to that :)
Not packed but it’s the first thing I’ll do when I finish, by more chilled second time around - last time massively over packed and could never find what I wanted!

I’m really hoping to bf this time around, really struggled last time and switched to formula at 6 weeks. Starting a fresh this time and feel a lot more prepared for what to expect, going to the workshop again and already got all the local bf support groups written down and details on the 2 weekly clinics at the hospitals where can see lactation consultants and get specialist referrals if required.

The only bit of advice I would give would be not to be worried to ask for help when you need it, I didn’t get any support in hospital and felt stupid for not being able to do it and by the time I got proper help was starting to enter into depression because of it. This time going to be more relaxed about staying in hospital until happy with latch etc. Last time was desperate to get home even though I knew feeding wasn’t established as had been in for 5 days and just wanted to get home.

Also ive been watching you tube videos on feeding about positioning of baby etc - obviously they can’t show you this at the workshop!

How is everyone getting on with choosing names? I would say this is the biggest thing on my mind! Struggling to agree with my hubby on a girls name xx
It’s all getting very real with all the workshops, home visits and appointments:). How exciting.

I feel like actual time is flying but my pregnancy is at a stand still! Still only 32 weeks and feel like I should be done now haha. I’ve not even written my list out for my hospital bag or bought anything! Spare room in now stripped and ready to paint so I feel better about that. I’m hav8mg major second baby syndrome haha, this time with my first everything was done, nursery, clothes, purchases. I feel sorry for her a bit cause I’ve been so unprepared.

It also dawned on me the othe day that I could actually go into labour, in my head as I’m having a section that was it but now I’m starting to panic I’ve not got anything for in case it happens naturally (wishful thinking).

I’m 99% sure we’re calling our little bundle April Marie Summertime.
Naming Violet was so stressful last time, I felt such pressure to get it right and not land her with a name she’d hate me for. April was our second choice and I’ve loved it ever since. It’s also my sisters middle name so nice to have her in there. I know she won’t be born in April but it’s nothing to do with that haha, Although I’m sure people will question it!

Have you got a short list? Traditional? Unique? Unusual? What’s your preference?
Let us know how the measurements go tomorrow ST.
I definitely wont be spending more than £50 on a mobile! I did see a Fisher Price one that has good reviews with projection lights on offer on Amazon for around £30 so am tempted.......

I actually went to a breastfeeding workshop at the maternity unit in my hospital today. It was really informative and helpful. They showed us several videos on position, latch, e.t.c. Really good. Has gave me a little more confidence with it. I know it can be really difficult to persevere with in the first days and weeks but think it would be worth it. Also can save thousands a year from buying formula! I will be asking for all the help I can get and also joined a good BF facebookgroup page for my local area.
I would definitely want to express after a few weeks though so DH can share in feeding and I can treat myself to a G & T in the summer!

Everything is laid out neatly on our spare bed ready to be packed for the hospital but DH wants to pack it so he knows what is what and where everything is. He is going to do that this week.

ST is there anything you would say you dont need in your hospital bag? Anything you dont necessarily need?
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Aw Haylian I love both your girls names. I can just picture sisters called Violet and April. So sweet!

We have chose Lily for a girl as its DHs grandmothers name and also a short version for Elizabeth which was my Mums name.
Can not decide fully on a boys name but we are leaning towards Sonny. DH really wants Maverick but I am still to come round to it!
L&P is that after Maverick from TopGun?! I really like the name Sonny. I absolutley love Violet for a girl but my hubby says we can't have it as our surname also starts with a 'V' and he doesn't like the illiteration - I think he's being trivial but he won't budge!

For a boy definitely decided on Jonah which I love, for a girl our favourite was Robyn but now I like the name Aubrey - in my head from watching 16 and pregnant/teen mom on MTV - won't tell my husband this or he definitely wouldn't let me have it! He chose ours sons names Eben [Said like 'Ebeneizer'] so supossed to me my choice this time - though I wouldn't pick something he hated.

Your workshop sounds useful L&P - much better than I had first time around - just this woman who went on and on about how great breastmilk was and not enough about the practicalities! The support page sounds great the more help the better from my experience!

Haylian - I totally have this for second child, just making do with whatever we have, my sons gone into a big boy room so just painted the nursery and everything else is what my son had. not buying any clothes as if it's a boy we won't need a thing and got a lot of neutral.

On the hospital bag I think just not going over board on volume or stuff - I had enough vest and sleepsuits for about 5 babies! We were in a while and as my husband had to go home each night he would just take any dirty clothes and bring in clean sleepsuits with him. As Eben was 10lbs won't be taking to many 'newborn' clothes this time.

Also I'm sure you've heard this but having a seperate bag for the baby, didn't do this last time had it all in one huge suitcase, this time taking the changing bag for the baby, a small holdall for me and a toiletry bag with all my pads etc in. Again last time I think I had 3 whole packs of breastpads!!

I have going to lay out some clothes in the nursery incase hubby needs to bring more just so he doesn't have to go hunting around for it and brings the stuff I like.

Haylian - what date is your section?? I think I am going to be one of the last to have baby here if I go to my due date of the 24th, they are talking about inducing me at 38 weeks which would be the 10th due to size, but I've been pondering it and think I will risk the extra weight as induced last and would rather go for the natural labour if poss.
Ha ha ST its so funny you mention Maverick from Top Gun because thats actually one of the reasons yes, its DHS favourite film (so cheesy I know) but its also the name of one of his favourite motorbike racers (Maverick Vinales), DH and I are are bikers (well not me so much anymore lol). However he mostly likes the meaning - freespirited, independent thinking, not following the crows. I like the meaning too. I know I shouldnt be put off by other peoples opinions but some reactions to the name Maverick are of people being horrified at the name! DH said Top Gun is having a sequel out next year and he thinks there will be a surge in the name!
I wanted the name Sol for a boy because I got my BFP on the summer solstice but DH went off it. Then we both came up with Sonny and really like it. My only issue with it is that there could be confusion with how people pronounce it (do toyu say it like SUNny or SONny?). With our Northern Irish accents it can sound a different name!

Yes I really love Jonah as well only a friend has called her little boy that. Robyn and Aubrey are both nice and just a little bit unusual without being completely out there. Eben is a fab boys name Ive never heard if it before!

Ive packed 2 newborn and 2 0-3 sleepsuits in my bag so hoping that should be all we need. We only live 10 mins from the hospital so if I am in any length of time DH can get more. But thats a good top to leave some things laid out so easy for him to find if needs be!
Oh thats interesting you said about a separate bag for the baby as I was going to have that but then thought everything together in a larger case would be better? I have put things in zip lock sandwich bags for handiness as well (like mittens, socks and hat in one, bibs and muslins in another, nappies and wipes in a large clear zip bag, e.t.c. ). My toiletries bag is huge with everything I need in it.
The BF midwife said to bring your feeding pillow if you have one because hospitals can be short on pillows.

Hope you dont have to be induced. Hope I dont have to either.

Looking forward to seeing all the baby arrivals very soon here!
Thanks L&P I do think the names sound very pretty together :)
I love the name Maverick! It does remind me of top gun, but I love that film. My daughter has a sonny in her class at nursery, very sweet boy so I automatically like the name ha. Lily is also very pretty and nice it has an attachment to your mum. We had Micah picked for a boy, was the only boys name we both liked.

I’m really hoping to breastfeed this time, my milk didn’t come in for 2 weeks last time and Violet wouldn’t go near the breast after day 4 as there was nothing there, she was inconsolable and we pippet fed her some formula which was hilarious as she was so milk drunk after 4 days of nothing! Then I sadly had some awful advise from a midwife about bacteria in my milk and so never tried again when my milk came in :(. I certainly won’t be pressuring myself though, if it doesn’t work then it doesn’t work.

I’m booked in for 26th March ST so unless some of you go over I’ll likely be one of the last.
Some great name choices! We've got a few options we love for a girl, in particular Adeline Daisy or Elodie Matilda, but we've found it so hard coming up with boys' names. I quite Reuben, I think I like Ezra, but I'm not hugely inspired by any. It's much easier with girls!

L&p - I'd pronounce Sonny as Sunny. I like the midsummer reference! It'll be interesting to see which of us goes into labour soonest :) I don't have any feeling that anything is imminent, I'm not particularly big or anything but like you don't want to go too far over!

At the homebirth there'll be two midwives, and I've said I'm fine for a student to attend too so potentially three :) Obviously there's no guarantee that I won't have to transfer for some reason, but fingers crossed all will go smoothly!

Re hospital bags - I've packed the changing bag just for baby, with ten or so nappies, water wipes, three vests, three sleep suits, a cardigan, a hat, a couple of large muslins and a few small ones. Then I've got a bag (well, box at the mo) with toiletries, maternity towels, breast pads, etc, plus nursing pyjamas, underwear, fluffy socks, change of clothes, paracetamol...I still need to add a few bits like essential oils, battery powered candles, pack of cards... Obviously planning to stay at home but need to pack in case of transfer, plus it made sense to have everything we'll need immediately in one place even if we don't leave!
Merry - thats so weird we have Elodie and Adeline on our short list! I love them both as they are not common but not off the wall either

L&P if you like the name I wouldn't be discouraged, we had some comments about Eben when we told people but so glad we stuck with it as we both loved it and still do now :-) I like the name - I'm also a big Topgun fan!

I would say SONny but mainly from the film i-robot with Will Smith - as that's how they say the robots name - how do you want it said? With Eben some people say E-ben [like rhyming with E-den, but I don't mind correcting people and everyone that knows my son obviously knows how to say it.

I was 40+5 with my son but doubt I'll go over due this time, it probably sounds trivial but I hope arrives in March with childcare as will get free hours from 1st April, my sons full time nursery fees were £1000 per month before free hours deduction so makes a massive difference.

Still get really emotional when I think of another little baby in my arms - even though got a huge bump dont think will fully sink in until I finish work and can focus on relaxing and baby prep.
Haylian - sounds like we had similar experiences with BF - its frustrates me I didnt get offered help last time but not going to dwell on it as know relaxing and being positive really important.

I actually read this book from Amazon: Breastfeeding, Take Two: Successful Breastfeeding the Second Time Around found it really reassuring and would recommend, more just to know it doesn't mean will be the same as the first time.

Hopefully bump growth will have slowed down tomorrow - if I have to go back to the consultant I won't be able to go to the midwife led birth sancturary which really hoping for.
ST - that's weird we have the same! I hadn't heard of Adeline until we started looking at names, but I think it's so pretty. Husband prefers the German spelling - Adalyn, but I'm pushing for the French style. I'm sort of hoping for a girl in some ways just because of the name issue, it would be a lot easier!

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